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Posts posted by Ianrama

  1. 4 hours ago, Aikurisu said:

    I see what you did there, DE.  You provide us with a lot of interesting new content but in the same breath you completely BUTCHERED the focus system.  Clever, really.


    You knew not many players would warm up to it.  If it was released individually you would have lost players.  You might still do, I'm no mind reader.  Once folks are finished exploring what's new on offer they may start to question what's been changed and look into it.  Once that new car smell dissipates I fear you're going to anger more than you have already and I hope to God you have a contingency plan.  Am I bitter in particular?  Yes.  I will not hide that because I spent a great deal of plat on acquiring greater lens for a particular focus that feels like it has been completely changed.  Will I get used to it?  Sure.  Will I enjoy it?  Maybe.  But don't think for a second that I am pleased, rather I am disappointed and a tad bit irritated that I feel like I've wasted a great deal of time working on something that is no more.  I could care less that Shadow Step is gone but rather I'm looking at the focus in its entirety and it's not the one I signed up for.  The same could even apply to the Zenurik focus but on the plus side some of its changes do seem interesting.


    Ugh.  I feel like I need to take a break now.  I had a feeling PoE would sap my interest more than embolden it.  Not off to a great start.


  2. Awesome job, DE team!

    Eidolon is amazing!

    P.S.: sadly, I don't think the focus change is good overall. Making the Opeator to participate in combat (and to be more vital than before) is  not the best choice, but whatever. You go for it, so I doubt anyone can convince you otherwise.

  3. 8 hours ago, SasoDuck said:

    Also, when are we getting actual universal vacuum, not as a mod, or anything related to companions, but just a flat passive effect on your warframe? You keep ignoring the question and saying "ask us later" or "that's interesting" or a variety of other lame excuses for something that should be a non-issue. Just do it and get it over with already. It's not like you're trying to balance the national budget.


  4. Aloha!
    I'm a digital artist - NsØ is my alias, but I also have a few more (like 7circle in DeviantArt). I love doodling, but I have never done something for the game that I love and play (almost since the beginning)...
    Until now...
    ... because Octavia is so fun to play! :D
    Thanks, DE!


  5. 19 hours ago, Eldirian said:

    Hi @[DE]Danielle
    I hope this gets to the you all at DE. Current Tonkor mechanics are broken. Why you ask?

    1. 6m bounce mechanic:
      1. Do we have a meter indicator somewhere? No. So when shooting an enemy I'm hoping that I'm far enough to hit and it's okay for most of the Grineer, Corpus and Orokin but what about Infested, melee enemies and beasts? They run towards you actively killing me in the process.
      2. The same thing goes for eximus bubbles. I need to enter a bubble to shot enemy in the face but guess what? Eximus is closer than 6 meters and I'm killed.
      3. Same goes for players who "accidentally" run pass me and the grenade bounces of right to my death.
      4. Penta has detonation, Zarr and Ogris on impact and Tonkor has what? Bouncing in the hopes of hitting an enemy?
    2. Self-damage is too high. I'm running with a quite good Rhino (not prime) with armour and power strength mods that do not allow enemies above 100+ lvl to one shot me but my grenades give me an insta-kill.
    3. Hold LMB to aim - wait, what?! Why? Have you heard of aiming using RMB? This weapons has two bullets that take some time to reload and yet your "Hold LMB to aim" mechanic made the process of shooting even longer. Please revert.
    4. Rocket jump. With Parkour 2.0 you said the rocket jump is obsolete. Is it though? I had a blast (pun intended) propelling myself up in the air to:
      1. Escape from enemies.
      2. Jump longer, higher.
    5. Crit chance nerf. From 35% to 25% is a bit harsh, don't you think, DE? Tonkor relies on crit chance and crit dmg, and yet you almost took 1/3 of the crit chance. Do you know why someone put 35% crit chance there? Because when a grenade detonates the explosion gives whole body trauma and in many cases effectively killing.
    6. Higher accuracy. Do we need it? Tonkor uses Heavy Caliber, no one is expecting high accuracy from it. We don't need that.

