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R.i.p. Warframe


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I disagree, the market changes hurt warframe, but it's not the death toll for it, and rhino is one warframe who could use a rework (1/2 of his abilities are almost never taken, iron skin is the main ability, and charge is useful for catching up/extra mobility)

edit: spelling

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I disagree, the market changes hurt warframe, but it's not the death toll for it, and rhino is one warframe who could use a rework (1/2 of his abilities are almost never taken, iron skin is the main ability, and charge is useful for catching up/extra mobility)

edit: spelling


The market changes drove a few of my friends away that just started playing yesterday...

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It does make you wonder if they have anyone on their staff that can ever say "No. Just....no. This is a baaaad idea. No. Don't do it. Just...don't"


Because if they don't have someone like that in a position of authority, they really need to hire one.

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Everyone needs to calm down about this, yeah it sucks to need ALL that alloy, but its not a reason to quit the game.  And DE will fix it soon anyway, if you've played for any amount of time you'd know that and trust them


Edit/TL;DR: They're trying something new, if its that bad they'll rework it, trust the devs that made this amazing game

Edited by Voqics
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The market changes drove a few of my friends away that just started playing yesterday...

I still don't think it's the death toll for it IF they change it (forgot to put that in :P). That's the biggest factor that's stopping me from considering reseting because all of my platinum would just be used right up on weapons I already have.




What's wrong with the weapon price changes?

They all cost TONS of alloy plates, one of the most annoying mats to farm.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Everyone needs to calm down about this, yeah it sucks to need ALL that alloy, but its not a reason to quit the game.  And DE will fix it soon anyway, if you've played for any amount of time you'd know that and trust them


Edit/TL;DR: They're trying something new, if its that bad they'll rework it, trust the devs that made this amazing game


I did trust them...until today. This whole patch was like it was just thrown together without any consideration at all...and ask the master/grandmaster people...not a word of it was mentioned to the design council.

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I did trust them...until today. This whole patch was like it was just thrown together without any consideration at all...and ask the master/grandmaster people...not a word of it was mentioned to the design council.

Well most of the Master/Grandmaster people ( or fanboys) are just too busy fawning over their beloved DE and simply cannot bear any kind of criticism towards any of DE's decisions.

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I still don't think it's the death toll for it IF they change it (forgot to put that in :P). That's the biggest factor that's stopping me from considering reseting because all of my platinum would just be used right up on weapons I already have.




They all cost TONS of alloy plates, one of the most annoying mats to farm.


But you're acting like it's impossible, it's not. It is a pain to farm, but like most games you have to grind for what you want. =/

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Everyone needs to calm down about this, yeah it sucks to need ALL that alloy, but its not a reason to quit the game.  And DE will fix it soon anyway, if you've played for any amount of time you'd know that and trust them


Edit/TL;DR: They're trying something new, if its that bad they'll rework it, trust the devs that made this amazing game

You mean how DE fucks S#&$ up every Friday to make the cash shop more appealing  fucks off for the weekend, than releases a hotfix on monday while saying "Whoops guess that wasn't a great idea. Thanks for buying all that Platinum"

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Well most of the Master/Grandmaster people ( or fanboys) are just too busy fawning over their beloved DE and simply cannot bear any kind of criticism towards any of DE's decisions.


I more mentioned that to say that...with a huge change like this...they should have...you know...consulted someone...maybe...the design council?

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You mean how DE fucks S#&$ up every Friday to make the cash shop more appealing  fucks off for the weekend, than releases a hotfix on monday while saying "Whoops guess that wasn't a great idea. Thanks for buying all that Platinum"


Sadly this is DE lately.

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But you're acting like it's impossible, it's not. It is a pain to farm, but like most games you have to grind for what you want. =/


Its not impossible...for someone like me who has access to everything and can solo almost all of it. But...roll a new account, and try to make a weapon. This change just ruins it for new players, nothing more.

Edited by Corvinna
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But you're acting like it's impossible, it's not. It is a pain to farm, but like most games you have to grind for what you want. =/

I have nothing against grinding (I finally got my hell's chamber after 30+ runs on xini) but for newcomers? Or people who just reset and want X weapon? It's terrible, ~300 alloy plates minimum is REALLY annoying to farm for, and that's the cheapest! (I think) I have nothing against it requiring a reasonable amount of alloy plates (~20% of current prices for the NEW BPs, i.e. low end weapons). Anymore than that and it really can turn off new players. Do you want to farm ~450 plates for a snipetron? (assuming you wanted one obv)

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You mean how DE fucks S#&$ up every Friday to make the cash shop more appealing  fucks off for the weekend, than releases a hotfix on monday while saying "Whoops guess that wasn't a great idea. Thanks for buying all that Platinum"


I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never seen anything like that happen before.





I more mentioned that to say that...with a huge change like this...they should have...you know...consulted someone...maybe...the design council?


And how do you know they didn't?  Just asking as you aren't even a first tier founder (Disciple I think?)

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I more mentioned that to say that...with a huge change like this...they should have...you know...consulted someone...maybe...the design council?


You mean the same Design council that can NEVER say "no" to DE and to whom DE can NEVER go wrong with any of it's decisions ?

Edited by Eeshaan
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I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never seen anything like that happen before.






And how do you know they didn't?  Just asking as you aren't even a first tier founder (Disciple I think?)

some of the grand masters have said they weren't consulted about this.

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I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never seen anything like that happen before.






And how do you know they didn't?  Just asking as you aren't even a first tier founder (Disciple I think?)


I've asked quite a few of them. And I'm not a founder as I didn't want excal prime, and the lower packages...may as well just buy plat.

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