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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. Paris is usefull for assassination if you can get headshots. since jakal and hyena dont really have heads, and one has a dmg limit and the other has low health, the paris isnt really a corpus boss weapon. so i see where they are coming from. but they waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over reacted. a simple "I think you chose the wrong weapon for this mission." would have been fine, what they did was over the top.

  2. The paris can one shot anything if modded correctly not counting bosses, ancients, or heavies. might be able to 1 shot vor, havnt checked.

    But if these idiots think Paris users are bow%&^s..... they obviously havent ever used it.

  3. I know there have been a lot of threads about this. But here's my idea.

    When one person walks over a mod, even if they have already collected it, it drops a waypoint on it. Right on the mod. All you have to do is walk over it. Or near it if that's not to hard to code.


  4. Similar thing happened to me without a Host migration. Was doing Kappa which is Mobile Defense. Lotus changed it to exterminate and after we killed all the enemies it showed the data terminals and waypoints for them. We took the data mass to them but couldn't insert them. Again not game breaking as we just had to get to the extraction (though a little confusing when you have 3 objective markers on the minimap).

    Yeah, whenever a MD mission changes to extermination, it makes it so you can't out the days thing in the system.

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