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Posts posted by TheChaotic1

  1. I really enjoy the riven mods, it made my Dera, which I always considered a really cool looking weapon, way sortie capable, the thing is a hose. At the same time I got a Daikyu riven and, well, lets just say I am waiting for Daikyu vandal...

    Riven modded weapons are definitely the new meta, but, its a much better meta than we had before. Modding up your guns to suit your riven really makes it feel so much more like this is MY gun, not just the same build every random schmo does. And sure most guns still look about the same, but instead of it being a specific weapon that's the top tier, its now weapon categories that end up top tier.

    I don't consider Rivens to be a balancing factor really, but they do shrink the gap, and give us something to do between updates.

    Mostly just having something to do between updates is nice.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Sophista said:

    the only thing i would ask for, is to toggle semi transparent/non-transparent modes.
    Some clan emblems would look bad being transparent

    You know what, yeah thats probably right, Just use the same method as with emblems and it'd all be good.

  3. I think a lot of us want Clantech Syandanas, I'd love to be able to wear my clan symbol on my back, and I've been thinking a lot of how I'd want it to look, so here ya go! The one on the right is the Kraven Klaw emblem as an example. The tenno language hidden on the ribbons read "Honor, Family, Duty"


    How would this work?

    • Syandana is built in tenno lab
    • There will be three variants, low tier, mid tier, and grandmaster tier
    • Each tier will be a little fancier then the last
    • Clan emblem will be semitransparent, floating behind the ring.

    Image credit to my minion gearsGlorified

  4. Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

    True, but those enemies are always level 10, so one could argue that those spawned enemies are in a way weak infested that lack the more precise growth of say an ancient or a mutalist moa. However your point still largely stands and is something I brought up before. Its a huge foundation as to why it is possible to grow say a charger from nothing more than infested tissue and surrounding materials.

    Weak like a level 1 helminth charger? Eh? Eh?

  5. Why do people hold the incubator to a higher standard then the boiler? You complain about the kubrow egg but discount the enemy that makes it the most clear. The boiler grows BOILS that gestate into a basic infested. Helminth had you grow a CYST that gestates into one of those same basic infested. Yes a kubrow egg got involved, but to make an omelette you have to absorb and repurpose the biomass of a doge/bat.

  6. On 1/3/2017 at 8:48 PM, ObviousLee said:

    Hi there! Resident Lore-Hound Lee reporting to inform you all of why the Helminth Charger being a Grineer is A-OK, based on the lore.

    Very well worded! I was trying to convince others of the very same thing, its why I even started posting tbh. Just tired of the salt.



    Where did it get the ferrite?



    None was removed from my inventory and also you are: (CHOOSE YOUR OWN BUZZWORD) A. Using "Mental Gymnastics" to justify B. A fanboy C. Secretly an infested and trying to corrupt us from within and without. D. Not funny why did you type all this.

    Its a video game.


  7. 7 hours ago, Trichouette said:

    Combos that have "hold E at a certain point" is NOT a charged attack.

    Charged attack is when you simply hold E, it charges, and it deals 3 times more damage.

    The damage mods increase the damage when using a charged attack, but there is no mod that DIRECTLY impact that mechanic (like increase the multiplier and charging speed for example)

    Mental Gymnastics. I'm done here.

  8. On 1/1/2017 at 8:01 PM, Trichouette said:

    A charged attack is "hold E" there is no combo with that...

    There are tons of combos that use charged attacks. But since you are being retentive. Attack speed makes it charge faster, damage mods make it do more damage, reach makes it hit further, to say mods dont do anything to charged attacks is nonsense.

  9. 1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

    Not really, that doesn't enhance the charged attack, even though I have a sh*tload of ideas for amazing charged mods....

    Yeah they do, like, do you not use your combos or what?


    I've said I have to say on the cooldown, I'm neither for or against it, but I know it wont be immune to cheese.

  10. 1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

    I said "balanced" not completely broken.

    My point is, balanced mods add up. There will be options for exploitation


    2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    still don't see any mods for charged attack...

    Stance mods.

  11. 1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

    Is that a bad thing ? not sure. the game needs content to attract new players but rework could make older players that got fed up with the game (and god knows there are so many) come back.

    Who said that ? And who said these mods wouldn't be balanced, unlike the current energy efficiency mods that make OP abilities cost absolutely nothing (i'm looking at you maim...)

    Listen, the chedder always rises to the top. Always.

    If there is a mechanic, there will be a mod to alter it, that's just how warframe is, the only thing without mods is operators. And lets say the cooldown mod starts at 30% at max, because thats how they usually are, eventually there will be a 55% version of the primed form. Add in a corrupt mod of some sort, lets say 'Hastened Fury' 45% cooldown reduction, -30% duration. Shoot lets go ahead and add a drift mod for 10% reduction. That leaves us with 105% cooldown reduction if we build for that. With three mods.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    problems like ?

    unless players' anger because they can't cheese the missions like they used to, and the fact all frame would require to be worked on to implement the feature, I don't see any problem.

    And the only other fix possible is "nerf nerf nerf everywhere" or "greatly reduce the ways we get energy", which is worse than cooldowns.

    As if cooldowns will somehow make the game harder. If there are cooldowns there will be cooldown reducing mods, which means the cheese will get even worse because powers become free. Energy and minor cooldowns could work but, there isn't a single ability in this game that can keep up with the guns.

    Also, the sheer amount of work that would be needed to do this is insane. There wouldn't be any new content for at least a year. Just reworks.

  13. Just now, stormsasuke180 said:

    Yes. At least I wouldn't feel like I'm about to vomit when I play Warframe.

    The backlash of a plague that hinders actual gameplay would be a million times worse. Also, I'm sorry for your weak constitution.

  14. 40 minutes ago, Latiac said:

    The main gripe here was getting dumped with an eyesore which many of us infact didn't like to see. That's the problem I have with it.

    Would you rather it have a non-visual effect? Like weakened energy? Or health?

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