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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. On Io, Jupiter, the defense mission, there's some sort of bug, whereby i get in the elevator and then when it reaches the top, i phase and fall back down. It happens indefiniately, and i have to keep jumping up till i get to the door, just so i can get out safely.

  2. With the recent updates, we can now force ourselves back to the fight, however, when the timer is finished and we die, we still get to revive the old way. My thought on this would be to allow players to press x to revive without having to use our cursor to click revive.

    And as well we could also have the same context for hacking consoles. Consoles' players (PS4&xbox) get to use it, and even if we were to connect a controller it would still need our cursor action. 

  3. Hey, so i think Loki should be able to use his 1 and 2 while on zipline if not all abilities. I mean he is a stealth frame, and moving along ziplines is so much quicker. Maybe there could be a problem when it come to switch teleport, however, decoy is one handed and sort of invisibility as well.

  4. 23 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    He was made by the Orokin. Every Warframe was. But while all the other Warframes have armor containing their infestation, NIdus doesn't.
    That's all there is.

    doesn't actually explain his relation to the infested room, or the cysts

  5. In this new vast space of freedom like never before seen in Warframe, now comes question how missions will be like?

    It would be good if you could access certain areas to find sort of hidden missions (with special achievements?) 


  6. Hey, so in one oof the promotional videos for The chains of harrow, showed some mysterious figure.

     Right at 0.25, if you slow down the speed, you can get a clear shot of who I'm talking about.

    We have never seen him before, nor does he appear in the quest (for all i know)





  7. 11 hours ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    Destroying the bottle also triggers The Father's appearence, but it's mostly RNG based according to forum-public.

    I've never seen Him in my Orbiter yet though.

    And I don't think so. Kuva is like any drug; it also induces a sense of madness if you aren't careful with it; such was the fate of the Elder Queen. Kuva is the blood of Orokin Ancestors, an elixir that grants immortality, authority, and madness.

    Thankfully I didn't do either, I gave my first sample to Teshin, trusting that he'll keep it somewhere safe.

    ive had a few jump scares, tbh he actually creeps me out, and i rather use quick access than walk around my orbiter. That voice.....



  8. Tennocon is 0 days away, according to the official site. What do you guys expect to see, and are we gonna hop on the hype train before it leaves us behind?

    Honestly, Umbra is gonna be crush! and i mean that in a good way, so far releases are great. Volt umbra? Ember umbra? Archwing revisited? Stay tuned!!

  9. 12 minutes ago, LAWD said:

    Duration is also effective with her 1st which is nice CC. Can we have it so we can kill targets in Lantern? Or detonate them early by pressing 3?


    2 minutes ago, Voidforged said:

    Pressing 3 again does release the Lantern'd target.. 

    okay i should admit i came up with that as writing..Thanks for the info

  10. Now clearly the first time when i buffed duration on my build for Titania, i didn't know her 3 would last so long. Plus why do enemies affected, fly so high and are not able to receive damage? there's no logic, i mean if i don't want it to last for so long, why can't i just kill enemy and end the duration? I can understand that it's like that, cause enemies will be drawn to her and you don't wanna prematurely end the debuffs. It has a good augment for that also.

    Duration is also effective with her 1st which is nice CC. Can we have it so we can kill targets in Lantern? Or detonate them early by pressing 3?

  11. Rhino scared Palladino

    Warframes appear in the room that requires you to use transferance "leave your vessel behind"


    And as well there's been performance issues in quest and also lots of host migration in public matches.

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