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Posts posted by Toom1275

  1. That one huge room with all the branches across and the large bottomless pit in the middle absolutely needs to be dropped from the Survival tile list. It's horrendous for both the AI and the players to try to navigate it. Not to mention that the air cans are more likely to drop down into the abyss than land on something solid.

  2. I only take Trinity to Apollodorus because of Link. Surviving long as any other frame (except maybe Rhino) becomes unfun when the shield grineer start swarming and I spend more time on the floor in napalm fire than dodging it. Blessing comes into play only rarely, and even then usually only after 20 miutes or so. Trinity is fine. It's unimaginative players who can't hit more than one power button that makes frames seem bad.

  3. The Grineer have always been total cowards, but running and pulling the whole alarm because of some little critter that LIVES on the planet? Grineer should just be able to shoot it and move on. In addition, Grineer gunshots for any reason should not alert troops on Phobos, since taking potshots at critters would be such a common occurrence, that the sound doesn't seem out-of-place anymore.

  4. Only change I'd like to invasions is that an infestation outbreak resets the node faction to default after the infestation is cleared. Grineer on Corpus node? Grineer spend too much effort defending it from new infestation threat, which allows Corpus to send backup and re-take it in the background.

  5. I'm not talking about her quality. She's immensely fun to play. The only problem I'm having with the frame, besides the bug with Heavy Impact only triggering once per mission, is that casting Tailwind doesn't cancel downward momentum gained by falling any distance. If I start falling at a certain speed, then I quickly continue falling at that rate once the cast wears off. This makes chain-casting Tailwind more than 3 or so times not do anything, as I'm falling farther during the cooldown than I go up during the cast. Whether or not this is intentional to prevent players from enjoying the frame up in high places, it's just incredibly silly from a physics standpoint.

  6. Maybe Vor was on to something in his letter to the Queens a while back. He said something about the Warframes were "a conduit for these demons of the void" Maybe WE'RE those 'demons' he's talking about. We guide our Tennos' actions. Maybe that's why we have third-person view. The Tenno themselves are individual entities.


    Also, Aren't the Tenno supposed to be mainly metal and parts? How exactly does metal have a gender? Like a statue, while it may be formed into a male or female form, the stone itself doesn't have a gender.

  7. Just thinking, all the colors remind me of the deck crew of an aircraft carrier. Color-coded uniforms is a quick way to be able to tell at a glance what a crewman's function is. Since all the crewmen except the Techs have pretty much the same silhouette, it would make sense that they would have SOME way of telling each other apart.

  8. One thing that really needs to be fixed is the whole floaty-crap that she does whenever she attacks. I mainly use her against the Corpus, but while in Hysteria mode, about 2/3 of my attacks hit air because while Valkyr's floating off into the sunset, the crewmen can dodge simply by slowing walking in a circle around her. I turned off the auto-aim to nearest enemy option since camera-tracking is generally superior, but it doesn't help if she keeps swinging off a combo in some direction OTHER than where I'm actually aiming her. I also wouldn't mind getting a holdable charge attack like the Ichors have. Or any kind of charge attack in the first place.

  9. As a Frost, it was NOT my snowglobe that kept me anchored to the cryopod sometimes, it was the level design and my weapons that did that. If anything, Snowglobe made it safe to LEAVE the cryopod in its bubble and go elsewhere in the level to better-kill enemies. On the station map, I like to use my Penta, which has me staying on the pod platform so I can best get all the launch arcs to be able to get the Corpus from anywhere. I built more for power strength and range so I could run out to the middle of the room Avalanche if I needed to, while the pod stayed protected. For the dam level I had more freedom to leave the pod behind, I'd drop a globe on the pod, then go up to my sniper camp on the stairs and catch the Corpus from multiple directions. For outdoor maps in general, I went more to building a smaller, longer-lasting Snowglobe, as Avalanche's range was too pitiful to be of any use when the enemies were spread out so much on the larger map.


    I don't use Frost for Grineer / Infested defenses.


    With the new paper-mache globe, I have no choice but to sit on the pod and babysit it to make sure its protection doesn't go down prematurely. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get a few opportunities to shoot at something.


    As for the whole idea of driving players away from the pod, the whole POINT of defense is protecting the cryopod. So much that we have the term of "Tunnel-turd" for players who don't get this and stick by enemy spawns and throwing all the pickups far away from the pod where other players are staying.


    Making frost "better" for offensive missions is nonsensical. The main flaw is wanting to take a slow, defensive frame on a fast-paced mission in the first place. A collection of Warframes is like a swiss-army knife. Every tool has its purpose. Trying to make Frost a more offensive frame is like trying to make a corkscrew into a screwdriver. Pointless, poorly-thought-out, and leads to frustration.

  10. At least the new Earth tiles are mostly the way complatible with Zephyr. I took her out with my Vectis and Seer and had a good time fliting from perch to perch, unseed high above the Grineer's heads while I silently sniped them on-by-one. All those tiles need is for those invisible walls up in the upper areas to be pushed back far enough that we can get a reliable foothold up there. For the most part, the level decoration is good enough up there that it doesn't look all bland and patchy up there; it actually looks nice and well-integrated with the skybox trees.

  11. I'd take this idea, and add in that each helmet, whether already-owned by this thange or obtained after, comes pre-installed with the card that matches its legacy power, much like new Warframes come with all their power mod cards. That way, players who have the alt helmets don't suddenly lose the bonuses they may or may not have been using.

  12. I tried unequipping my Rejuvenation aura from my Zephyr so I could replace it with an Energy Siphon, and got a silly bug.

    While it took a few tries before I remembered to drop my mods so I would have the capacity to be able to remove my aura and its bonus points, It wasn't helped by instead of the UI warning me that I didn't have the mod points to pull the aura, instead the description on the aura card disappeared (picture, mod cost, and polarities were still there, but the description text on the bottom faded away, leaving the gray card background) when I right-clicked to unequip it.

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