    This is all I have for Tonkor after initial tests. Below I put a video showing how M79 Thumper or Tonkor in the Grineer language works (see it explodes on impact):

    Pls rethink your position on Tonkor and it's mechanics. Currently you took all the fun from that weapon.


    I added two things to the list that now can kill me:

    1. Closing doors - oh look, enemies in the other room, at safe distance! And then door closed, grenade bounced of to my death.
    2. Leapers - oh look, infested at safe distance, will shot them all! Leaper be like: "I am in the serious need of jumping!" - Leaps towards while my grenades flies over there, grenades bounces of right back at me. Classic. Please DE, change it.

    Just pointing some good posts

  6. 18 hours ago, sulusdacor said:

    first off i must say not sure if it even makes sense to post feedback,since obviously from 40 pages in a balance comming notification thread and people saying they like the nerfes without using the weapons much and without bringing up any arguments why they support that and people giving feedback why they were/are bad, giving argument/examples - the whole take away is that they basicly get implemented anyway ....

    ...so yeah...

    hope dies the last so they said. so here we go.


    did a few synoid simulor runs. i brought it in the dex event weapon mission, well it still kills lv12 enemys. now equipped mirage and got into a t3 fissure mission (around lv30 enemies). so the alt fire still kills stuff, which is okay and the primary still kill stuff. the problem is the whole mechanic feels super clunky to use. i have to shot then see if the enemy is killed, check if he is in range of the orb explosion. if i can checkbox these then use the altfire button to detonate. that said it still does not kill lv30 heavy armored units like napalms.

    the whole mechanic to get damage compared to the result you get does not fit. it is quite complex compared to other insta fire weapons and you do not get more damage out, but less. using the altfire as a primary damage source does not feel satisfining to use.(it is alternative so please please keep it an alternative not a "must use to get any damage out of a weapon") it is not fun. it feels still super vision imparing for me and the rest of the squad. i can still aoe clear lower level content.

    so if i take all these things together i get a weapon that i have to put a lot of effort in compared to other options i have. i still have the old problems and do not get more out of it (if that would be the case i could somehow see the sense in these changes). the thing is you do not get more out of the weapon. add to that the really really unsatisfing "use alternative fire" if you wanne do damage mechanic it breaks the weapon overall. it not fun, it does not enhance coop play.

    so how to fix? first of change the visuals of the weapon. tune down on the light/vision impairment overkill. like everything in this game does crazy lightning stuff. this weapontype especially. so tune it down a lot of notches. in terms of damage either reduce the time it takes orbs to explode by alot,so you do not have to manually explode every thing to do damage, so you could just wait 1-2secounds and it would do. increase the primary damage by a bit. when i can not kill 30 armored units with a syndiacte weapon there is clearly something wrong here...

    telos boltace points runs, my frustration high^^ on the runs i did it felt like having a normal tonfa weapon, that is clunky to use and not my cup of tea like all other tonfas. the "vortex" is barely visible compraed to the normal slide if you run a mission. there are other effect in the game, you concentrate on other things. i barely noticed it. the cooldown kills the useablily of it. to crack crates you still can in theory do this, but have to wait for the cd? so it is basiclly not worth it. yes the vision thing was a problem before, since you could spam it. now you can not spam it, which means you actually need to see, when it is used. so the "fix" kills this new mechanic by a lot. you need to see when it is up/useable or not. the other thing is you need to go into melee mode to use it in the first place, why? with the cooldown you would have to be in this all the time and the weapon itself is nothing you want to use normaly as pure melee. so it would be okay if i could shot, then notice the crates beside me or enemy and just slide attack to use the mechanic. in the time i have to invest to enter melee mode i have either used my current weapon to elimite the enemys or just used my long range melee weapon (which is not telos boltace) once by pressing my closecombat button once while in firing mode with y weapon and have the same result. so yeah.. this new mechanic kills the weapon, since it is barely visibly, the utility of it is not worth the effort/restriction you need to take in consideration to use it.

