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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. I think for me if your going to make frame specific mods they need to be more game changing like changing the general role of the frame to something different. How i am not sure but something that inherently changes the way the frame plays not better or obvious upgrade something that asks the questions should i equip this or not?

    .... what?

  2. It would give the Warframes more characteristic to them.

    I like the idea you have going.


    thank you. Seems like currently the warframes are more just about the ults. this would make you have to use a few more brain cells when deciding which frame to use :)

  3. I would also like to see more passive effects though not necessary the once you posted here.

    yeah, maybe there could be multiple, but you could only choose 1 or 2. the only problem with lots would be the coding and balancing

  4. So I was thinking, why not give warframes passive abilities? maybe its a mod that can be levelled up and has its own slot, but nothing else can be put there. Here are the ones i have so far:


    (These are the effects when maxed out)

    Frost: No effect on sheilds when it is an ice mission

    Nyx: Nyx has a small chance to alter enemies state of minds, and make them temporaraly hallucinate and shoot their allies, your enemies. (small, balanced chance)

    Saryn: Saryn has an aura that when enemies pass intto it, it poisons them. some small amount.

    Ember: Doesn't take fire damage.





    Trinity: When Trinity's health drops below 5% (or an ally's that is close enough) Trinity begins to restore the health at a very slow rate.

    Volt: When Volt walks by mobs, the frame will send one bolt out at them, (one per enemy in its life) doing like 20 damage or something

    Mag: Gravity is increased slightly around mag, all mobs have their movement speed (halved?)

    Rhino: Armor goes up the lower health is.


    If a frame does not have a passive written, I could not think of one. feel free to give me suggestions.


    Discuss. Haters not Accepted

  5. I think that's a nice idea, but they should start with making the ground finishing moves actually finish things.

    They're too damn weak.

    Took a full squad over 2 ground finishers apiece to kill a grineer heavy.
  6. Ability mods are perfect for levelling up... You guessed it! Abilities!


    If you wasted your fusion cores on abilities, that's your own fault.


    What if I want to upgrade miasma? It'll take a frick tonne of fusion cores that I'd rather save for serration... or a couple of Miasma mods.

    You think I shouldn't get those from mod packs just because you'd rather waste fusion cores?


    No thanks, I say leave it as is, and let stupidity punish itself.

    Really? Because it takes 8 or so miasma mods to cap it. Have fun finding all those.
  7. So after a ton of hard work, I finally get enough mastery to advance to level 2. Ooh, I get Rhino warframe. Oooh, I get the Gram Heavy Sword. Oooh, I get this and that and this and that. Except you have to test for the rank. Well okay, seems fair.


    Or so I thought.

    So they plop me in this circle and say 'let's see how good you are with your sidearm.' 

    Seems fair.


    Except I'm waiting in the circle for the simulated grineer to get out of their damn cover, and time runs out. May I add that you were allowed to leave the circle the whole... damn.... time. I didn't figure this out until I dashed out because there was 5 seconds left and I figured I was gonna fail anyway.


    Then, nobody told me you could actually use your rifle. You don't have to go sidearm, it just says do so. I was unaware of this either.


    Warframe devs, if you're gonna make rank testing, don't be so vague in WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO AND WHAT YOU CAN'T DO. If you're gonna make something that people by default would usually assume means failure, and have it just there for kicks and giggles, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.


    Of course, it's only fair now that I have to wait 24 hours to test. It also says you need to re-qualify for the rank if you wanna test again.


    1. It's a lie.

    2. Lemme get this straight... in a game where it takes a couple days minimum to get a rank, you would TEST them and if they fail you would take away all their progress? Are you mad? 


    My thoughts: I dunno.... 2/10 maybe? The game is good. Repetitive, REALLY need to work on the replayability, but otherwise good. However, misleading instructions are one of my biggest pet peeves. Fix it.

    Fix the problem. Fix the player.
  8. Face it. The RNG gods hate us. In the last 2 weeks, I've never seen an alert over 3k, god forbid it has a bp or artifact as a reward. I've missed 2 glaives, 2 reactors, and 5 catalysts. Starting to think its not just RNG...

    RNG will be the death of this game. Only thing De is doing wrong.

  9. I was guilty of doing this once or twice.

    You just don't understand. The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating. You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight. A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.

    It's a blessing, and a curse.

    I tried so hard today to not use quake and level my braton instead. It's just an automatic reaction now whenever I see lots of people in a room.

    You don't know how exilerating it is charging in to a crowd of infected feeling no fear and then slaughtering them all in one go. 20 kills in 3 seconds is insanely fun.

    Banshmadness. Only way to describe it. You need to see a doctor soon. Trust me. You will be forever addicted, like me, if you don't.
  10. How do you fix this? Mod your weapons so you can kill the infested on the first planet with a rank 20 volt. I never noticed the ancients heals until the high levels.

  11. They've mentioned giving folks warframe/weapon slots as rewards for reaching mastery ranks.


    Something like one warframe slot every other rank.



    I really hope something happens soon. Loosing friends left and right because of this.


    Come on DE my only complaint I have about the game straight up. 


    You won't ever see me complain other than Bugs which are just me reporting faults with the in game content.

    Then get your friends to pay DE for their hard work.
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