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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. It's a technical thing, item X does not convert to item Y, they are separate entities in the back-end.

    Our founders program is meant to give users a way to support us, and in return, getting exclusive content and gear.

    I think our support.warframe.com help desk is open to discussing situations like this - where the equivalent of a founders package was purchased in platinum only. You may want to consider contacting them - it never hurts to ask!

    (Since I was going to make a thread about this) so it's useless to ask for a progress bar kind of thing, where every time you spend $5 or w/e it goes up $5 and once you spend enough you can upgrade to the next foundrs package? I'd b fine even if you had to manually buy the first level, then pay an extra $5 to actually upgrade. Obviously you wouldn't get any plat when you upgrade, and you would have to actually buy the first "level" Also, you'd only get any rewards you don't already have, so you'd end with only 1 Excalibur prime

    Thoughts? Should I make it a thread?

  2. My other cheek:

    Had a thought - maybe it becomes invite only, so only your friend's could join. As a friend, you would hope they would not join grab and leave. That takes at least one part of the exploit out of the equation.

    But then everyone but one person could leave, securing the reward mod, then rejoin and keep going.

    I think this should be revisited, but we need to think of a way to fix it.

    Just thought of this, how about if you join half way through,mother other people get the mod rewards for correct level, but the new person starts at rewards from level 5. Thoughts?

  3. I'm actually unable to interpret what the idea you suggest is?


    Are you suggesting that all items actually level to 60 and the reactor/catalyst simply gives you 2 levels for every one such that you can get every item to 60 regardless of reactor/catalyst inclusion?


    If that's the case, no, that simply doesn't fit within the game architecture to date in my opinion.  I don't hate it, I just don't think it offers anything other than devaluing reactors/catalysts pretty significantly.


    Or if you are instead saying that the reactor/catalyst just means the levels 31-60 are accessible now and earnable?


    Perhaps.  But to apply this to all existing equipment at present would either pre-set a LOT of weapons to 60 or make numerous items suddenly unable to use all the mods users assigned to them.


    In either case, it doesn't seem like it would be a good fit or do anything for a net positive so much as be change for change sake.

    No, he's saying change it so all levels make it so you get 1 mod level, but with a potato you can level it to 60. Same amount of mod capacity, you just have to work for it.
  4. You get to be able to recruit people. Also when the dojo comes out you could be the one deciding what to build and how to decorate.

    Is that just warlord?

  5. I've never had this issue.


    Also my game has never crashed and i've played for a pretty hardcore amount of time (approaching rank 6 rapidly)


    That certainly sounds weird for a defense mission, although it might make sense in mobile defense or just defense.


    The total amount of guys fits (for example on grineer mobile defense "Kiste" in Ceres, the total amount is something about 600+ guys.)

    Off topic but which has more enemies, Kiste or kappa?
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