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Posts posted by FierceRadiance

  1. But why would a health or mana (excuse me, "energy") ball care what happens to a mod drop? Are one kind of drop necessarily related to others? Plus, these usually weren't near abysses, and I've seen several mods that went over a railing into the mist and never respawned (and I looked hard for a couple of them). So you may be right, but I'm thinking it's just as likely that it could be a bug.

  2. It's especially noticable with the spheres, but I'm still seeing colored spikes as well, and these would be in areas I haven't been in yet (seeing them ahead of me) so they couldn't have been picked up yet. Haven't been playing much Solo lately, so these would be in co-op missions during the periods where I've been leading the group, first one in rooms or in areas where I've shot bad guys in front of me.

  3. Actually, this may be hard to believe (or accept) but I think we need upgrading to stay as expensive as it currently is. Here's why.

    Previously, WF players were leveling through pretty much everything the game had to offer in a metter of a couple of weeks - even less if you were lucky enough to devote a couple of full days to playing it. You can't have a profitable FtP game in which folk can max everything out in just a couple of weeks, it just doesn't generate enough revenue to make the game work.

    So DE made leveling you WF and weapons a much slower, more money intensive process. That's to keep people playing for much longer. Or, conversely, they can use RL cash to buy in-game money, and use that to speed up the leveling process. But either way, the bottom line is, people need to hang in and play the game for much longer peroids of time, and therefore -hopefully- drop some cash on DE. I think DE has earned it--I men, this is a pretty frickin' amazing game, to look at, to play, however you want to view it. So, while I agree they still have a bit of tweeking to do, I think leveling has to stay as pricey as it is.

    Besides, if you're willing to put the time in, you can amass the cash pretty quick under the current system. I piled up about $50k in the course of about two evenings, and that's while I was still spending some of it on upgrades as I went. So if you play the right kinds of Alerts and missions, you can generate the cash you need pretty quickly. Of course, you're going to need tens of thousands for EACH item you max out, most likely. So you're still going to need to grind.

    My original point was that one of the tweeks I think they need to make is to the drop rates on so-called Common Fusion Cores, and so-called Rare ones. Commons are much cheaper to use, and so I think they should be dropping more often. Currently, I don't think they are. Less Rares on drops would help players not have to spend so much to upgrade, without adjusting the cash drop rates.

  4. I accidentally used my Super Jump on Excalibur and landed on one of the pillars. Only had to hit a couple infested that jumped up there. Easiest challenge so far xD

    That was a great idea! I used wall-climb to climb one of the towers, and just kept swinging and shooting and occasionally jumping to a new tower. The small space at the top kept the number of enemies managable, and even though I got knocked off a few times, it was easy to just climb back up another one. Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. Was the qualification test changed? Last time I did it, it was like kill 15 guys in a minute. I'd just one shot them all by the 40 second mark and move on. I don't know anyone who's ever failed it, but I'd imagine nothing counts towards the next rank until you finish the test for the one before it. I noticed when I forgot to do the rank 3 to 4 test before, I didn't have any bonus exp in the bar afterward.


    For the lvl 4 test, you just have to survive till the timer runs out. Based on the level 2 & 3 tests, I didn't even bother to look at how long I had to last, I never considered than I might lose.

    Then I got over-run rfeal fast, and couldn't even manage to hit back. I'd get maybe a swing in, and then I was continually staggered and couldn't get any swings off. And forget about shots. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, mostly because I was pretty much permanently staggered. Kinda &!$$ed me off. Anybody know if there's still a requirement to 'stay in the circle' on 4? I didn't look.

  6. I respect your perspectives on the subject.

    But do you believe gameplay would really be hurt by offering 2 more slots for, say, 20 plat, the price of a potato? A major increase in slots (from the user's perspective), money in DE's pocket, and it would make the Critical Hit buffs (Chance & Damage) viable options, whereas right now they really aren't. It would increase the usefulness of pretty much any buff that isn't damage-, shields- or health-related.

    Another way to look at it would be, haven't you already bought more Warframe and weapon slots? What makes those purchases a good idea, but more card slots is a bad idea? An argument could be made against more slots if the game was PvP (PtW), but since it's permanently co-op, I think there really is no downside. A more powerful member on your team...where's the harm?

