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Lagoi 2.0 - Rapier Melee Weapon [Concept Art And Animations]


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A Tenno forged rapier that is clean and elegant, the dirty Grineer savages fall to it's beauty.







Without a stance it gives three quick jabs while lunging forward. It starts with a middle jab, then aims higher, then lower.



A weapon deals high puncture damage. The Tenno who use this are fast on their feet and retaliate with stabs and lunges.



       -Lucent Glare-

                  A stance that gives the Lagoi fast, multi-hitting attacks and even stronger lunges.







Okay so, there is a serious lack of puncture-based melee weapons. The list I have from 1.0 is as follows, Ceramic Dagger, Heat Dagger, Fang, and Fang Prime. We need some more that isn't a dagger of sorts and a rapier would seem to fit well.


-Lagoi 1.0-


It seems that there is a lack of puncture-based melee weapons to be able to choose from. I'm going from the wiki page, which says only four weapons(Ceramic Dagger, Heat Dagger, Fang, and Fang Prime) have puncture damage as a main damage type. I may be wrong, so feel free to point that out to me.


On a side note, I've also drawn up in another thread a puncture based Venka weapon. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/253523-scath-puncture-claw-weapon-contains-art-v2/


A rapier would introduce another melee weapon that has puncture as a prevailing type. It would also add another style of game play with fast jabs and slices branching off from potential stances.









I always forget to make things... pointed. After feedback, I drew this up.




With that being said, feel free to give me any sort of feed back.



Why should Fang get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get stabbed by it's big blade? What's so great about Fang? Hm? Lagoi is just as cute as Fang. Lagoi is just as smart as Fang. People totally like Lagoi just as much as they like Fang. And when did it become okay for one sword to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that's not what Warframe is about. We should totally just *stab* Fang!


(Bonus points if you know what this is from!)

Edited by blazingcobalt
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Really love the concept! It would be awesome have the puncture proc ignore armor and have the same +50% buff against it. :D Really good art, just its not extremely raiper-like. Rapiers taper to a thin point for jabbing and are flexible for cutting. This blade would not be the best thrusting blade, but other than that me gusta muy mucho.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

One word: Elegant. 


I didn't think a rapier would really fit into Warframe. Now I know better.


We really do need more melee puncture weapons. Even something simple like a spear would do. Could be something plain, or capable of extending...


Hmm, ideas...

Edited by MadMoonDog
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  • 5 weeks later...

We need a melee weapon capable of crit-builds. Give this low slash and puncture damage (like 5 puncture and 10 slash), but the highest critical of all melee weapons and it'll be awesome. If it's as fast as its supposed to be, we can perforate and lacerate our foes, causing death by a hundred vicious, ragged wounds, stabs and cuts.

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I want this thing. I want it so bad. 

On the topic of stats, I think they should have high puncture, with some useful amount of slash. Rapiers were meant to be fast and puncture-y but they did often have cutting edges that could inflict wounds. 


Of course the major drawback would have to be the inability to engage multiple targets effectively, as the purpose of the rapier was for fast and agile strikes. 

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