    moving on to the tonkor. my personal famring tool. first mission after the update i tested the synoid,since it still was equipped. did a few runs before to get a feel for before7after. i did a fissure mission, think it was t3. not super high level, people should do fine. someone died. well i thought surely he must level a frame and not have vitaility equipped, these new players, i thought to myself. moving further through the mission he keeps dieing. well time to press esc and check, since it gets a bit annying to res him every minute. hm mr18, max rank frame, oh tonkor.. well mystery solved. this kept happening a bunch of times during the mission. it did not enhance my coop experience, i did not have more fun. he did not blow himself up on purpose (kept an eye on him for "research purposes" XD). so this might be fun the first mission this happens to you and you need to res this players who obviously not knew what they are doing,since they keep dieing all the time. but it will get annyoing all the time. got into my farming mission myself and used the tonkor-...well not a fan.

    first off the firing mechanic. the hold+release to fire is super strange. if i press fire i want it to fire. why was this changed? it feels super clunky to use. it did not get used to it after a while, it keeps feeling wrong. instead it just resulted in my using my secoundary as my primary fire alter on, since this was confusing/annyoing the hell out of me. the other thing is the 6m detonation. i'm pretty sure the explosin radius is more then 6 meters and if you shoot to close you die. even with more then 6 meters. the other thing is i have had multiple times fire, watched the explosion go off. then move foreward to pick up stuff, go further into the mission and still die, even after the explosion had already gone off. so yeah... the other thing is these things can still bounce around like crazy, enemys can run in your pathc, etc. strange things can happen and you simply die. not liking the self damage part or the firing mechanism. i know why i stay away from self damage weapons, since so much can go wrong.,

    on the note of selfdamge here. my party kept resing me, could be since i was the vauban and there cc frame in an excavation. but suffice to say i was sure they had a ton of fun, since no one talked to me in squad chat. so i definilty know for sure that the me dieing randomly enhance their gaming experience by a large part. even the nidus link abilty could not prevent this fun interaction ;)

    on the serious note the risk of you dieing in a mission i a super high trade off. it seems okay in lower level content, but later on teammates do not have the luxery to res you each time, so you just die. you simply die in a bad spot, the enemys need to be cleared first, no one is near you etc. a bunch of stuff can happen. so the trade off you get for that risk should be nuke the whole map or auto finish my mission. since i can basilcy randomly lose if this happens enough of times. since the selfdamage weapons do not auto complete my missions for me and do not clear the map of enemies the result is simply not there to take the risk. yes one use them and then use other weapons if you hit the last resurection, but then the question is why not just use another weapon in the first place to prevent the first deaths. the risk/reward ration on these weapons is simply not there. i insta die. i can carefully plan my shots, take into account all movements, but i can still die a bunch of times. there is no counter play to this. the reward you get from the weapon is not high enough. combined with the clunky firing mechanic most launchers have, long reload etc. they are not satisfinig to use at the end.

    as for the damage nerf on the tonkor. i can still clear groups on 50+ enemys,, if i crit. otherwise the damage feels very very lackluster. if have to sacrifice multiple modslots to get a more or less reliable crit chance on the few shots i have anyway. the 25% crit nref seems really over the top. it is a grenade launcher. i can do the same damage with other aoe clear weapons and to invets mods to hopefully crit. these things combined with random deaths, clunky firing mechanic make the weapon unsatisfiing to use. it does not nuke things for the big trade off i get in return. in the end the message is, use your secoundary weapon...

    just tested a bit the attiaca. the firerate and crit seems super good. the sound feels good. it feels on paar with the zhuge, which is worth to use/forma. so i think this change was definilty needed and make the weapon not only fun, but rewarding to use. the firering does not feel like a drag and you get decent damage out. so i definitly like this change a lot and brings a bit of variat to the crossbows.

