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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. this is Great!

    well thought out

    24 minutes ago, Case1 said:

    I was talking about his 1, scream needs massive work too

    his 1 should be able to be deployed from his pelt,

    however this will be either while you have to use it and both fire in same direction OR just the pelt using the ability?

    I would also like a look at the energy drainage this ability has.

  2. There has been some theories on this topic that i won't be diving into, i just have a question for ya'll;

    Excalibur Umbra can reset the built resistances on Sentients, while Shadow Stalker can nullify Warframe abilities, so is Stalker an umbra variant that is built to hunt down Tenno/warframes just as with Excal Umbra for the sentients?


  3. 3 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    You've never tried a max-efficiency Perpetual Vortex Vauban, right ? Probably my weirdest period in Warframe, so much fun at the cost going from 20/20 eye vision to 4/20 thanks to my bright energy color

    And to his passive, I think 95% of Warframes' passives are useless anyway.

    no i havent tried that yet, but ill give it a shot

  4. 18 minutes ago, Prof.549 said:

    No, he is not.



    No one would change an ok warframe just because you want it to match your solo playstyle in co-op game.

    well I do have a point anyway, and i didn't really mention my playstyle, if playstyle is defined as either coop or solo?

  5. So we saw Vauban's new deluxe skin, and its tradition to receive an uplift/rework to his abilities as well.

    What I do hope is to give him more survivability either buffing his armor and/or health, OR give him an ability which will compensate for that.

    His Minelayer could receive some love as well, maybe in the future an augment that makes it more usable. His Bastille and Vortex are the most used abilities in his arsenal -

    we can have synergy between those 2 abilities, whereby placing a Vortex inside Bastille will double Vortex range and even pull more enemies towards the outer ring of the Bastille.

    He also has efficiency problems, as his abilities are expensive to cast, also since he can hold some choke points, its hard actually maintaining the CC.

    Also, his passive seems pretty useless, especially since I play solo. I think his passive should be looked at again.

  6. HI,

    When will we get to see more of the Vitruvian entries, there were quite a number that we didn't get to look into.

    I was also hoping that after the quest, we'd get to access it again, just for the lore that was dived into during the quest, cause much of that was still been digested.

    Maybe we could have it like we scan cephalon fragments for the Vitruvian entries, much like the Kurias and songs

  7. I think i should point out to everyone in a squad, not all to equip your radiant relics at the same time, instead be efficient, go into an endless mission, 1st person will agree to use his radiant while others use different relics. When the wave ends, the 2nd player will use his radiant relic now. This saves time and rng

  8. 6 minutes ago, Vladimir said:

    I think they should have said that about PoE and I agree with you because of that predicament. I don’t think they can really make a new place unless it is equal in grinding for amps. Many players spent DAYS farming for these things (the grind sucked without resource boosters).

    Exactly, if they could do it through Lua, a new farming game mod, cause really even after the quest we have had nothing else BUT it feels like i do need to upgrade y amp after that. so they could emphasize on that

  9. So doing the whole Sacrifice quest, i realized quickly how bad of a better amp i needed. I died like twenty times but thats besides the point.

    The problem i have is that Operator amps are heavily tied to PoE, from mining to fishing. Its definitely a choice to do that, but we have no other way of actually getting a better amp.

    I implore that DE looks into alternatives for amps, maybe with the way the story is going, if or when we do get to the Tau system, in one of those sentient outposts, do we get community spot, were there's a craftsman for Amps. Looking at the current amp design, I'd say it's pretty Sentient looking, like an Eidolon, so its safe to assume what they're made out of.

    And perhaps, farming there wouldn't be like PoE, more action and tactics.


  10. Hey, so I had an idea; A new arcane which may require an amount of farming to get, which would allow you to switch your warframe loadout when you die.

    How it works is when in a mission, and things get tough, and die, now you'd just revive and try to get passed through those high-level enemies. But now with this arcane, you would be able to switch into another warframe in-game. Sort of like how conclave works. 

    (It doesn't have to be an arcane, but I'm using already existing items in game)



  11. Hi, i having a bit of an issue with my Intel based laptop (i5, 4GB), it runs perfectly well in PvE (mostly solo):

    My issue is i can't seem to get into any matches unless i set my Ping to 400, but that'll make it laggy, moreover, when i do play on my other PC monster (Nvidia GPU and 8GB)

    the IP should be similar, so how comes I'm able to play matches on my PC but not my laptop? both have similar options set

  12. 3 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Actually, Excalibur, Braton, Lato, Skana is a very strong combo and it's all starter gear.

    true, they're pretty balanced for those who actually enjoy Conclave and those who have heard of it.


    1 minute ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Yeah I noticed the thing with mods and also realised that certain WF abilities like warding halo aren't invincibility cheats like I thought they would be though characters like Loki or Ash were quite hard to deal with since they could go invisible and escape death or flank you which is quite annoying. Also the lack of mods means someone like Rhino is a sitting duck for hitscan weapons since he's sooo slooow, hope they find a way to fix these annoyances because once you get accustomed to being a god in PvE, this mode is like Kryptonite that you don't want to go near.

    But that's the thing, conclave is meant to offer something different, Tenno vs Tenno, and mastery of movement, as well as the different combinations of weapons and frames you can pull off. 

    What should be fixed is the beam weapons, they're not as useful as in PvE

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