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Posts posted by Toom1275

  1. I love the new animation of the Jat kitten, but my one problem with it is.........*i've got nothing*........ .-. O i know! :D make it do 80 damage instead of 79. :P Come on. :( 80 is allot nicer to look at then 79. 



    Jat kitten


    Jat Kitten


    Jet Kitten


    I think we have a winner for the alt-model for this weapon, like the dagger axe and manticore skins for the other heavies.

  2. I was in an invasion run and three of us all needed just one more run to get the reward. With three votes for A, then the fourth picked B. Guess which mission started.


    If someone picks the wrong node, they should be automatically tossed form the session and sent on their own, rather thah allowing them to hijack the destination with one errant vote.

  3. My thoughts on throwing two would be that 'first' charge throws one, and the second can either be charged and thrown or used for melee while the first is flying. Can alternately catch and throw them constantly.

  4. And also, energy drain.  It was bad enough with ancient disrupters wandering around before, if you missed one it could easily drain all your energy; now there are AOE energy drain and AOE disruption enemy leaders that will sap you dry unless you kill them quicky.  It wouldn't be so bad if energy regenerated naturally, or reset ability cooldowns rather than being required to fire the ability at all.  But some abilities are vital if you're going solo.  So if your carefull energy conservation runs afoul of energy drain, you're stuck scrounging up orbs again (or burning energy restore consumables, but you've tanked your income when you start using those). 

    That bit in the middle, about cooldowns sounds like a MUCH better system for the magnetic (disruption) proc than energy drain. Disruption disrupts all your powers for a while preventing their use. Unlike energy drain, at least you have some hope of being able to function again if you can survive the shield drop at the same time, rather than the semi-permanent energy drain hamstringing you long after the distortion wears off.

  5. This actually makes things interesting. Reducing duration gives you more missiles with the loss of mind control and chaos duration. So Nyx player can choose between damage and crowd control.

    I actually prefer shortened duration for Chaos since it cannot be recast while active. The shorter duration brought by Fleeting expertise actually makes it easier to keep nearby enemies frenzied by allowing the ability to expire and be recast without having to hunt down that one last chaos'd enemy, while at the same time making the ability cheap enough to cast more often. I usually have a Power Range to boost Chaos as well, and sometime use Power Strength to help prop Absorb back up, as well as buff psybolts.

  6. Main fix they need is that neither of them are able to pop Venom's spores. Not even with punch through mods. My main use for the Flux rifle in damage 1.0 was for Grineer Galleon defense not just because of armor-ignore, but because the beam made it very easy to precisely pop all the bubbles and spread the fun around. Now they can't do that.

  7.  Viral, Corrosive and Magnetic procs were changed to no longer stack

    WTF DE? so THIS is why my Grataka went from shredding T3 corrupted to tickling them. I had built the thing around a combined 50%+ crit rate with 50%+ viral proc chance, and forma'd it to make it a bit better, but by the time I had it leveled enough to take it back to the Void, it was performing worse than before I had forma'd it. Now I know why.

  8. At Wave 25+ i was mainly busy keeping Snow Globe up, it still worked out a lot better then expected. Managed to get to wave 30 without any Deaths.



    See, before the nerf, my Frost would only occasionally need to drop a globe on the pod, and be free to empty my clips stuck in the bastille, or revive teammates that walked in front of the lasers. Being forced to babysit the pods to keep snowglobe up is not in any way a good thing.

  9. The dumbest part about the infestation exterminate credit nerf is that you now get more credits as rewards from doing your three runs than you get in battle pay. I got 3500 per run x 3 runs = 10500 credits vs 10000 in battle pay.

  10. Before Carrier, this wasn't a problem.

    Not really. I remember doing defense missions way back then where I'd spend more time hunting down blue rifle ammo boxes to feed my hunry Gorgon than bothering with any of the enemies around.


    Also, Carrier came out around the same time as the ammo mutation mods did, which made getting as many ammo boxes as possible suddenly a lot more valuable.

  11. Derelicts wouldn't be so bad if the enemy levels were fixed already and not still badly screwed up. They used to be levels 20-50 BEFORE the level compression that came around Damage 2.0. Now they're still levels 20-50, but that's with the new levels. In the old equivalent, that'd be levels 60-125. Not only are the derelicts the only place to get mutagen samples now (I haven't been seeing any doing invasion runs), but the levels are stupidly high as well, on top of all the key crap. Things were much better when they had their own dedicated planets. Restoring Jupiter would be tough because of the gas tileset being dropped to put it back, but there's no reason whatsoever that Eris can't be reverted back to something worthwhile.

  12. The Infested seem to be a bit more cowardly than usual. Earliest I remember, they were pretty dumb, where I'd stand on a crate, and they'd gather around and sit there and stare at me, unable to get up(except for those Leapers, that would always leap up and knock me off). Then, they learned how to climb, and the chargers and stuff would get up on the crates with me, denying me of my safe perch. Now, when I get onto a box...

    they run away. Really? Does standing on a crate make me somehow look so tall and intimidating that I scare them off?

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