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Posts posted by FierceRadiance

  1. The answer to that question has changed as DE has tried different approaches to the issue. I *think* that currently they are also more common on the more difficult missions.

    I suspect that the outer-planet drop types may function (at least at the moment) as an incentive to get players onto the higher levels, as some have commented that it's still more efficient for cash farming to just re-run the Mercury assassination mission repeatedly.

    Edit: That said, the Rare Fusion Cores are actually rare now (which also didn't use to be that way). if you aren't seeing them, that's prolly one reason why.

  2. Hmmm. Can't recall for sure (writing this as I leave work) but I don't recall ever putting any extra penetration mods on my Paris (I don't use them on anything) and I get two numbers frequently when I shoot. I don't think the second (yellow?) number is related to any penetration mods you may have on. (Not sure what it does refer to, maybe just the innate armor penetration of the weapon) but I'm almost certain it doesn't relate to penetration mods.

  3. I run through many sections of missions, just because I've done them so many times. But I keep an eye on the map as well, and if there's someone lagging behind, I do what I can to either go back & get/help them, or remind the rest of the group that we ARE a group, and they should wait up.

    I can understand the mentality of rushing through a mission I'm re-re-RE-running, it's just not acceptable to make anyone else pay a price for my impatience.

  4. I'm currently having the ocassional issue with the game's graphic design choices, re: too bright, too dark. I adjusted my WF client gamma & contrast settings, and although the game looks a tad washed out, it's better than it was. That said, I still think DE should do a little bit of brightness/darkness tweaking so the game isn't quite so contrast-y. IMHO, of course.

  5. I dunno, I haven't tried the Hek yet either, I just leveled/modded/supercharged the poo outta my Strun (seriously, it no longer has ANY poo in it) and I love it. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I can 'snipe' with it, but it does have a very tiny spread even at distance, so generally if I can see it, I can kill it with 2 Strun shots or (usually) less.

    But that said.....isn't one of the benefits of a shotgun normally that it's a 'point-n-press' crowd control device, no aiming required? One of the (few) things I don't like about the Strun is that I have to aim it, even close up. If I just spin around point it in the general direction of a bad guy, like as not I'll miss him. You really do have to aim it (unfortunately).

  6. Some things in some games suck just because they can: i.e., dog balls. (Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can. Dog balls actually explains a lot of things in life.) The 24-hour wait, the damn Nervos balls, many things suck because they can. I'm not trying to be harsh, and please feel free to vent to we fellow Tenno all you want on the forums, because we all understand where you're coming from. But truthfully & honestly--that's just the way it is, deal with it.

  7. Are you re-leveling anything? I read somewhere that you can't level a weapon, sell it, then build another one and try to re-level the new one from level 0. Apparently you only get 30 levels of XP from any single weapon type, regardless of how many times you own & sell that type.

    Edit: Sorry, Ortu, didn't mean to re-state your post.

  8. I thought getting a drop of the BP for Paris meant I was lucky ~ until I saw it required 1200 Rubedo. And there I sat, with about 140 on me. But, two long afternoons later, I had it all, with an extra $50K picked up along the way, as a side benefit of farming it 'legit'. So there are pros and cons to both approaches.

  9. Enemy Sense mod does this, gives 5~30 meters of enemy detection, depending on mod level.

    For me, at least, this mod card has been a pretty common one to drop, usually always at power level 2. So it's cheap to equip it early on, power-wise, and you can level it up as you gain more WF energy to use. The mod's range expands as you power it higher through Fusion.

    I've found the Artifact much harder to come by, as Alert missions with question-mark boni aren't all that common, and then you have to catch one with just this Artifact. The mod cards seem to drop much more often.

  10. You guys make a good suggestion, essentially: play with the graphics settings on my end, to overcome the design decisions on DE's end. I will try that, and thanks for the suggestion, but the fact that I/we have to do this at all on the client end.....pretty much proves my point.

    DE needs to correct this on their end.

  11. Meh. I've hated 'level-design-via-flashlight-field-of-view' for two console generations. The bad guys don't see the Tenno flashlights coming? Please.

