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Posts posted by Bloop

  1. Because it was intended to kill Tenno who use shields. Impact does extra damage to shields.

    Historically speaking, swords are simply levers than focus all of the impact of the strike onto a very thin edge as opposed to a club which uses a thicker impacting surface in one specific place. It can be hard to tell the difference occasionally. There have been swords made of stone, wood and bone.

    These are not generally as durable as metal, so they have vanished as weapons for the most part.

    But anyone who thinks weapons without a sharp edge cannot be dangerous has never read anything about Minamoto Musashi.

    He used a BOAT OAR more than once for goodness sake. Surprised the HELL out of opponents armed with swords.

    This, War is designed to kill Warframes, they have shields and impact has a bonus over shields so it can penetrate them. Notice it has got some slash as well, for me it makes sense.
  2. his 1 and 4? my friend

    his old days speed used to buff not only movement and melee but also recharge and shooting speed of everything

    lets not even talk about his shield that now is a joke

    his 1st skill is fine but he can't survive only with that

    his 4th his skill ? i remember it was good, really good... it had everything damage, range, had long duration proc of eletric thus causing stun, but it was so long ago that no one really uses volt for his 4th skill, everybody got used to build around shields and speed but nowadays there's nothing making it worth to use him.

    Besides his 1st skill he really needs a total rework

    Volt is my most used warframe on my profile, so i'm really sad that he sucks so much nowadays

    Yo, don't make such assumptions.

    Imo all his skills are fine and don't really need a rework.

  3. Hey guys

    i was wondering about the differencebetween Piercing Hit and Caliber

    i mean the difference is to much the price for pierc cal is over 400p

    and i have no other choice to spend money for this game (pay to win) ,

    of course i spent already money on this game but if i spend over 400p for

    one single mod then it start getting rediculous

    i think we really need a alternativ mod for every mod who is not farmable anymore

    I hope you realise there arw chances to get them again. Baro is a clear example, he brought several event mods (the salt flew obviously but still). Also, this is not pay to win...
  4. I am up for a Saryn Prime, I'm loving her more than the nuke she was before as now I have to mod her in different ways and use all (or at least 3) of her abilities (much like Volt) and also, it is lovely to see viral procs spreading all around the map (max range + duration).

    In short, she's now better than a simple press 4 to win warframe.

  5. Yeah right you definitely get one lens a day :D (look at his karak spare part) 

    I said ''these thingies'', I never specified wether they were Lenses, ancient cores, cores, or weapon parts.

    Lenses are still not worth more than 25pl, specially now that you can buy a greater lens for 40pl.

    Those who were/are willing to pay more must be really desperate. It's all about patience lol.

  6. I hope so. It's unfair that only those founders(i think) .. they have it. I hope maybe u19 or in the future more updates . Exca Prime will be available for us all. I REALLYLYY REALLYYY HOPING! EXCA PRIME WILL BE HUNTABLE ON VOID 

    So it is unfair that these people who put money when this game was in Alpha (?) have access to material that is not much better than the normal counterparts?

    Good job.

    It is fair since they supported this game, they support this game a lot (I hope) and who knows how Warframe could be if they didn't put their part.

    I honestly don't want Excalibur Prime as obtainable, I'm not even a founder but in my point of view it would be a massively disrespectful action from Digital Extremes.

    Anyhow they stated this won't happen.

  7. It's called feedback. When DE does this kind of disgusting business practice, I will voice my opinion


    "Don't buy it"? We all have different values, and Ive wanted to purchase that syandana for a long time. So I have every right to be frustrated about this kind of BS.


    They should have introduced accessory packs in the beginning. locking everything behind a massive paywall is absurd. ANd I dont care if this was explained a long time ago, it does not change my opinion. It should have been reintroduced in another damn prime accessories, to the same damn price.

    Feedback? Where's your solution then? I honestly just see a huge complaint that doesn't even give any alternative.

    And I think people above have pointed all out.

  8. Max armor, hp, shields mods, rage & quick thinking, flow(prime if you own) then use something with lifesteal(I use lifestrike), Max arcane barrier(Still working on this myself), then the ability to know when to heal and not nuke your energy pointlessly

    While then others survive with Capacitance and Quick Thinking along with a simply maxed redirection, they only take three slots after all :P (2k shields and a nice shield recharge by pressing 4).
  9. 1. Volt/Prime: Versatile, he's got everything yet does not shine at anything (tbh I love that)-1. Useful stun, 2. Speed boost, always welcome; 3. Invulnerable shield, a nice panic button/buff for a player who prefers guns over melee; and 4. Decent CC and pretty good from medium to high level. If you like to use all your abilities, Volt is a nice option.

    2. Excalibur: This is my favourite for melee (no EB), he's good really nice augments (all focused into melee gameplay) and has got a huge survivability.

    3. Nyx/Prime: a CC monster, what else can I say? She fits pretty well with range weapons like snipers, bows, thrown melee, etc.

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