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Posts posted by (XBOX)LilHypezKiid

  1. Well, I could effectively crush all your dreams by telling you that DE stated that first person mode isn't going to happen ever, but I won't.

    I could also tell you that there is a bug that involves your camera getting stuck in your head causing epic clipping artifacts. Again, I won't.

    I'm aware of the bug, I've seen some pictures of it and a clip. But I completely understand if they don't do it, tbh it just gets me curious as to how things would be with a legitimate first person mode with like the shape of the visor and such and the transmissions. 


    PS: Imagine when stalker comes for you 0_o

  2. I know they may NEVER happen, but it just intrigues me as to what Warframe would be like if there was a first person mode.


    I would imagine that it would handle like Mirror's Edge except with more speed. Maybe it could be an option like in GTA V how you can press a button to change from third to first.


    However I do realize that to do this, they would have to create a whole new set of animations for it to work, from reloads to combos (this in my opinion would probably be the hardest), and it may be tedious so once again... might not happen.

  3. I like tornado a lot, but it sometimes feels a bit awkward when trying to aim it, so I have an idea.


    It's a bit like Nova's Worm Hole: You can summon up to four tornados, so what I would want to do is summon then one at a time.


    What I mean is say there's a group of enemies in front of me, what I would do is summon one tornado by aiming my crosshair exactly where I want it, making it a bit more tactical. Then when I see another group, I summon another tornado and so on. Then to keep the cost the same, each tornado costs 25 energy, so if you have 4 tornados, it adds up to 100 energy.


    Then to make up for this, the casting time could be shortened, just so you're not in too much danger.


    What do you think?


  4. What about Swordchucks? Yo!


    Also can someone please merge this thread with this one:




    And we will likely still have no thrusting polearm (spear, trident, etc.) category by that point.

    Though understandable so. After all spears are very complicated to animate and design, were seldomly used in actualy combat through history, used only by very few civilization and were notoriously difficult to use.


    Nah. Joke aside. I can understand why exotic weapons have a higher priority for the melee category. Flashy or stylish weapons will always catch the attention of more people than boring but proven types.

    One of Warframe's selling point is the Science-Fantasty setting with it's unusual art style. So people will likely expect more exotic weapon types too.


    Hmm maybe two birds with one stone. How about a Gunlance ala Monster Hunter?

    Yeah exotic weapons do seem to always tickle my fancy.

  5. As insanely amazing as gunchucks would be, I'm inclined to not want them because Rwby is one of the most racist shows I've ever watched.


    When the antagonist of your show is an oppressed minority group that's just fighting for equal rights, you've definitely done something wrong. It's a bit like saying that MLKJ was a villain.


    Anyways, another gunblade weapon would be one of the most awesome Tenno reinforcements that we could possibly get. I would especially like it if it was a primary or secondary weapon that also had a melee feature, since the Redeemer is already a melee weapon with a gun feature.

    Yeah it's been said quite a lot that the show's writing is very racist, which is upsetting since one of the protagonists being Blake is a Faunness, and is probably my favourite character a long with Yang, Pyrha and Coco (damn that scene when Coco just rekt the Grimm with the mini gun).


    But on a lighter note, yes certainly, it would be nice if the gun chucks were a secondary or melee or primary in fact, that could have have some sexy melee combos like how Sun was doing in the video. Imagine a mix of High Noon, Clashing Forest, Swirling Tiger and Brutal Tide. Actually, what if the weapons start off as the staff that Sun has but then change into gun chucks during the combos, just to add a bit  ore flare to it. Finally when it's sheathed, it could be a staff or maybe it could be sheathed in the same position as the dual daggers.


    EDIT: Sorry for the rambling near the end, I just have so many ideas for this that are bursting out of my mind.

  6. I'm sure I heard nunchucks were coming.  They'll probably add gunchucks eventually too 'cause why not?


    One thing I'd like to see is Detron & Brakk dual-wield.  Call it 'Dilemma'.

    Holy @&$% That Sounds AWESOME, reminds me of gunzerking in BL2

  7. With the direction recent melee weapons are going this might happen one day.

    I truly hope so, it would be awesome to just do some crazy backflips whilst spraying down enemies with gunschucks, I would get so hyped for it.

