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Posts posted by FierceRadiance

  1. I was running the first Mercury mission, and after my partner left me for dead early in the mission ($#%&!!) I clicked "Abort Mission". The screen went to black for 5-10 seconds, and then a message panel appeared, with an "okay" click button. But my cursor was gone. Eventually by doing 'circles' with my mouse I was able to 'find' the cursor when the Okay button highlighted as it passed over. But even though I was able to click on the Okay and it made the proper sound, the click didn't register, and I was left dead in the water, as it were.

    Eventually I had to Alt+Tab out of the window. I right-clicked on the taskbar WF icon (Win7 64-bit) and clicked "Close Window" but this also failed. I then opened Task Manager, and was able to close Warframe.

  2. Keep your head down.

    Beyond the poor attempt at humor, folk are really going to have to work to rebuild their WFs, and taking bullets like Superman is out, at least for the time being. We're going to have to play, at least initially, like we're mortals again. Kinda sucks for the moment, but in a week or two we'll be back up to near our old strength and/or used to the new way of doing things.

    And all that aside, some tips from the Devs regarding different strategies about combining Cards & Cores would be appreciated.

  3. I know it sounds trite, but "This, too, shall pass". Every one of us was at a very similar position a handful of weeks ago, when we first started. Yup, right now it's frustrating as hell. But DE wants to make a great game, they aren't going to just wreck it.

    But learning this new way of doing things will take time. So...give this time. Learn to enjoy killing things the hard way again. It will get better.

    A Stratgegy Guide about how to use what we have would greatly be appreciated, though...

  4. I don't know about any one else, but I'm confused about how to apply the cores to whatever CardsI find/buy.

    How can I tell whether I should use a Common3 Fusion Core with a given Card, or something a little -or a lot- higher?

    ATM, I have a wealth of these Cores at my disposal, and I sure don't want to waste them, either by using a high-value Fusion Core on a low-value Card, or vice versa, combining a high-value Card with a low-value Fusion Core and thus wasting it's potential.

    Anybody want to lay out what they see as the philosophy behind combining what we have today in particular ways? Which methods of combining are good/better, and which ones are bad/worse?

    Some thoughts from the Devs would certainly be welcome here as well. You guys and gals built this system, how did you imagine us using it and/or playing within it? I've read the explanation of WHAT we have, but I'm sure some basic suggestions on how to put the stuff to it's best use would be appreciated by all.

    I'm kinda paralyzed by my choices at the moment...

  5. If this really was a betrayal of trust by a member of the Design Council, it's a shame, and someone has exposed their gutter-level character. But to everyone who thinks this leak negates everything of value in being a member of the DC, allow me to disagree.

    I can't afford to be a member. But if I were able, the ability to 'see behind the curtain' would be what I was most interested in. To hear the developers' thoughts, to maybe influence the course of game evolution in some way, to me that's the real benefit of membership in the Council. To feel as though, even in a very small way, I might have been able to play a role in a good game's design...that's the real value of such a membership. This leak -if it was leaked by a Design Council member- is someone's brief moment of foolishness, and nothing more. The influence the members wield will continue as the game grows and changes. I will continue to be jealous of that access, and DC members should enjoy it.

  6. I'm thinking that once DE shared the info with "outsiders", that is, people outside the company, they had to have (or should have) considered it "out there". I certainly agree that it should have remained just within the DC, and if everybody was good people, it would have. But from the company's point of view, even releasing it to the DC was kind of 'releasing' it.

  7. "Because of the interaction with the fusion system, old Mods actually have future value that can vest when a new Mod comes out and you want to immediately fuse and max it out."

    I really like this part! This could mean limited-time drops, various specialty/holiday/whatever drops, drops that are only out for a day or three, so players who haunt the forums get a little love, all kinds of possibilities.

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