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Posts posted by (XBOX)LilHypezKiid

  1. the main difference in OP's suggestion being the progression of enemy levels/difficulty.


    IMHO the main reason to play endless mission for sufficiently well equipped squads is reaching the limits of their skill/equipment/teamplay... non-endless mission rarely come in challenging difficulties.

    Hence why if the enemies kept scaling, it would then become more challenging.

  2. i was thinking to challenge players, maybe there could be a time trial mode where the squad must beat a mission in a set time. The catch to this would be maybe you can only carry a certain type of weapon i.e. melee, secondary or primary, and also you WOULD NOT be able to use powers, 


    In a nutshell this would basically be the mastery tests but maybe a bit harder, I'm not sure, but what do you think?

  3. I was thinking about most of the non endless missions and how they aren't as popular as endless missions, but then it me on how we could make them endless too.


    Basically what would happen is when you finish one mission for example exterminate, The Lotus pops up and says " Tenno we have spotted another Grineer/Corpus ship in close proximity of this one, would you like to take out that ship too or would you like to extract?"


    If the player continues then there would be a short cut scene of the Liset going to the new ship like the one they do at the beginning of missions but as usual for endless missions, the enemies levels would have increased and they would apear in larger numbers. Also when you complete each ship, you would get your reward as usual for each round.


    What do you guys think?

  4. I used to dual wield banes with the gunzerker. Timed my firing with both so it was a never ending screaming weapon!

    Yeah I remember using this gun, it was such a troll!


    One time I was watching a stream  and someone used this gun and I nearly S@*& myself.

  5. I've an awesome idea for Volt augment: casting Speed SLOWS your teammates accordingly to the NEGATIVE Power Strenght scaling!


    I think it would be better as an M Prime augment if it had a negative effect and increases speed and scaled with Power Strength, great for those Speed Novas.

  6. I've an awesome idea for Volt augment: casting Speed SLOWS your teammates accordingly to the NEGATIVE Power Strenght scaling!


    Why would you slow them though? We already have those damn Tar Mutalist to troll us.


    EDIT: i read it again and realized what you meant, this would be AMAZING. SO SO SO SO SO SO much speed it would be painfully good.

  7. I agree the attica sounds nothing like what a crossbow is expected to sound like and its the one thing that keeps me from using this awesome weapon

    Yeah Ikr, i remember the first time I used it. I fired off my first ever shot with it and it sounded like Minnie Mouse, or the bane from Borderlands.






  8. There's an augment for speed the zaps any enemies Volt touches. Pretty much what you're suggesting, but it's balanced.


    While cool, insta killing speed is broken. Besides we already have a speed augment which works fine

    Yeah I just stops a moment and thought about it and then realised that it's just the exact same thing as the augment. Sorry :(

  9. Imagine if there was an augment for speed which does the following:


    When casting shock whilst speed is active, Volt becomes a current, moving from target to target and chains up to 5 enemies. When Volt is in this faze, he can choose which target to shock next by simply aiming in their general direction (I'm not too sure about this). All targets that are shocked are descintergrated (sort of like the channeling effect).


    What do you think, I wasn't too sure about this idea but I just wanted to get it out there whilst I can.


    EDIT: Now that I think about, this is just shocking speed but with a different mechanic :(

  10. I'm not sure that's how it works. Community moderators are looking over every topic posted on the forums, and sometimes they may reply. If it's a good suggestion that they think could make it to the game, and if they think the community likes the idea (which they judge by the comments and post upvotes) then it may be selected as a Community Hot Topic, so the entire community can vote on the suggestion, and what should be done with it.

    If enough people vote positively on the suggestion, it will most likely be implemented in the game after a while.


    At least, that's my observation.

    Oh, ok thanks. I wasn't sure how it works.

  11. Imagine the new-found synergy with Tornado since Tornado tends to keep enemies up high this new Tailwind would let you be at the same level as those helpless enemies

    And also with turbulence you won't be a sitting duck in the air. It would feel like playing with the Odanata IMO

  12. I was recently playing Zephyr and i was still upset how tailwind works as i has to spam it to stay up, but then it hit me (not the first) that maybe Zephyr's tailwind could a toggle or duration based (sort of already is but i have a new way for its duration to work).


    Basically then main idea is this:


    When on the ground you look upwards and you are launched as usual but this is where it changes. Once in the air, a timer or energy drain starts and you begin to hover. Whilst hovering you can hold the jump button to go higher or hold the crouch button to descend, also if you want to do the air dash you just click the sprint button. Once the duration or you un-toggle it, you would do a dive bomb as it would now be apart of the ability and no longer would have to be activated seperatey.


    If you want to end it early you just un-toggle it and you still do a dive bomb. Also whilst in tail wind you can still shoot so you can provide aerial support, just like how the original concept was intended.


    Finally the duration of tail wind could be 20 seconds at rank 3, or if it is a toggle it could be a drain of 1.25 energy so that if you have it on for 20 seconds it will still be 25 energy as usual.


    What do you think?

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