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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. 21 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

    I used the Aklex exactly long enough to level it to 30 a year ago or more and deleted it. I doubt i even have any kills with the weapon. I'm sorry you can only see the world through self-centeredness. I am arguing the principle, not out of any self interest in the AKlex. Regardless, of what use is such a comment. The principle is either valid or not, it woudln't matter if I loved the Aklex or never used it, that has no bearing on whether a point is a good point or a bad one. As I said this will happen to someone at some point, if not the Aklex then the next prime or the next one, it's a can of worms that's impossible to balance given DE is 100% dead set against doing anything that might undermine what a player has already put effort into (Hema, ^cough ^cough) even to balance the game for the other 95% of players

    Knowing that you don't use the aklex frames your points very differently though, and I am sorry I assumed you were just complaining because one of your weapons got a nerf.

    That said I still think its okay for the dispositions to change, because if they dont, disposition just becomes a point in the meta of a weapon, which is the opposite of intentions.

  2. That they are swapping it to be based on the original frame already shows they listened to feedback, and honestly I wouldn't even blame them for barely coming into this feedback area, its a swirling vortex of salt more often then a place to talk about whats best for the game. There are what? Six aklex threads whining about something we knew about months ago just because their riven got mildy worse, but isn't as bad as the regular lex?

  3. Just watch, when primes come out, the rivens attatched will return to neutral, then be readjusted within a month. This is how the system works, this is the only way it can work as is.

    That said, variants getting their own value is 100% better. But complaining that your riven changed disposition is childish, they are going to change. Even if each variant had its own value those values would still change.

  4. You can literally just sell the stuff you get out of the relic to buy more relics, no one needs 20 lex prime barrels. This wont even be a hard grind, like, I have never grinded for ducats, I always have had enough for the things I felt worth buying.

  5. 4 hours ago, Skaleek said:

    Not a new weapon, the aklex riven existed before this weapon came out, and was "nerfed' down to the disposition it is now. Does it really need to be tested? Its clear that the weapon is effectively a stronger (albeit minor) Lex P, why does it have a stronger Riven disposition as well?

    It's new, it literally just came out. It will be put on feint soon enough, but they aren't going to preemptively designate somethings riven status. Wait till another weapon variant comes out, the same thing will happen. It can't be meta if no one owns one

  6. There is not doubt for me that both forms of box are sortie capable.

    That's not the problem, being good doesn't excuse the frame for not working as intended. Decay needs to be removed from all her abilities, maim needs a nerf, mend needs a buff, and resources need to swap.

    Decay: Nox's abilities need to stop having fall off. I would gladly sacrifice potency for that, since most of the time people get half of it anyway. And honestly why do her metamorphosis buffs have a timer? They could last the whole mission and it wouldn't be OP.

    Maim: No clue. Needs to be weaker, maybe you lose stacks every energy tick?

    Mend: Opposite of maim, could give status immunity and gain stacks per tick maybe rejuvenation.

    Stacks: Just let 25% of the resource pool swap, increased with power strength


  7. Once the tests are in the twenties I expect them to be ruthless. Mastery Rank isn't a trophy for owning more weapons than everyone else, because let's be honest ranking a weapon takes no time at all. It's a challenge to gain prestige, to stand taller by right of the sword. If they weren't challenges they shouldn't exist at all.

  8. I dislike the invulnerability, but the gate idea is good. I know this has been said eight million times but without real playtesting we can't know if 1 second is too much or too little. But there is a reason games use inv windows so I'll leave working out the kinks to DE.

    I also think you should have to recharge the gate.

    Consider: Shield gates recharge once your shield hits 75 or so. That number chosen so Valkyr can use it.

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