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  1. The whole empty open world and especially the drifter combat feels like its trying to be Elden ring but it turned out to be waaaaaaay worse/janky version of it... So at this point, why not just play Elden ring or another Fromsoftware game instead of this? Because this update certainly isnt warframe... Also after seeing this, I'm 100% convinced soulframe will be this terrible but slightly more refined after another 5 years when the pre-pre alpha comes out. As for warframe's future, each update takes much longer to come out and for what? To disappoint way harder then the last? At this point, its DE tradition to launch things yeeaarrss later and still somehow be in an unfinished state with a massive amount of bugs. I would report the ones I encountered in the bug forums but I just haven't cared about warframe since the plains open world and wont be playing. See y'all in another 5ish years for the next "big" main quest update.
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