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Why I Am A Rusher.


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I rush for many reasons. People say rushers are "noobs who should go play solo and stop leeching."

This is not a good way to look at it. Think about why they rush.


First. Let's describe a rusher and a leecher, which people mix a lot. A rusher will go through the mission, killing various mobs and will not wait for the team, they are too much in the fast pace to do so. Leechers will wait at the extraction point for the game to end and leeches off of the teams work to reap the rewards.


So, with that said, why I rush.


1. I have a fast frame. I'm sorry my warframe is not wearing high heels, I am faster then you. My Loki's walk animation w/ a rush is faster then most rhino's sprinting. Sometimes I don't even notice I get ahead, it just happens.


2. Stealthy skills allow people to go through without the agro spread of teammates to absorb fire. Basically, if you play a Loki or Ash who opens every single container for energy and has a shade, you will spend around 45-60% of your conflicts stealthed. This lack of damage being taken leads to more risky moves and more killing. Sorry team.


3. I remember when I first had Loki I found it pretty bad compared to others. I was a newbie and the missions were tough. Many times people would kill things while I tried to just break down their shields. I noticed rushing forward was a much more efficient way for me to help my team, as I wouldn't die due to invisibility/ decoy + speed, so I can go and damage what I can and leave what's rest for the teammates.


4. Some people just don't have time to open lockers. The most I've seen a locker reward me is 200 credits. Maybe that and energy. But a void run grants more then that in half the time, depending on the mission. So I don't waist time with lockers. I will open storage containers though, as I have seen other rushers do, for energy, resources, and affinity.


5. Some people are on a schedule. An important call came in and you have to go! Social lives come first, ya know? So here you are, on an alert for something you really needed, your frame is fast, and the clock is ticking. Sorry team, I did my part, and I want a reward for that.


6. Some things you can't solo. I know there are clans but I am in a 900+ one right now and it's more like region chat. I have to be in it to get access to a lot of U8 content. Sadly that means I don't have regular friends I met that I can play with. So if I rush ahead and take the artifact or kill the boss and speed to extraction, it's all because I needed you guys for the killing part. Great thanks to you.


7. The useless need of bloodlust in allies. Oh hey wanna kill 2000 grineer? Nah, I'll just take this artifact, have a good day! I mean, sometimes I don't see why every person has to be hunted down. I actually don't use enemy radar anymore because people will go out of their way to make sure that one extra grineer or corpus is down. You wanna kill things? Go to Kappa or Xini.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a rusher who will start a timer without anyone else. I will try my best to make this not happen. I often give tips on how to be faster, such as sliding and doing a sword slash while sliding to get past laser barriers. I am tired of an entire playstyle being hated for a couple bad eggs.

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Sounds like you're a "Point Man"


Softening things up for the team to clean up. 


I wouldn't call it Rushing, it's the general tactics of Loki as far as I'm concerned.


I do hate people running ahead and killing everything though. 


I like solo for the difficulty curve and when players join, it's either we fight side by side and I'm fine or I get someone hurling Kunai and wasting an entire room whilst I've killed maybe 1 or 2 enemies.


I think that just needs to be fixed with player matching and isn't so much to do with playstyle.

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5. Some people are on a schedule. An important call came in and you have to go! Social lives come first, ya know? So here you are, on an alert for something you really needed, your frame is fast, and the clock is ticking. Sorry team, I did my part, and I want a reward for that.


Some people are, or you are? I thought this was about you. And if you are on such a tight schedule why do you commit to a game that has at least 3 other people in it when you know there is a chance you might be called away? Basically your entire post came down to "my time is more important than your time".


I still hold to the argument that if you want to get your mission done as fast as possible you should just go solo. It literally stops all arguments against why people dislike rushers.

Edited by f3llyn
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a rusher who will start a timer without anyone else. I will try my best to make this not happen. I often give tips on how to be faster, such as sliding and doing a sword slash while sliding to get past laser barriers. I am tired of an entire playstyle being hated for a couple bad eggs.

I either rush solo or do this. I really don't like rushing online though.

