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Posts posted by (XBOX)LilHypezKiid

  1. I was thinking that it would be cool if we could have a CTE to changes that come to weapons, frames and so on before they are implemented into the game. I think it would avoid a lot of players becoming angry and would also be quite helpful as it would be an early source of feedback.


    However I would suggest that this would be after U16 as it is clear DE really wants to deliver with this update.


    If this were to ever happen, I propose that it would be available to people who are either founders, prime access buyers or MR10+.



    What do you think, would you like this?


  2. Hi there!


    I have been thinking about the game SWTOR and how it has this system called advanced classes. Advanced classes are a system where say for example I choose to play as a Jedi knight, once I reach level 10 with that character, I am given the option choose an advanced class. These advanced classes are The Sentinel or The Guardian. The Sentinel Focuses on DPS whilst The Guardian Focuses on tanking. by choosing one of these classes, you are given some new abilitiesthat cater to that class.



    Now what I was thinking is this could be implemented in Warframe in a similar way.


    So for example let's take Trinity; she can be played as a support frame or a tank. When equip Trinity, maybe you could have the option to use either use her as a healing frame or a tank frame. When you choose an option you get some new abilities ON TOP of the ones you innately have. So say I choose to play Trinity as a tank, I will be given her innate four abilities with an accompaniment a few more which are specifically tailored to tanking; so things like growing aggro and such. However if I were to choose to play her as a healing frame then I would once again get her four abilities and then a few more abilities which are specifically tailored to healing i.e. removing status procs and etc.


    Another example could be Loki. I could play him as a stealth frame or support frame. If I were to choose to play him as a stealth frame I would get his four abilities and then some abilities abilities that once again further enhance stealth capabilities i.e. removing aggro; this is just the general idea if you know what I mean.


    Anyways what do you think?

  3. I dont think they should look at augments for these abilities. They should look at fixing these abilities at there base.

    Yes I know, these are just ideas for augments once the abilities are fixed. it would be ludicrous for them to continue releasing things for abilities that don't work properly. 

  4. It would be cool if we could get a grenade launcher that deals blast damage but as an alt fire which shoot cluster grenades or maybe even a flashbang. The regular grenade would deal an ideal amount of damage (maybe about 350) and would have a decent explosion radius.


    Its alt fire however would be different as if it fired cluster grenade they would cover a larger area, however would be less accurate and deal less damage. If it fired a flashbang then maybe it could have a range of about 5 meters and  MAYBE (ok MAYBE) it could be affected by LoS.


    What do you think?


    Also I understand if this idea is not very popular as we already have the Penta and the Ogris and the Opticor and the Angstrum.

  5. Here are two ideas I had for Psychic Bolts And Accelerant:


    Terrifying Bolts - Psychic bolts confuses the enemy, making them to think they are on fire causing them to panic. (Affected by duration)


    Combustion - Enemies killed while under the effects of Accelerant explode into a lingering environmental hazard. Enemies who are touched by the lingering flames start to panic and endure the effects of Accelerant. (Affected by and duration)



    EDIT: Changed name of Accelerant augment and changed description (Credit to Kthal for description)

  6. Sounds like potential fps drop to me.  Also, it already hinders visibility, and while that currently doesn't bother me, this change would.

    Oh shoot I forgot about that. Ok maybe if they just at least change the sound of WoF to sound a bit more intimidating because right now all I hear is "poof poof poof"

  7. I noticed that when fighting Sargus Ruk he does this thing where he punches the ground and then massive explosions start happening. These explosions are overwhelming and even create cracks in the ground.


    In my opinion, Ember's WoF explosions are extremely underwhelming and they should be changed to match Sargus Ruk's explosions, as they just look so awesome and also it would fit into the theme of WoF even better.


    What do you think?

  8. Ikr, we just need some small things that are there just for entertainment and satire. Stuff like turning the arsenal thingy into a wardrobe,having a fishbowl, putting a dog bed in the incubator. Just some small things that are there for the hell of it.