  8. I know this idea may not be received well but I wanted to share it anyway.


    I was thinking that maybe each frame has their own unique energy pool instead of the generic one we have now. The idea I'm going for is that each pool would have its own name and would obtain energy in a different way, sort of like the syndicate syandanas.


    So for example let's take Valkyr: Her energy pool would be called Rage and to gain it, you need to deal damage.


    On from there you get the general idea, and each frame would have a different energy pool and it would be gained in a different way


    Finally I wanted to add that maybe each energy pool would have a different animation for the bar and to cast an ult, you need to have full energy and regardless, once you cast it the pool becomes empty again.


    What do you think? Please leave constructive criticism, not just "no" or "are you being serious? I can't tell"




  9. Some people will try to tell you Tornado can't be improved and is fine as it is, but it's a really niche ability.

    It spawns at random, picks people up at random and flings people away at random.


    Currently it's good for biding time or getting free CC on enemies.

    The latter of which is outclassed by a vast number of other abilities (Pull, Radial Blind, Stomp) and weapons (Jat Kittag).


    Zephyr as a whole needs a bit of a revisit. Her first two abilities are the only ones that really synergize.

    The first is clunky and the second is ignored by some enemies at high levels.

    The other two just don't fit and are sometimes unreliable.

    I would prefer if her first two abilities were merged into one, leaving space for a new ability.

  10. Rhino (Prime) is still the warframe of choice for noobs. Because noobs(rather newbies) feel awesome when they can kill things. They won't like Loki.


    Believe me on this one.


    When I started playing with my cousin,I started as Loki and he started a Excal. After 2-3 days,I started complaining about Loki,how he can not kill anyone. How he sucks. So,I quickly made Rhino and sold my Loki.


    But now,Loki is my favourite warframe.

    Ha I had a similar situation! I was foolish enough build a Saryn as second frame because I could make my invisibliity last a long time and do lots of damage :(

  11. Honestly I see not many problems with Ember, certainly not as many as the OP stated. As many people have said she is an exterminate frame and I totally agree as her abilities revolve around sort of making it easier to finish off enemies (especially Accelerant and maybe WoF).


    The only real problem I have with Ember is just that WoF just feels too "meh", one reason I can think of this is for one, the explosions look like confetti and and it goes "poof". Secondly, it just doesn't scale that well (when you don't use Accelerant, because let's be honest, that just turns it into a nuke in my opinion).


    Now the final reason that Ember kinda bugs me is that damn chicken vibe I get from her and seriously, me no gusto. Chicken frames aren't exactly my fetish XD.


    TBH I think Ember could learn a few things from Katniss Everdeen (if you know what I mean *cough cough* Girl On Fire *cough cough*) both abilities and aesthetically ;)

  12. it would be much better if it did things more thematic with ember instead of jumping on the armor shred bandwagon


    how about if it made fire procs last 50%/100%/150%/200% longer on all affected tgts?


    and IMHO the dmg boost should be 2x/3x/4x/5x instead of the piddly amount it is now atm


    as well as having a longer base duration of 10/20/30/40 sec


    Ember's accelerant is by far (its not even close) her best skill. In what world would it need any changes? Its perfect as is. Ember is the only frame in the game that has a reason to mod for something besides double dual element on weapons. More frames need abilities like accelerant imo.

    Now that I think about it accelerant is pretty good as it is, but some of the ideas CY13ERPUNK made sound really nice.

  13. EMBER PROBLEMS and some other frames.


    Not all frames need a defensive skill. Stuns and debuff are still an effective way to take the heat off (no pun intended).


    In Ember's case you can use accelerant to make enemies stop in their tracks for a couple of seconds, enough time to mow them down with that delicious damage multiplier.


    Also I noticed that not many people (just from my observations) use the roll to avoid damage. It's actually a really effective way of staying alive whether it be a heavy gunner spraying you or an ancient trying to land the final blow.

  14. What if... accelerant decreases an enemy's armour rating by 30%? This would mean that with a max power build (this is just a guess) you could decrease enemy armour rating by 100%

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