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Some people are, or you are? I thought this was about you. And if you are on such a tight schedule why do you commit to a game that has at least 3 other people in it when you know there is a chance you might be called away? Basically your entire post came down to "my time is more important than your time".


I still hold to the argument that if you want to get your mission done as fast as possible you should just go solo. It literally stops all arguments against why people dislike rushers.

Well. I don't like banshees. They could play solo, or I could. Either way, I would be happy?


That is your logic.


And have you ever sat down after work and gotten a call saying a friend broke down? If not you need friends.

I don't "plan" to leave. It happens.

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You do not describe yourself as a rusher. A rusher is someone who bypasses as much content, including killing things, as possible. They also do not go back and help their team such as a quick res or something even if they are trying their best to keep up. Lastly they will start the timer and as soon as possible. What you described is how I see at least half of the people in this game play including myself half the time.


Though if you do have your time constrained or always play like that at least let your team know whats up and especially if you are staying in their squad for another mission. They will most likely understand the first mission and go along with you at your pace and if they don't have a problem with it they might even stick with you for another mission.

Edited by Fireblac
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Some people are, or you are? I thought this was about you. And if you are on such a tight schedule why do you commit to a game that has at least 3 other people in it when you know there is a chance you might be called away? Basically your entire post came down to "my time is more important than your time".


I still hold to the argument that if you want to get your mission done as fast as possible you should just go solo. It literally stops all arguments against why people dislike rushers.


Give a good reason why someone should spend an hour on a BP alert mission rather than rush it for the reward.

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Well. I don't like banshees. They could play solo, or I could. Either way, I would be happy?


That is your logic.


And have you ever sat down after work and gotten a call saying a friend broke down? If not you need friends.

I don't "plan" to leave. It happens.


Yeah, except for the part where it said schedule, you have a point. Unexpected things happen and nobody who isn't a selfish jackass would hold that against anyone.

Edited by f3llyn
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i dont understand why players play in a squad and then run off by themselves 


is it arrogance or ignorance ?


This is a co op game and players in a squad should play as such , help the squad , stick together and do the mission 



rushers should just go play solo imo .

Edited by rogueweapon
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Killing things just takes too long, and when I'm playing for money and artifacts and blueprints I just want to get them and leave, not kill the next 5000 enemies coming my way.

When a Rhino is faster than you, you need to hurry the hell up.


you should do this solo then. That makes too much sense though I suppose. Best to do boss runs with 3 other people because its faster when the boss has more hp huh.

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It is hilarious to rush to the elevator.

Shoot the windows. And lock out the other guy and force him to fight his way to the console with 3 to 4 ancients and hordes of chargers around.


But they enjoy wasting ammo on non-boss enemies anyway so might as well. ;)

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It is hilarious to rush to the elevator.

Shoot the windows. And lock out the other guy and force him to fight his way to the console with 3 to 4 ancients and hordes of chargers around.


But they enjoy wasting ammo on non-boss enemies anyway so might as well. ;)

You are not a rusher. You are a d-bag.
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Rushers aside. What about those that not only open every single crates and killing all enemies. But also purposely run back so that more mobs can spawn?

For example, jackal map. After you kill that jackal. The room will start to have more drones coming in. I personally have never ever seen that room cleared. While there are in fact players or noobs who wans to clear...

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I rush for many reasons. People say rushers are "noobs who should go play solo and stop leeching."

This is not a good way to look at it. Think about why they rush.


First. Let's describe a rusher and a leecher, which people mix a lot. A rusher will go through the mission, killing various mobs and will not wait for the team, they are too much in the fast pace to do so. Leechers will wait at the extraction point for the game to end and leeches off of the teams work to reap the rewards.


So, with that said, why I rush.


1. I have a fast frame. I'm sorry my warframe is not wearing high heels, I am faster then you. My Loki's walk animation w/ a rush is faster then most rhino's sprinting. Sometimes I don't even notice I get ahead, it just happens.


2. Stealthy skills allow people to go through without the agro spread of teammates to absorb fire. Basically, if you play a Loki or Ash who opens every single container for energy and has a shade, you will spend around 45-60% of your conflicts stealthed. This lack of damage being taken leads to more risky moves and more killing. Sorry team.


