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Who Lotus Really Is?


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it was a brainfart at first and i guess it still is, but surprisingly such a wild guess explain the whole origin of tenno and lotus very clearly.

who is lotus?

what do we know about her?

and what do we know about us?

lotus is NOT what we thing she is.

and we are NOT what we think we are.

time to wake up, tenno.

tl;dr concept

isn't it logical that corpus or another faction decided to re-create old gone alien race of tenno to get grineer and other corpus clans out of picture and controll it via AI? infested may be sub-product of failed experiments with biotech of re-creating tenno.

infested tell us "we embrace you, why you reject us?" the fact that there is no infested tenno and our warframes use same bio tech also hint us that we are infact are in some kinship with infested.

in fact we were not waken up from cryosleep. do you remember old war? none of us does.

if we were put to sleep in orokin era, then why our warframes look different from prime warframes that origin from orokin era? should not we be the same?

i bet that we, tenno are not what we think we are, but a replica of old-lost race.

so my dear fellow tenno, all your existance is one big lie. all original tenno were extinguished during great war, you never was put into cryosleep but was born in it, you are not original tenno but it's replica and you blindly follow orders of an AI that was created in this age to push grineer and corpus out of the picture.

good job, keep following it blindly.

how you can come up with such an idea? can you provide any facts to back it up? sure. read the post


facts overview:

so to begin with,

what do we know about lotus?

she is waking up tenno within solar system to make them "survive" but why tenno doesn not retreat to another solar system or any secret outposts but start attacking anything lotus ask them for?

she task us with assasinations, diversions and all that kind of stuff reasoning that one or another figure is dangerous to tenno, but do we feel this danger? no. it doesn not affect us.

to collect artifacts and bring it to her, but we never know what kind of artifacts and what she does with it

or to capture enemy VIP, by killing him, making him liquid and store within our warframes. how we suppose to extract him into human form?

did you ever noticed that ship captains we tasked to rescue don't look like tenno at all? they are regular human beings.

did you checked cryopods with tenno? are they look like human beings - no. tenno are not human. more like some kind of shelless humanoid life form.

does anything of this bring you a questions what lotus is?

for me it seems like lotus is cleary not tenno and not human. how she know everything on the ship? how she know enemy locations? she may be connected to ship controll system, right? yeah thats right, but there are thousands of tenno on the missions everywhere in solar system. thats clearly not single person who may be in millions of places in same time. so she is clearly not a person.

she always says that we will interogate, we recieved new information, but who they are? is that a collective mind? most likely, but what kind of collective mind she is? a tenno? unlikely. it says "i detect large security force" the keyword is detect. it doesn't see enemies as person does. lotus detect enemies while being connected to ship systems. now here is the question. if tenno are so advanced and have a huge gap in technology with all other factions, how this collective mind is able to interact with extremely outdated ship technologies? you can't really take b/w lens TV from begining 20 century (1930 and so) and connect it to 2010 dvd player. there should be an interface for that, or there should be a devide that was match the era, what brings another guess. lotus was designed in current era, so it can interact with current era technologies AND somewhat interact with tenno.

what we may guess now?

lotus is clearly not a person but a collective mind, or most likely an AI that was designed in current era.

if it was designed in current era, we can assume that some faction decided to make dirty work of weakining grineer and corpus by hands tenno and dominate the solar system. now we can see a clear picture of whats going on and sudden wake up call for all tenno becomes reasonable.

but what kind of ai is lotus and what faction it belongs?

lotus can interact with outdated non-organic tech of corpus and grineer, aswell as tenno who clearly a bio-tech race. + when we take captives we turn them into liquid form, what makes us belive that we would not turn this liquid into person but most likely water it in some machine "for transportiration to lotus" or bio pool.

there may be alot of shadow wars within corpus society, and they surely are good with AI and combining robotics with organics (corpus crewman anyone?) what if some clan within a corpus decided to get it's place under the sun and instead of going "mainsteam" along corpus focusing on robotech, they decided to focus on bio-technologies. it may be that all tenno infact were not "wake up" after a great war or anything like that, but created by this faction in orded to bring down all the concurents.

do we remember anything about great war? i don't. to me it seems like infested are failed attempt in bio technologies and side product of tenno. infested tell us "we embrace you, why you reject us?" what hint us that we are infact are in some kinship with infested.

it says that prime warframes are original design from orokin era. should not we be survivors of orokin era? why our frames are different if we are supposed to be from that era?

may be there were tenno long time ago, but they all were eliminated. and based on old tenno we were created. that makes a perfect sence in prime and regular warframes. we are just replica of old gone tenno.

also, when we recieve "challenge" for advancing in our ranks, do we go to some secret base to train? are we ending up in real world? no. we ending up connected to virtual reality simulation.

but what if some tenno decide to ask questions he should not ask? refuse to blindly follow orders of lotus?

here goes stalker. to make their mouth shut.

also, did you ever noticed that ship AI systems voice and tone sounds surprisingly like lotus?

or when she says "lotus will be pleased" ? "upload me" ?

lotus is NOT what we thing she is.

and we are NOT what we think we are.

time to wake up, tenno.

