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Posts posted by Keiiken

  1. 1 minute ago, Major_Phantom said:

    I was thinking if number of active towers scales the speed to match % of towers owned instead of number of towers. My bad on that assumption but the other point stands, interception is one of the mods that almost requires group play which the devs want to promote. I don't see why they'd change that.

    I don't see where they would dissallow it out of hand as long as it doesn't become easier to solo it.

  2. 1 minute ago, Major_Phantom said:

    While interesting, I doubt DE would encourage solo play like this. Few towers means faster runs with probably same reward table. Making a mission that can be made more trivial and easy with fewer players is not what this game's about. This game is supposed to be co-op meaning that if you can't solo interception, that's completely fine cause you're not supposed to. And you'll be encouraged to find a team.

    Why would fewer towers mean faster runs?

  3. 3 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

    we just barely got kavats!


    sandskates are next in line! (not really)

    Proposed bird companions predated kavats and possibly even kubrow but we got them first.
    As for Sandskates, those were rerquested ages ago.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Fraggor Prime and Furax Wraith have higher Channeling multipliers. That's a start.

    Need more variety in the innate channeling stats as well, better channeling efficiency, better channeling status chance, etc.

    That way you have weapons with different niches and more of a reason to keep more weapons apart from aesthetics. Not to mention maybe get people that don't use channeling to think about it.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

    10 seconds of wall latch is incredibly niche also considering the bonus melee damage you get from invis that would go to waste. I also have never seen someone wall latch as a tactic. If you want to sit and camp, you play ivara.

    I get almost a minute of wall latch not 10 seconds. Still it is niche as you say.

    I don't use it all the time but it comes in handy, definitely not for camping.

    I am also not saying that it works for everyone but I like it.

  6. Considering you have to use abilities that open up for finishers then suffer through the finisher animation I see no problem with it. Its not like you are wiping out entire rooms with it.
    Even in the most recent high challenge mission with a team of four Inaros you still had to work to complete, it was far from effortless.

  7. Snowglobe + FireBlast = Blast Wave
    Terrify + Chaos = Pandemonium (Chance of reduce enemy defensive stats, increased damage against each other)
    Undertow + Sonic Boom = Tsunami
    Sonic Boom + Pull = Scylla and Charybdis (enemies are rendered prone open to finishers and have reduced shields, armor and health until recovered)
    Mind Control + Sand Shadow (created by Devour) = Titan (greatly increased duration, becomes eximus)

    Discharge + Molecular Prime + Crush + Vortex = SuperNova (affected enemies create a series of radiation pulses and if killed while pulsing collapse into mini black holes)


  8. 48 minutes ago, Yaerion said:

    When I discovered that the Heliocor was a normal melee weapon, I was like


    We already have Helios, Atlas' Augment, and scanning is easy in normal missions. Also, plenty of hammers with solid stats.

    When in Archwing it's a nightmare with those enemies who fly everywhere at high speed...

    It would have been so much more useful in Archwing modes. Actually, a life-saver for me.

    Please, reconsider the Heliocor to be an Arch-Melee weapon (with Magnetic damage/special AoE effect?)

    Or please add an Arch-Melee that can do scans as soon as possible.

    I would be so grateful.


    Thank you for reading!

    Agreed so wholehearted with this

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