    It would also be nice if they made a skin for the fists weapons that turn them into boxing gloves, a skin for daggers that turns them into wands (Limbo will be happy :) ) and so on. Just stuff that funny or unusual, you know what I mean?

  9. We're going on a trip to the zone of fans :)



    (Nobody should ever endure the searing pain of stepping on a Lego) 

    I'm sorry, forgive me. I was seathing in anger when I posted that, as I had just been rekt like a scrub by that legitimate peasant.

  10. Why not just make everything about Ember better?


    Remove duration on WoF so duration doesn't affect it, or make it so it costs the energy up front again so duration doesn't negatively affect the cost.


    Give a bit more damage to just about everything in her arsenal, because all of it feels pretty weak. All she really does is damage, so she should feel like she's actually doing damage.


    Change Fire Blast to hurt any enemies inside the ring too, not just ON the ring. Why is this still just doing damage on the ring? It doesn't make sense. At least the knockback blast is kind of nice for defensive purposes.


    Make her even a little bit faster, or give her some more health/shields. She tends to be a short range caster that should either be really quick for hit and run tactics, or be able to take just a little more damage while she's in range for her abilities to be most effective.


    Right now she's just a glass cannon that still seems to be strangely lacking in the "cannon" department.

    I applaud this, these are true! This is what we need for her!

  11. Since the recent changes to Ember came about, I just feel weird when trying to use her. Now i am simply tired of this; Ember needs to be further looked at! Her kit has become even more awkward to mod and let's be honest here, that toggle does not sit well with that duration. If the duration was longer and had a flashy CC at the end then yeah, it would be fine, but instead we have one of the most inconvenient abilities to mod.


    I'm not trying rant or anything but I'm just trying to get the point across that Ember needs to be fixed, it's ridiculous! 


    Fireball ---> Seems good to me

    Accelerant---> Would be nice if it affected fire based elements as well such as Radiation

    Fireblast----> Seems pretty good but maybe remove the LoS component to it, not too sure

    World On Fire---> This is the bane of my existence, kill it with fire! (See what I did there, hue hue) but on a serious note this ability is the one thing for me personally that makes it awkward to mod Ember.


    Her is a link to a thread I made about some ideas I have that could change WoF --> https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/406181-embers-ult-still-haunts-me/


    Apart from that please discuss this because it truly pains me inside to see a frame with so much potential to be a monster of DPS to lack such utility. 



  12. It's a chicken-and-egg fallacy.

    Because ember has no niche and is underutillised, there are much less users who would push for ember's improvement.

    Because there is no substantial pressure from community on devs to improve ember's current state, ember continues to be underutilised and neglected by majority of players.

    This vicious cycle only perpetuates when DE releases content faster than they can fix and balance.

    Why would there be a blind rush to produce new content then? Because they result in measurable short term profit, and also quell community's boredom and restlessness.

    Where does ember's place fall in any of these then?


    Then for the devs to notice this once again, we need to pressure them, so I may start a megathread.

  13. I have to say I simply don't like it. Warframe is not an anime. Huge fire on ember while channeling would be cool but please no growing spikes and such.

    yeah I knew that the spike part seemed a bit stupid but I would really like the part with the fre to actually be a thing, seeing that since she is a fire frame she should be able to manipulate  it in all shapes and forms.

  14. I really like how when you channel, parts of your warframe start to glow and so do your weapons. Now what I was thinking is in addition to this, maybe parts of your warframe become radically enlargened, sort of like how in DBZ when they go Super Saiyan their hair goes longer.


    So for this instance, let's take Ember Prime an as example:


    When she starts to channel maybe the flame in her helmet grow out and starts to flow down the back of her head, and her shoulder armour becomes spikier and starts to look like intense battle armour. 


    Anyways what do you think of this idea, i know it sounds quite stupid but I thought I'd give it a shot. Please leave feedback and constructive criticism.


    Thanks! =)

  15. No one likes the duration but DE said she's in a "good place", so she isn't gonna be even considered anymore :/

    Although she is slightly more viable for end gamenow, she is still no where as  viable as she could be, hence why I have tried to bring this case backup. but as you have said, DE is kinda of giving us the "talk to the hand."

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