  7. So what's the difference between a Rare "4" card (for example) and a Rare 2 "4" card? They both use the same energy. (And I'm already assuming the answer will involve more than just 'It's mo betta!!')

    I'm also assuming that if you've got several of card X, it's better to use the highest one as the basis for your fusions (the Rare 2 in the example above), but is that really the correct approach? For example, we already know that, at least for the moment, "Rare" cards are the ones we want the least, and "Common" cards are the ones we want the most and also the ones least likely to drop. So there may well be some misdirection at work here.

    What's the top end on energy levels? I've already created some level 11 & 12 cards ~ is there a max?

    The "Seeking Force" shotgun puncture card - I've got a Rare 1 level 11 that gives me a whopping +.01 puncture bonus. Really. Really? Really??!!?? With apologies to Daffy Duck, "THIS is a BONUS???" Can anyone asplain this to me so that it sounds useful? I must be misunderstanding what it does, because even applied to 10 pellets in a singloe shotgun blast, that adds up to 1 additional point of damage, and that's for a level 11 card.

  8. This seems like a no-brainer.

    8 is fine...for a while. But I've got several more level 4-5-6 cards that I could be using, and it's going to be a WHIIIIIII(yawn)IIIIIIILE until I can afford to max out my favorite ones. So, give me an excuse to spend RL cash and buy plat from you and spend it on more slots. Because a profitable developer is a happy developer!


  9. what are qualification missions?

    If you look at the bar where your name is (in the lobby screen) you'll see a thin blue bar. You gain points to it by leveling your WarFrame (300, I think) and your weapons (100, I think). Once you fill the bar, you have to pass a 'qaulification test' to advance to the next level. The increased levels gain you access to a few better weapons.

  10. On the elimination mission on Venus, can't recall the name, in one of the large common caves, was shooting a Grineer with my Aklatos and he stopped, paused, and then fell through the walkway. I was above him, on one of the side platforms.

    He fell out of view, so I can't say for sure that he stopped on the "ground". But a Grineer came into view on the ground from under the walkway within seconds, shooting at me, so it might have been the same guy.

    Edit: This was on a Solo mission.

  11. Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought the purpose of the Vandal weapons was to give Beta testers something of a reward, for helping debug and perfect the game. But by nerfing these weapons, DE turned both of them into essentially Just Another Gun. Yes, if a group temporarily stops playing for a few seconds in-game, the other players could see that it LOOKS a little different from what they have (or have access to), which is nice.

    But I think I speak for most testers when I say, given the choice, we'd rather have a gun that does more damage for a reward, than a gun that looks somewhat different. No sarcasm intended, but I've been playing for 90+ hours, and so far, nobody has stopped to admire my weaponry. They do occasionally appreciate me saving their lives by helping them kill something, though. And if there are better guns to use, nobody's going to see my Vandals hidden away in my inventory. I'd like to have a solid reason to take them out and use them.

    DE, respectfully, please consider restoring the damage to the Vandals. Whether you do so or not, they were a very nice thing for you to do for us, and I know we're all grateful to have them. But restoring the damage would be appreciated.

  12. Since it's been pretty clearly demonstrated by others much smarter than me that pretty much all "Rare" cores do is cost you more to use than the other two types of Cores when upgrading, could we please start receiving a few less (so-called) "Rares" and a LOT more Commons in our drops?

    Thank you.

  13. I hate to say it, but the honest truth is, this is a Beta version of the game. We're officially here to test it. I'm Beta-testing a few other games, and one of them was resetting more than once a day for a while. That game still resets fairly frequently. It's in the nature of Beta games to undergo resets.

    That said, losing all your progress can suck. Especially if you had yourself set up as a ROFLstomper prior to U7. But even so, you had to know that the previous system wasn't going to work. I mean, if you're able to essentially max out what the game has to offer in a matter of weeks -or a couple of days of really dedicated play- then you might have guessed that it was going to fail as a money-making venture. The reset had to happen. I feel bad that you had to lose all your progress, but everybody went through the same screwing. Some just had farther to fall than others.

    The comments about the mod system still needing work are well-taken, and that could possibly mean another reset could be coming, or at least a serious re-working of the mod/fusion system. So enjoy the testing, but always keep in the back of your mind that 'it could all go away'. Again.

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