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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. Does anyone remember when there were plans for clans been able to customise missions with enemy types? It was shown in a devstream

    I believe the incentive was to make the grind for resources less tedious.

    There were also community game modes which came every Friday , and were seriously challenging missions, such as 10wave defense against a horde of Moas and Nullifiers only ,man was that crazy.

    I do hope it makes a come back, it was great fun, if not it can be just part of the customisable missions by clan leaders.

  2. his first ability currently forces the enemy into a projectile, which has incredible rag-doll. You know why that's a problem, because in game-play it'll launch an enemy hundreds of miles away, or just make them bounce in the corridors...

    I suggest we TWEAK his Soul Punch to be much more synergistic.

    • It should now apply an impact proc and knock down the enemy, while sending his soul as a projectile, similar to the trailer. Can bounce on surfaces
    • If the enemy that was hit by his Soul Punch survives, is now marked for "Death". Enemy also suffers puncture proc making his damage less.
    • upon death marked enemy can now be Desecrated for a Special resource that is picked by his Shadows to buff their damage, health...

    As you seen, it has a lot of synergy but it doesn't ruin the current flow of Nekros players, of having to keep casting abilities.

    What are ya'll thoughts, what could the special resource do besides buff the Shadows?



  3. so lately they haven't updated PvP with putting either the latest frames in there. idk about weapons, but case to point..

    Are they done with Conclave? if so it should become a node on the star chart instead 

    When are we gonna receive them in conclave?

  4. I came up with one of the best ideas: Lets have a bow and arrow (or any rifle) fire projectiles, but when it kills an enemy it creat an icy patch where the projectile traveled through.

    This wll allow you to kill enemy behind a mob, and the whole mob is now CC'd.

    here's my reference 

     i.e whenever she shoots her lance, it creates an ice patch

  5. 30 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    Spawning more Enemies would make it take a lot longer for low end systems to load, and make their performance worse while loading.
    way better off making the Loading at a milder priority and starting the Loading further back in the Waves. so that by the time the Wave ends, everyone should be Loaded.

    but if a Host has a... not so great connection (or any of the Clients) it can also take a while to be able to transition to the next Wave.

    preloading would be so dear to us

  6. So for those that didn't know, for those who play on toasters, the game will always lag when the wave is over and waiting for the portal jump, which can take up to a minute.

    If DE can't speed up the load times between maps, how about they increase the number of enemies spawned towards the end, so it doesn't feel like we're just waiting for our kills.

  7. On 2018-11-01 at 7:03 PM, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    I think once melee 3.0 is released and quick swapping is possible it may make vigorous swap far more useful. I agree that in its current form it is very underwhelming however.

    this mod doesn't currently work with melee equip, so who's to say it that will be the case when melee 3.0 comes

  8. i think 3 seconds on this mod is too short, and makes the damage bonus useless, it should be bumped up to maybe 6 or 7 seconds.

    And shouldn't this be an exilus mod?

  9. effigy should be able to have effects of elemental ward, idk why it doesn't until now.

    Effigy consumes too much energy, and Chroma needs to keep up his vex armor, which also drains considerable energy, especially with the Blind Rage strength mods.

    His augment seems rather slow in action, the time it takes for him to react to the position change is so slow, and never really hits any enemies in its path. I dont really get the whole idea behind the augment, what is it meant for?

  10. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    She's supposed to be a elegant frame so may I make some alterations to your suggestion? How about she does a ballerina like dance instead while throwing knives out like she does now but in a more controlled and graceful manner rather than the way she does now  which is just her spewing a fek ton of knives in every direction hoping one would stick, and enemies killed by the ability will stick to walls similar to the Boltor

    Yeah exactly what i was aiming for the animation stance as well

  11. it sort of looks like revenant pose, but it's not final, so i came up with a suggestion for the animation to the 4th ability.

    • how about she moves like a dancing bird, her arms all stretched out in a sort of T-pose, she strolls around. The idea is to make her horrific, something like 'Leatherface chasing a corpus', creepy manner, spooky, joyous etc..
    • and she does this dance, the blades that hover around her only appear once you've killed enemies in that dance-state, also the blades increase with the number of enemies killed eventually having a full revolution of blades surrounding her.
    • moreover, the blades on her arms should now spread out from reverse, and sort of backslash enemies, whenever she attacks (upon trigger activation)
    • As for the vortex thing, it's now an aura that enemies caught in will be slowly but surely dragged towards Garuda. Should behave like a gravity point, whereby coser enemies will be dragged in faster. Does also synergies with her 1

    Basically an animation difference, like Valkyr but bird style. 



  12. can we have achallenge whereby when you complete 3 syndicates by ranking up to the highet position. When i had done 3 i was surpirsed i didn't receive anything for all the grind. Feels so lackluster besides the access to the augment and stuff, which i just more grinding.

    We need challenges that are worth while looking back at

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