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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_





    Reference and Inspiration


    Faction: Corpus

    Name: Volitor ( from the Latin word volitant meaning hover)

    Type: Skates

    Description: Hover skates used by special corpus units. Using there plasma blades tenno kick through the flesh of any who approach. Also while equipped tenno skate around moving 25% faster. Has high channeling damage.


    Normal Attacks
    Electricity Damage 50
    Attack Speed 1.117
    Channel Eff 3
    Channel Multi 3.0x
    Crit Chance 5.0%
    Crit Multiplier 1.5x
    Status Chance 15.0%




    Reference and Inspiration


    Faction: Corpus

    Name: Volitex ( from the Latin word volitant meaning hover)

    Type: Skates

    Stance: New Kicking stance (see video) 

    Description: Hover skates used by special corpus units. Using there plasma blades tenno kick through the flesh of any who approach. Also while equipped tenno skate around moving 25% faster.

    Has high channeling damage.


    Normal Attacks
    Electricity Damage 50
    Attack Speed 1.117
    Channel Eff 3
    Channel Multi 3.0x
    Crit Chance 5.0%
    Crit Multiplier 1.5x
    Status Chance 15.0%


  3. 16 hours ago, lengsis said:

    I'm at Mastery 9 ATM, and the game is getting very boring to me. I've finished all the quests, I've got rich from trading (still got lots of stuff that can probably be sold for 1k+ plats), I made my own clan, I wasted some plats to make my clan look awesome, I don't have all the warframes, I can buy all of them with plats right now if I choose to. That's how much plats trading gave me. When ember prime and frost prime came back, I farmed a lot. After they get vaulted, I stopped playing for like 4-5 months because I want the price of those two to go up. I just got back on today to sell the sets, but I didn't because I don't know why I need plats. The question here is "How can people keep playing the game?" Theres people who are at master 20+ HOW DO U NOT GET BORED?!!??!

    *Please don't mind my English, I'm still learning*

    Master conclave then come back & tell me your bored . I understand if your bored with PVE tho 

  4. 8 minutes ago, direcyphre said:

    But do you like fishsticks? Do you put fishsticks in your mouth?

    Reasons why this thread will be locked with quickness . There's some immature people on here 

  5. 2 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    ...You helped inspire Sargas Ruk, who has existed for years?




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    2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

    Well Sargas has been here longer than I imagine you have been playing, and the harkonar scheme and cosmetics have always been a thing.

    Unlikely, friend.


    Lighten up he obviously was inspired from sargas ruk & wanted to show off his actually impressive fashion frame 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    No, I was in the Corpus Kuva Flood in Jupiter, in that title set that can go 4 ways with stairs and a lava pit drop in the middle, the small one. I was aiming at the pillars, rolling backwards mid-air (looks awkwards as hek making a handstand in the air) so I dont fall into the pit and return under fire in the falling recovery animation, rolling to the sides also in mid air (very awkward animation), wall-hopping... the only thing I didnt do was wall-latch.

    I'm not sure if it was skill or panic because I did that on something of an auto-pilot while saying "Oh :poop:! Oh :poop:!" in my head.

    I do that in FPS games too, I panic and then do something crazy like: Spray the M4, kill the dude, throw the M4 away, grab the P90 he had and kill the other guy, change to pistol and kill the 3rd all while jumping around and taking fire... the funny thing about all this is how I react IRL: I keep contorting my body with the character and look like I have a scratch on the back and I'm trying not to use my hands.

    I honestly dont know at some points...

    But its hard to know at this game where the average player can curb-stomp almost anything the game throws at them and when level gets high enough: any mistake is punished by death Downed state.

    Either Battlefield 4 or csgo lol & yeah I know what you mean but that definitely sounded like skill . Maybe someday things will be different and the game will have some genuine challenges 

  7. 2 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    There are time I'm playing a squishy Warframe and then I'm suddenly with 100 HP or less because I wasnt paying attention and got myself in the middle of an enemy cluster and they are not happy with me, does me being able to dodge, parkour and roll long enough to restore all my shields counts as skill?

      Reveal hidden contents

    I would call that panickly flailing around tbh...


    I think the question that I'm asking everyone is a hard one because there definitely is a skill gap .. but it's just hard to recognize. Like was you getting away to restore your shields you playing skillfully and dodging well or you just pressing two buttons wildly trying to get away. & is there even a difference between the too 

  8. 3 hours ago, Duavey said:

    You haven't really phrased this well, but I assume you mean skill gap between PvP players and PvE players, in which case the answer is yes. If this is between players in PvE, the answer is still yes.

    That said, this is a twitch/horde shooter, so most of the skill involved is experience, reflex, and hand-eye coordination. There are no deep mechanics, no strategical thinking, no challenging puzzles. It's not a Souls game, or Monster Hunter. It's not a MOBA. It's sure as hell not a strategy game. Just point and shoot.

    No I am not talking about between PVP and PVE because that's too obvious there would be no discussion. I'm talking about between PVE players , the core of the game . Is there a skill gap there & how much of it . Does that make sense ? Or am I speaking broken English 

  9. 3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Sortie 3 and long Endless, where enemies easily hit lvl 150-200+.

    I was not talking about throwing newbies with veterans, but people with experience but different skill levels.  Once you get to a certain level where you just can't facetank damage, the difference between the two in being able to react to the situation and get out of it alive will be obvious

     I see , I guess you could say the different between an ice chroma and a banshee lol . 

  10. 3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Of course there is a skill gap, as there is in every kind of game. There'll always be players that are better at killing, reacting, analizing, take advantage and so on. Maybe at lower levels, such things are not really obvious, but if you`ll put a high skill player that knows the in and outs of the game and his loadout with a mediocre player to fight at really high levels,  the difference will be obvious. 


    3 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

    The skill gap in PvE shows later, in high level missions where some people don't know what to do, or separate from the group and die. It's not bad tho, just a very few cases until they get it.


    2 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    I think there is but it's less noticeable because the people with lower skill can still use high level gear or meta weapons to be just as effective. 

    When you guys mean later or higher level do you mean sorties ? Or like deep in endless mission types . But I definitely see what you guys are saying , you would wanna throw someone who's been playing the game for 2 weeks into sorties even if they had high level gear 

  11. I for one think no there isn't much of a skill gap, seeing how we're fighting brain dead enemies that only have 1 or 2 options of action, have horrible accuracy, and are super slow compared to us. That's what lead me to becoming burnt out the first time I started playing warframe . I lasted about a year and 8 months, I have now found new love in conclave.

    But that's beside the point, do you think there is a genuine skill gap between players in PVE?

    (not trying to insult anyone. I'm just looking for people's honest opinions)

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