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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. I did, more than you, but I'd still like some actual game progression, where I can play the game to obtain the things I want and have it mean something, rather than hanging out on twitter waiting for a mythical blue print mission to appear whilst hoping I'm not at work at the time. 


    +1 to OP, Make a new boss and make it challenging. This alert mission RNG crap is hurting the game.

    They will eventually make new bosses. But if all new things are available for f2ps, how will DE make money?
  2. Maybe have it so you buy a perm bp, for a fair amount of money, based on how rare the item is, and you can start as many "crafts" as you want to whenever you want to. You still have to pay the starting fee though. But overall I love the idea.

  3. Also a terrible comparison. Games like Planetside 2 need a lot of active people, as they are all on one server together at the same time. My experience in this game at 4AM feels the same as it does at 7PM. You are incorrect about this game needing a critical mass of people to function.

    That's because different people have logged on...

  4. Maybe even have them spawn in the normal waves if you get high enough. But you'd have to replace the hellfire stuff with better rewards. How about plat in small amounts maybe for high levels, or rare fusion cores?

  5. Putting Vauban as Europa boss would be bad, because it would make the people who bought it with money mad, but they should put Banshee there though.


    That would make people who bought banshee mad also. I'd say they'll leave Europa open for future operation events or another warframe's boss.


    RE: paying.

    It's like giving a dog a treat after he S#&$s on your carpet. It only makes the dog think he did a good job and he'll do it more. If we stop paying them for bad updates then they'll learn (hopefully).

    Yep. Stop paying them and the updates will get better. Or stop coming at all....... There is a difference between rewarding for an action and a paycheck.
  6. 1. Up to ten hours apart actually.

    5. It's kinda stupid that DE has a system put into the game that actively discourages people from playing the game, no?

    How unlucky are you that ? Alerts are 10 hours apart?

    And how is that what their doing?

  7. I concur. I too would like to see some more action coming from the Tenno breasts...how about some cleavage for the next one? Maybe a thong like device? God dammit, you put me in the mood...Google search: Tenno hentai


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