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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. It is possible for an enemy to do so much damage in one attack, that they instantly kill you past revive in multiplayer, and you have to use a revive, but I've. Ver heard of this before

  2. I was looking through the forums recently and saw all this rage \ hate about Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, Market Place changes, etc.

    I'm kind of sitting here all confused like...

    I could write out this huge, long post about how easy it is to make credits, or get alloy plating.

    How right it seems that Banshee's ult no longer makes her immortal.

    How amazing Vauban is (Despite the fact you know he's going to be fixed soon)

    Or How Rhino's change is... odd. (Give me knock back \ stagger resistance again, and keep the 80% reduction.)

    But really...

    I like this game. It's an awesome game. Lol, it really is. The graphics are AMAZING. The detail for each of the Frames is astonishing, (I love the organic look to Loki and Excal - it's stuff like that you don't see much of )

    Like, let's look at the one Corpus level - where you fight Ambulas. Okay, that's an awesome level. The sky is so beautiful, the water? I love that fact that we're actually being sent to an outpost, on a planet and kicking &#!! I love that there's these hidden things as well. The Orokin artifact thing at the bottom of the stairs, those giant spears sticking out of the ground. Lotus' sexy voice *Ahem*

    Bah, I'm sorry. I'm just saying that, you know... the game is still in a Beta stage. They need to make money somehow. You have the ability aside from Excal. Prime, Colours, and Sentinel cosmetics to get EVERYTHING in the store.

    I'm just saying... keep up the good work Devs.

    Lotus' sexy voice. DE Rebecca does make a good master >.>
  3. He means about the wiki page where the test aren't posted by DE but rather by users who had run tests.


    Crit Chance and Run Speed are tested by Users and then posted on the wiki page.


    In that case, he means that even though the wiki is there, the accuracy of resources needed in the BP is questionable due to it being written by users and not by DE.

    True, but it is probably checked tons of times a day, so it's really accurate. It's what I use. But I guess it wouldn't take much to screw it up so I do see your/his point.
  4. I agree, the game should have more information about items included, before buying something check google, before crafting something check google.. we should google if we really can't find an answer.. not for any small thing.. wiki isn't that accurate either because it is written by users based on tests (like crit chance and running speed)

    What does crit chance and run speed have to do with bp materials?

  5. Remove Bullet Attractor??? You clearly have never been a part of Calibur+Mag+Trinity team during Grineer bullet spong,,, erm boss run...


    Bullet Attractor + Radial Javelin + Energy Vampire = Destroyer Javelin Missiles

    With a banshee. 400% more dmg anyone?

  6. Most likely when U8 is up. It's the scythe that Frost Prime is holding in the pictures. Apparently the stalker decided that F.P doesn't deserve and swiped it off him.


    It is similar to Frost Prime's scythe in his feature poster. Though the DE said that those weapons won't come as soon as the Update 8.

  7. To these

    Apparently there's one coming with the Frost Prime update.

    Source: The Frost Prime promotional poster.


    Yea, the Frost prime picture featured a scythe so hopefully that will come with update 8.



    they announced that the weapons in the frost prime picture will not be out in update 8 but they didnt say that the weapons wont be added at all so hopefully sometime after 8 they release it


    But at the same time, this.


    Yes, but at the same time when they were asked about the equipment Frost Prime was holding in the Live Stream they stated that it was going to be released later. Personally I hope not too much later, because I want a scythe so I can run around yelling "I'M AM BECOME DEATH, DESTROYING OF WORLDS, FEAR ME!!!!" and then slicing stuff. ^.^

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