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Posts posted by Feldgrep


    I would like to offer a tip for reviving people in WF.


    Once you start reviving a fallen Tenno, never stop holding the "x" key.


    If a walker stomps, the Jackal stomps, or something else throws you away from the person you are reviving, do not let go of "x".


    It does not matter if you are thrown far away or to the ground, you will continue to revive the fallen player if you keep holding the key down.


    So, never let your "x" finger become afraid and release the key! 


    That is all.


    yep. +1

  2. Ahh I see, I was afraid my account was being compromised. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue and hope it gets resolved soon.

    yeah fdont worry. should be fixed in an hour or so with my experiences with these kinds of things.

  3. tried to log in and i got wrong info. reset passowrd got this:


    MongoConnectionException: No candidate servers found in MongoClient->__construct() (line 5 of /var/www/live/sites/all/modules/mod_warframe_auth/lib/mongo.php).

  4. What some abilities need is to put a big banner with red bold letters in front of all the other players when casted, like these:


    Frost 1st: "Don't shoot at the one I'm freezing. Kill all the others first, dammit!" [1]

    Frost 3rd: "Get in this snow globe so you won't get hurt. And shoot from inside."

    Ember 3rd: "Get in the ring of fire, idiots! Let the enemies get here and die."

    Banshee 2nd: "Shoot at the orange spots for maximum pwnage"

    Nyx 4th: "Don't attract enemy fire. Let them hit me"


    etc, etc

    So many people don't know how to play together with the other frames.



    [1] A little story with this one. I was once in a party killing a boss, me playing Frost, when all my teammates died. I froze the boss and was going to revive them one by one, when they all started to shoot at the boss, thus awaking him. I died too of course. It was a party full of "geniuses".


  5. Do you have another suggestion? the point would be to change Mag's roll as a AoE damage beast to something else.

    depends. how about it sucks all enemies in the aoe in, then shoots them out. they slowly lose speed, the sooner they hit something, (enemies included0they  take dmg. that way it still does damage, and includes the suck in and knockdown aspect.

  6. Nyx would likely reduce the accuracy of all enemy units in a particular area by a small %, or give a very small chance for enemies to occasionally attack their allies via brief, spontaneous hallucinations. The key being that she affects the mental state of enemies. Projectiles don't have a mental state to affect.

    See? improvement.

  7. Agreed, that one is much more fleshed out. Plenty of solid ideas in there.

    And yet this is what I pounded out while busy doing math homework in about 3 minutes. as i said, i understand my post wont compare to others, it was just what I wanted to see

  8. An aura that alters the 'mind' of mindless projectiles to make them turn around and attack their original shooters? The other ideas I'm kind of on board with, but you might want to rethink that one. Maybe it'd work on something like the homing rockets from the bombards, but even that is a stretch.

    if you have a better idea, im all for it. cause i just made those up on the spot, and i know most of them are only half baked.

    also, people im open to usggestions to the ones i didnt get passives for.

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