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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 1 minute ago, Arandabido said:

    Dual daggers in general needs tweaks to work better. What i'm hoping for is passives for each melee category so daggers will get something that makes them usable.

    (and the idea of making them throwing sounds nice)

    lol I'm still wondering why it has a magazine of 6

  2. It's honestly a really bad weapon . It has bad damage, bad status, bad crit, bad reach, and no special passive ability  . The only thing that it has going for it is it's multi strikes and even that + a shattering impact mod doesn't do much against high level enemies . So it's pretty bad in all aspects.. so let's talk buffs 

    First off let's just buff the damage right away because 36 damage on a prime weapon is straight horrible . Dual kamas prime has almost twice that plus good crit and okay status (a slightly longer reach to) So i would increase its base damage but also give it the passive ability that it does twice the amount of damage when hitting the back of an enemy. Matter of fact do this to all dual daggers and don't make it a mod -.-

    I really don't know why it has a magazine of 6 but maybe this could be incorporated, so that you have 6 daggers to throw a mission ? And each thrown dagger does 100 finisher damage before mods .

    lastly I wouldn't buff the crit or the status because I think we should let it keep its soul as a weapon that doesn't rely on neither kind of like  tiberon. Makes it special in a way , but anyway thank you for listening to my rambling. This is my feedback on the weapon. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    Last I checked you're the first one that resorted to mockery with the use of :crylaugh:

    Secondly, I asked for proof for the "nono" to which you replied with "Syndicates Augment Mod slots have been discussed, but are not going to be implemented. We're looking at exploring similar avenues for players to get the most from their augments", but you failed to see how the second part of the statement contradicts your point. From the statement its clear at that time they were looking at improving augments, but were not looking at doing so by just adding a mod slot. Does this prove that they're trying to improve the system? In your eyes it means no, but given the lack of talk on the subject in the last year and how everything got setback by TWW last year I'd say yes.

    In short no one knows and its ignorant to presume what other people think about something, and then drawing conclusions from your presumptions. So yea, there was nothing left to talk about therefore I started :crylaugh:.

    Wow, such pride, what a manly man.



    Whatever I made my point you can lock this mods . Thank you


  4. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    I've watched most of them and one thing is constant throughout all of them and that's the never-say-never mentality, so I don't know where you're getting this. Also you don't get to put words in other people's mouth and then tell them 'go find the proof I'm not lying', that not how the world works. 

    So am I still lying ? Thankfully some other guy did your work for you & found the proof . I'd like an apology please 

  5. 3 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    This, it may not be fear but there's something cacky that's stopping DE from adjusting mods.

    I don't understand it tbh, if it sucks they can just rollback. That's the beauty of beta, they can make all the changes that they want.

    Buff Status mods from 15% to 120% and it makes things OP? Nerf it.

    Bit too weak now? Buff it.

    Sweet spot? Leave it.

    Can't reach that sweet spot unless you actually try though.

    How many times have you seen de "go back" after a change .

  6. 2 minutes ago, Jabarto said:

    Noamuth if you're reading this I'd still like to tag along with you sometime and see what Mag is apparently capable of, I've just been a bit busy lately.

    As for the OP: I made a thread about this topic a while back, and I'm trying to withhold judgment until I've seen others play her, but Mag is my least successful frame by a huge margin. It's completely baffling to me because I haven't had problems with any other frame I've tried, even ones that fill a similar niche like Vauban.

    That's exactly how I feel about her . I struggle to use her , but all these post definitions helped me out to understand what she's capable of I just don't know how to get her there . (Besides just copying someone's build)

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