    Light the damn levels better.

  12. Am I the only one who noticed that the air doesn't get sucked out of the room in which you broke the window, the 'air-sucking-out' thingy follows YOU. I broke a window, then got on an elevator. The air continued to get sucked out of the elevator, and then continued to get sucked out of every room I entered, whether it had any windows or not. It followed me past closed (presumably air-tight) doors.

    I call shenanigans.

  13. Y'know, I understand the usefulness of darkness in video games as well as anyone. It's moody, it can set a tone, it can be useful for 'gotcha' moments, it can make level design easier under some circumstances. But I just lost a battle with the infested almost entirely for one reason: I COULDN'T SEE MY ENEMY TO FIGHT THEM. I became surrounded in an area where there was NO LIGHT (not just kinda dark, or dim, or poorly lit. BLACK). I couldn't move because I was pressed in and surrounded in what was apparently a tight space (I don't know--I COULDN'T SEE) and I got beat to death.

    In fairness, other factors were involved, and I acknowledge that. I was using my Strun, so I only had 8 shots (it's buffed) before I had to reload, I managed to get separated from my team (hey, I had to bring groceries in just as the round started!), and I was using my brand new Mire sword which doesn't have any buffs yet (you know, the rusty butter knife that you use to take one swing at the enemy and then run away, so they can die slowly from poisoning? Yeah, that one.)

    But the fact remains, even if I had better weapons, making players try and fight under near- or complete-blackout conditions is BS, and I'm calling it. We need slightly brighter levels, especially on the higher and more difficult ones. I'm trying to use my new Paris, and I can't even see into the next room to aim. If the enemy isn't shooting, they're effectively invisible, and that's unfair, especially since you deny the Tenno an effective invisibility while dangling it in front of them with two invisibility buffs, neither of which really work.

    I've posted before about how we need a "magic" nerf, about how so many conditions that affect the Tenno have no effect whatsoever on the bad guys. Here is yet another example. I can't see a damn thing, but not only does every damn tentacle-dog, blender-box boy, Troma-clone or armored green gym-monkey in the place know where I am, THEY CAN SEE IN COMPLETE BLACKNESS!!??!! That's crap.

    DE, Steve, Rebecca, if you're going to give the enemy AI the advantage of completely accurate night-vision, then why are there lights in the levels at all? What's the in-game justification for the Grineer and Corpus providing light for their enemies if they don't need it in order to fight effectively? The US Army has excellent night-vision warfighting capabilities, so guess what--they use it! They fight at night. We're supposed to believe that the Grineer and Corpus are either too stupid to use this obvious advantage over the Tenno, or else they intentionally put lights here and there in their bases and ships when they don't need to.....BECAUSE??!!?? C'mon guys, in addition to being totally unfair, this aspect of the game design just plain does not make any sense. Either give us a little light to see by when we fight, or else take your assumption to it's logical conclusion and force the Tenno fight on total blackout levels which is ridiculous on it's face.


  14. You could always ask yourself: "If I don't spend the money here, what will I do with it?".

    If you're going to buy, say 2 games you'll play for 12 hours each.. money is probably better spent here.

    If you're going to invest them somehow and manage to get a fat profit, get that big house and your dream car.. money probably better spent there :p

    I agree with Bitfly above.

    My take is similar: I've paid more than $50 for console games that I didn't play for the 100+ hours I've put into WF already. (Come to think of it, I didn't put 100+ hours into MOST of the console games I've bought.) And you've played WF, you KNOW it's an A-class game.

    I bought the $20 option after about 5 hours of play, and I expect to pay the $30 upgrade to the $50 option before the Founders Program goes away in the coming weeks. (I would have done so already, but $1600 in unexpected car repair and medical expenses over the past three weeks have left my finances temporarily depleted.)

  15. Servers have been weird the last couple of days. Arsenal & Foundry in particular seem to be showing the most weirdness. I wouldn't sweat it for now (plus, they've got a lot on their plate right now with the server issues.) Best advice, sit tight, and see if it's still there in another couple of days.

    (If so, put a trouble ticket in.)

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