3. I remember when I first had Loki I found it pretty bad compared to others. I was a newbie and the missions were tough. Many times people would kill things while I tried to just break down their shields. I noticed rushing forward was a much more efficient way for me to help my team, as I wouldn't die due to invisibility/ decoy + speed, so I can go and damage what I can and leave what's rest for the teammates.


4. Some people just don't have time to open lockers. The most I've seen a locker reward me is 200 credits. Maybe that and energy. But a void run grants more then that in half the time, depending on the mission. So I don't waist time with lockers. I will open storage containers though, as I have seen other rushers do, for energy, resources, and affinity.


5. Some people are on a schedule. An important call came in and you have to go! Social lives come first, ya know? So here you are, on an alert for something you really needed, your frame is fast, and the clock is ticking. Sorry team, I did my part, and I want a reward for that.


6. Some things you can't solo. I know there are clans but I am in a 900+ one right now and it's more like region chat. I have to be in it to get access to a lot of U8 content. Sadly that means I don't have regular friends I met that I can play with. So if I rush ahead and take the artifact or kill the boss and speed to extraction, it's all because I needed you guys for the killing part. Great thanks to you.


7. The useless need of bloodlust in allies. Oh hey wanna kill 2000 grineer? Nah, I'll just take this artifact, have a good day! I mean, sometimes I don't see why every person has to be hunted down. I actually don't use enemy radar anymore because people will go out of their way to make sure that one extra grineer or corpus is down. You wanna kill things? Go to Kappa or Xini.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a rusher who will start a timer without anyone else. I will try my best to make this not happen. I often give tips on how to be faster, such as sliding and doing a sword slash while sliding to get past laser barriers. I am tired of an entire playstyle being hated for a couple bad eggs.

Have you ever supported or complained about crafting materials or costs?

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You are not a rusher. You are a d-bag.


That's true. But why he choose to fight them all in the first place ?

Part of being a space ninja is knowing when to bail.


We already had the artifact, why still waste time fighting ?

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For me, it's because I don't want to sit around staring at the same grineer for 10 minutes like some people do. I wipe out the entire room (mostly), and then move on. Thing is, some people seem to have a hard time keeping up with a frost prime that one shots everything.

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First. Let's describe a rusher and a leecher, which people mix a lot. A rusher will go through the mission, killing various mobs and will not wait for the team, they are too much in the fast pace to do so. Leechers will wait at the extraction point for the game to end and leeches off of the teams work to reap the rewards.


I have no problem with rushers. I hate leechers. That is all.

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you should do this solo then. That makes too much sense though I suppose. Best to do boss runs with 3 other people because its faster when the boss has more hp huh.

It's generally faster because 2 of those people are rushing with me and the last person is slacking behind complaining about rushing.

Oftentimes, it's also one other person is rushing and 2 people are staying behind willingly getting swamped by hordes of Grineer.

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I do hate people running ahead and killing everything though.

Considering the game constantly spawns enemies, it is not possible for a rusher to rush ahead and 'kill everything', no matter how good they are there will always be mind left for the rusher's team to kill.

Similarly, just because there are mobs left to kill, don't assume the rusher isn't doing his fair share of killing.

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I'm just curious about something. Your OP seems pretty reasonable, but there was one thing that caught my attention. You say that you can;t be bothered to kill things, or that it takes too long, and you're mostly objective focused. I can't fault being objective focused, since completing an an objective while avoiding enemy fire can be quite fun.


I question the fact that you can't be bothered to kill things when the rewards you get from missions are all geared towards killing things. What is the point of rushing for the rewards that help you with killing, when you'll never need those rewards? I guess what I mean is, why bother trying to earn rewards faster by rushing, when those rewards are useless to your playstyle? I mean, what rusher is ever going to want a Latron Prime?

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if you want to rush run solo or with a group that explicitly wants to rush.


if you want to take on something that requires teamwork be a team player


if you are doing something else you are being a $&*^ and all the dressing up in the world doesn't change that

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