Edited by n7snk
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Lotus is an A.I!

Programmed to release us from cryostasis at a specific time!


Why does everyone think she is an A.I.? 'Upload me' just means she needs the get remote access to the system.

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Here is something to think about.. random facts incoming:


Lotus is not a she.


Lotus is not a he.


Lotus may be a A.I.


L.o.t.u.s. = Logic of Temporal User System


One of Lotus' quotes is.. "..the Lotus will be pleased."


Lotus could also be a Group.

Edited by Namacyst
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I was waiting for this to pop up, I considered posting it in General Discussion myself but I guess Fan Zone is a suitable place.


I agree with the idea that Lotus is actually part of a group, not a group herself. A higher power so to say.


Firstly to get this out of the way;

"also, did you ever noticed that ship AI systems voice and tone sounds surprisingly like lotus?

or when she says "lotus will be pleased" ?"

The ship AI systems could be just coincidence, as in DE decided to just use Rebecca's voice for the Ship systems for whatever reason. As for the second part, she actually says "the Lotus will be pleased". I've noticed this being said mainly on Corpus missions, mostly. I heard this and actually asked DESteve (good ol' Steve), and he said that it was basically an 'audio typo' or that's what I believed he was meaning (I could be wrong). So yes it could be an 'audio typo' but the fact that something like "the Lotus will be pleased" is kind of hard to turn into an 'audio typo', in my opinion anyway, and this began my thinking into Lotus actually just being a cover.


Secondly, explaining my Lotus theory.


As mentioned, I believe Lotus is a cover for something, or someone, else. She is an AI, but not just the simple AI that most of us see in other games, think of her like Cortana from Halo (a female program, literally) but with an actual humanoid body (this part could be optional). Why do I say she is an AI? Well,  the 'upload me' is rather obvious - how many humans can enter a data stream of a computer system? Zero. That would indicate that Lotus would need to have some sort of programming capabilities in order to; 1)break through data security, 2)advanced knowledge of various ship data systems and 3)have Orbital Wi-Fi. See, we don't actually physical see Lotus instead she appears on the HUD (aka inside your helmet) - another reasons as to why she is an AI - and she also has the ability to be uploaded into a mainframe from a data device. Those three points means she is an Artificial Intelligience of some degree, most similar to Cortana from Halo (but more awesome (no offence Halo fans)).


Now onto my Lotus Theory Part 2.


I have said that Lotus may actually just be a cover as I mentioned with the whole 'audio typo' thing. Now, let's all take a step back shall we? First ask yourselves this; "Why are the Tenno in cryopods?" and also "Why is Lotus suddenly freeing the Tenno?" I bet that made you think. and you want more answers, but let's just stick with 'who is Lotus'. Now, one person or AI would find it extremely hard to search the universe (keep in mind this is just not our own universe) to find the Tenno and free them. So, what if Lotus was actually working for someone. A higher power with the means and resources to search for and reawaken the Tenno with Lotus being the midway woman, the 'link' between Tenno and 'Group'. This group could very well be other Tenno. I quote the Lore;


Tenno descend from an ancient civilization that lived on earth in the Orokin era, known as great warriors that utilized warframe technology. They are the last remnants of their race, awakened from cryosleep for an unknown purpose. - Official Site


The current force of Tenno are survivors of a past conflict. - Official Site


The Lotus, a female of unknown origins, has close links to the Tenno and their technology. She was able to not only deactivate the cryostasis on the Tenno but has great knowledge of the warframes and their unique powers. - Official Site


(The above quotes can be found in the Warframe Lore Discussion located in the General Discussion section.)


My friends, my fellow Tenno.


There is more to this than we know and suspect. Lotus! More than meets the eye!

Edited by BearlyKoalified
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Rebecca has SAID she doesn't do guardrails.


That said... The Lotus commands and we obey. What are we? Are we soldiers or maniacs? Are we here simply to kill things or do we have a purpose?


I follow the Code, I know not about any others.


Tenno are weapons. We have our duty and we must do it.

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Rebecca has SAID she doesn't do guardrails.


That said... The Lotus commands and we obey. What are we? Are we soldiers or maniacs? Are we here simply to kill things or do we have a purpose?


I follow the Code, I know not about any others.


Tenno are weapons. We have our duty and we must do it.

You're a tin soldier! We have hearts!

We will not obey! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!

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may be there were tenno long time ago, but they all were eliminated. and based on old tenno we were created. that makes a perfect sence in prime and regular warframes. we are just replica of old-gone tenno.

Edited by n7snk
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may be there were tenno long time ago, but they all were eliminated. and based on old tenno we were created. that makes a perfect sence in prime and regular warframes. we are just replica of old-gone tenno.

We are flawed men. Far from our perfect ancestors.

We hang our head in shame, and follow blindly into battle.

(wow, that is the most dramatic I've ever been)

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