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Posts posted by Keiiken

  1. 48 minutes ago, LordArafiel94 said:

    Mmmh strange, how can they follow you if you are invisible all the time ? Even if they are allerted they start running around but eventually return to their positions after a while. Just approch the target when everyone is quiet, turning off the alarms if necessary, and there should not be any problem. 

    I have always noticed this with Ivarra, they follow me wherever I am, I used it to my advantage when unlocking the riven where you can't kill enemies in a survival, they just flock to whatever room I am in to be pick pocketed. Doesn't Happen when I go invis with Loki, Ash, Huras or Shade.

  2. 43 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    When you're invisible at the very start of mission, no enemies are alerted by your presence. Not even the synthesis target.

    Even when invisible they follow me from room to room milling about, even with Ivara's prowl augment I can't outpace them unless I break invis.
    I just realized the issue may have been I was doing it in a survival, doh!


    8 minutes ago, Sablesword said:

    The Ferrox alt fire works almost as well as a synthesis trap at restraining the target.

    Nice, never thought of that.

  3. 11 hours ago, LordArafiel94 said:

    It's nothing complicated really, just take Ivara with max efficienty, drop a few energy pizzas at the start of the mission and run Prowl. Easy and simple


    11 hours ago, Tomppak said:

    Ivara is probably the easiest way to do it. Just remember to ensure that you have enough energy to stay invisible through the whole mission.

    Good job doing it that way!

    How did you not end up surrounded by enemies that followed you to the synthesis target, not having the synthesis target trigger them to start attacking when you started scanning and then keeping up with the synthesis target when it started to run away? As you can tell I have never had luck with that method.

  4. 11 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

    Anyone try with a Sunika, because of Unleashed? Does that work?

    Doesnt work :(

    Only works on capture Targets.

    Ferocity Savagery and Hunt work but... its not guaranteed to trigger when you see the synthesis target as it may be one cooldown from a previous enemy, they don't last long, interfere with scanning, have a cooldown between uses and you have to take the damage mods off to stop the Kubrow one shotting your Target in low level missions. But you don't want to go to high level missions as they will be able to strip your protection (Iron Skin, Warding Halo, Safeguard) much faster.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Azlen said:

    So there are some fellow kickers :) bravo.

    Agreed the flying kick works, some people cant land it or use bullet jump at the right time to stagger the target so I didn't mention it.
    If you aren't already doing this I wouldn't suggest trying it for this riven but you will want to practice it in the future.
    Not just for these rivens but for the occasions in high level content you have to reload and you are face to face with some big bad you can't kill in a single melee attack.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    The riven says HE cant take damage, says nothing about doing so to enemies.

    Unless Nezha's Warding Halo hitting enemies count as an ability activading?

    Warding Halo could be usable as long as not close enough to hit the synthesis Target


    18 minutes ago, AoBaka said:

    First ive tried going loki and going invis until i find the target,started great and than all of a sudden i just got mission failed...ive heard somewhere that you can use abilities until you find the target...i guess not.Next try i went full stealth and just tried to kill everybody quietly,was going great until out of the blue a grineer sneaked up on me and shot me in the back just once so i would fail.Next run ive killed most of the grineers there and finally found the target,as soon as ive gotten even close to it,he starter running away behind a corner.Ive chased him there and than he just ran from the corner guns blazing at me and ofc shot me right away.Next run ive went with glaxion as main(to slow the target),ivara(so i can see enemies close) and seer...yeah seer xD so i would kill them from afar.Things were going great until i reached the target.He was in the most open possible map part with the wild kubrows running around chassing him.I somehow managed to get him in sight and not so close and momentarily he started shooting at me xD he sniped me from a decent distance with his rifle while running from the wild kubrows chassing him....yeah....

    So i will probably scrap this riven...the thing is impossible...

    It is possible, I've done ti several times.
    I'm and avid Loki player (my #1 used frame), stealth is not an option for this riven. Most stealth frames are squishy. The only one you don't have to constantly recast an ability to stay stealth is Ivara. The mission can fail if you are over 50 meters from the synthesis target when you cast an ability so you can fail it before you even know you are close. Also unlike other enemies synthesis targets are alerted even when the alarms are off and no other unit has detected you so basically Ivara's Prowl is useless, they will fire blind and still have a chance to hit you. Even if they miss you cant pursue, sprint or parkour and lose your invis, anything short of that and you wont be fast enough to catch up. 

    Best options I know of are high/max power iron skin, Warding Halo or Safeguard at start of mission. Do NOT plan on using any more abilities till after you have scanned the target, you never know when it might be in the next room or around a corner. You can then kill slowly or fast as long as you take as little damage to your protective shell as possible, you will need all that when you are trying to scan the synthesis target.

  7. On 3/18/2017 at 0:41 AM, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    yes that's the one. Seimeni

     i tried it yesterday and still got 44k in 5 waves since i have a booster

    Enemies level is irrelevant

    Enemy level is not completely irrelevant, higher level dark sector missions give higher credit rewards for the same 5 waves.

  8. 1 hour ago, shadow0727 said:

    I think you mean recastable, not toggled. I agree it would be alot better if null star was recastable as well


    1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Pretty sure TC knows what that word he keeps using means, actually :P

    Null Star needs further changes to be useful past really-low-level stuff (maybe bring back the stagger)
    but yeah, turning Tempest Barrage into a CC zone ability that lasts for more than a few seconds
    (not least what with Narrow Minded no longer being practical), relieving the need for constant recasts? Yay.


    22 minutes ago, shadow0727 said:


    This explanation clearly states that the "toggle" of the power would be to refill/begin the stars again. That is what recastable means. Toggle would mean that, just like WOF with Ember, the null stars would just constantly fly out at enemies, without a star count, while draining energy until energy runs out, or the toggle is shut off.

    I think they want to have this be a unique new mechanic that auto recasts the ability using energy at longer discreet intervals rather than how toggle abilities drain energy per second.
    Its not what we usually refer to as a toggle but still is a toggle.
    Its also not what we refer usually to by recastable since its locked in to do it itself and not done by the player.

    So in a way both of you are right and wrong.


  9. It doesnt channel and it doesnt do finishers.

    There are already threads of people testing healing return and it doesnt work.

    Rebound, Quick return and I think also Whirlwind work.

    Apart from those I suggest stick to damage mods, status mods and reach.

  10. yACZct8.jpgCnidae

    Faction: Infested

    Grip: Dual dagger

    Brief Description:  This pair of symbiotic creatures lend their dagger like stinger to their host as weapons that do physical and toxin damage.
    When not equipped: The tentacles on the stingers allow quick melee that does not interrupt using/reloading weapons or anything else.
    When equipped: Striking an enemy afflicted with a toxin proc triggers "adrenal secretions",  a melee attack speed buff removing elemental damage from melee attacks and gives the host/wielder the ability to secrete it through their skin creating a damage aura.

  11. They have said in Dev streams that the cost was intended to be manageable by clans with a majority of active members. While in the past the have catered to the fact so many clans had high inactive membership, now that doesn't need to be the case because clans can downsize.

    I see it not as a move to force us to buy stuff with plat but maybe to consider what membership in a clan really means.

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