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Loki Umbra


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I was thinking to myself the other day that having an umbra Loki would be epic. Not only is Loki a master deceiver but his abilities, if made umbra, could pull him off as deadly and a horror to enemies. An umbra version of him is quite possible.

His lore could be something along the lines of a shadow frame. Having a dark and unfeeling personality (his umbra NOT what he is right now, like Excalibur umbra) that kills all and leaves unseen and totally unscathed. The ultimate deciever and his enemies don't know what is real or not...until its too late.

His abilities can all be the same except his decoy ability. Where Loki can create more durable decoys, with a longer cool down time, that can move and run around dodging and acting like the real Loki, but allowing the real Loki to slaughter enemies without them knowing. (Where the decoys are mobile like Excalibur umbra when using fifth ability but may not attack and may just avoid or lead enemies like sheep to the slaughter.) This umbra version of Loki can really embody Loki as the Deceiver and undetectable killing machine we all know he is.

Please like, comment, SHARE, and give ideas. Also message the devs to hopefully make this a reality. #MasterRace #LokiUmbra

Edited by kniight15
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I think Loki will have an umbra version. I mean it's Loki, a really popular frame but what you are describing... He's a trickster not a killer

hace 1 hora, kniight15 dijo:

his abilities make him deadly and a horror to enemies

This sounds more like Ash or nekros

hace 1 hora, kniight15 dijo:

kills all and leaves unseen and totally unscathed.

And this like ivara

I know Loki can kill a lot with his invisibility but don't compare Gameplay with lore. I don't saying this kind of history for him it's impossible but is exaggerated, it's not his style, at least in my point of view

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I was originally thinking of having an Ivara or a Nekros or Inaros frame, but i ran into a few problems.

You have to understand that Excaliber is a noble frame, basically opposite when umbra. The point is that being umbra doesn't need to align perfectly with the character to begin with. Look at the potential for excaliber he is still a noble frame but is tormented to become animal like.

Being umbra is a deviation from the original character. The whole point is that the umbra frame is supposed to be messed up, and I think it could be be used through Loki's deceptive nature. Ivara is a hunter its kinda hard to picture her as insane and rampaging, she is precise that's kinda her thing. Ash is a ninja, while i concede the point that he is more of an assassin, but at the same time he isn't the type to be the insane, rampaging, and monstrous frame we see umbra frames as. His character is one of shining honor like excaliber, but more lethal and ninja-like.

Nekros is a frame of death he kinda already is what an umbra version of him would be like already, like Inaros also. Making an umbra of him wouldn't be enough change or the lore could be quite hard to come by.

"I think Loki will have an umbra version. I mean it's Loki, a really popular frame but what you are describing... He's a trickster not a killer

This sounds more like Ash or nekros." cazazombies245

The whole point is that Loki could be slightly warped to the point of becoming an umbra. If they made an excaliber and using the noble/suffering aspect they can do a cold/deceptive/ killer Loki. Plus his constant deception though not aligning perfect to the kind of umbra mentality found in excaliber can be, like i said, warped, though constant decception that he may lose what he feels like to love, care, or what it is to be a warrior bound to a code. He could be a rouge-like semi stalker frame all i care, but DE will makes those decisions so it really doesn't matter what we think.

 The point is that the umbra version of him would deviate from the original enough to make the umbra, but not enough to actually lose what makes that frame what it is. He is one of the closest frames that could be umbra. Plus perfecting a story line, or lore is what DE does best. I am just giving ideas on what i think would be the best next umbra frame.

Please comment on ideas and why you think a Loki couldn't work. It is possible that another frame could be used as the next umbra, and i am open to any and all ideas, but back it up with your own ideas instead of just dissing mine. 

Edited by kniight15
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11 hours ago, (PS4)cazazombies245 said:

I think Loki will have an umbra version. I mean it's Loki, a really popular frame but what you are describing... He's a trickster not a killer

This sounds more like Ash or nekros

And this like ivara

I know Loki can kill a lot with his invisibility but don't compare Gameplay with lore. I don't saying this kind of history for him it's impossible but is exaggerated, it's not his style, at least in my point of view

The whole point is that excaliber umbra wasn't a cold killer, and heck, he was a "horror" to the grineer look at all the blood and carnage during those missions. The whole point is that yes i agree Loki is not that kind of frame but at the same time neither was excaliber. I was explaining what the umbra version of him could be and not what he is now. I understand why that would not be him, but that is the whole point of being an umbra.

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You're right Excalibur Umbra and Excalibur are not the same, but Umbra has been traumatized that's why he is so savage, he is angry but because of what Ballas did to him not because it's just Umbra, and it's nonsense think that all umbra frames have to be crazy just because Excalibur Umbra is.

Of course DE maybe can use Umbra theme to make frames with that kind of psicologic problems without ruining the Lore, but you just assume that Loki Umbra must be a psychotic edgelord just because will be Umbra.

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No i am just saying that it is possible because of what they did in the past. DE are the creative ones they will think of something i don't have any doubt. I just wanted to try and see if we could try figure out the best way for this to work. The Physic problems can be incorporated I just don't know how. I am just not creative enough to think of a way for this to work. That is kinda why i posted to try and if any of you smart/creative people can figure it out. I never said all umbra frames have to be crazy i was just spit-balling and coming up with ideas and making the claim that they could be. I don't hope he will be insane if made, i am just thinking he could be. 

But you are right that Excalibur umbra is the way he is because he suffered severe trauma, but i don't see any other way DE could spin this and not water down Excalibur umbra.

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