    overall i'm not sure what to think of these balance changes. i have not tested enough to get a picture for the rest of the weapons that got buffs. but the "mechanical changes / tweaks" seem like it puts the weapons touched in a cryosleep. no one will touch these if they are not in love with them or have otherwise invested in them and no other option (focuslenses). not sure whats up with the trend to make every thing "more complex to use". since all three weapons got the "jump through x hoops" to get a decent result threatment. more is less guys. if the weapon is to strong, just fix the numbers. kinda thought some knowledge had come out of the sicarus prime tweak. it does not take much to make the community happy. you do not have to split vakuum in three mods. you do not have to reinvent the wheel. just tune some numbers. fix some visual and you get great results to start out with. do that see what it does. you can implement new complex mechanical changes that take a lot of work still later.

    so yeah on that note.. not sure if the feedback makes even sense.well...

    keep on having hoep tenno and fight on ;)

    thx for reading


  7. 3 hours ago, WolfTitan said:

    1. The Simulor orbs are not stacking.

    2. If DE wanted to make the simulor nonviable for enemies greater than rank 30, then they have succeeded. Since the orbs don't stack, only exploding the orbs do damage. And the damage that results (less than 1k damage per exploding orb) makes the weapon unsuitable for end-game play. When DE finally fixes the orb stacking, it'll probably do little damage as well since they reduced it by a multiple of 5-7 times, leading to the same conclusion. Useless weapon.

    2 hours ago, BalaDeSilver said:

    I'm dealing 100k damage per orb kek

    lol... just and only 100k? kek... poor soul
    i'm having 250k on a half orb...

    btw - WolfTitan is right


  8. 17 minutes ago, quebirt said:

    To be fair, it isn't taking a lot of their time to do the Conclave stuff, and some people do like it. I don't, but some people do. How much time do you think they invest in reskinning the thing with new themes and changing a couple of affects? We assume that they are still working on some new stuff for the main game.

    Agree... And here is the problem - this date events are milestones in time - you can start creating the event much early to be ready for the exact time. Also - they don't have just one crew... Their team was small in the beginning, but i'm sure they ground-up. And finally - making conclave is easy - yes, but making the same mod for PvE doesnt sound too difficult  for me ether. Change the arrows to Eros ones (5k is kinda nothing but is absolutely silly to be for just 1 arrow) and kill grineer with kindness and corpus with love... :D.

    Gather points  from completing missions just with bow and - here we are! PvE event.

  9. To be fair - until now i didn't really like any of the Conclave mods (well, Opticor IS fun, but is difficult to find people) and.... yet still i don't like it. With sure - Quick Steel - didn't find the sweet spot. But was quite close for that.

    The Idea - for sword fight + shuriken throwing in space ninja game is... a-w-e-s-o-m-e!
    The real deal - is far from even close. There is no sword fight it is just slam fest with slow hikou stars throwing around... And hikou is kind of ok for me... but to use Nikana as a Pole and to slam ground and AoE ppl... this is SOOOOO ridicules. Also this buffering in two-three attacks after the main is... a little irritating (said with viral-poisonous-sarcasting tone).

    The Quick Idea:

    DE, please make this mode not a copy of previous one, just with change of weapon holders. Let it be really... sword fight mode.
    The damage is ok,
    Remove this AoE trash-slam attack and make a Iaido strike (like the first basic attack of Tranquil Cleave) with short ark so it need to be executed with some precision.

    Add charge piercing attack (something like Steel Tempest of Yasuo from LoL) which need pinpoint accuracy to hit but will have range... and big recovery time, so can be punished hard on miss.

    The other thing will come in place - with shortened hitbox of the two attacks you can relay more on distance attacks and - to dodge. Something now is more than pointless (looking at you - dodge-roll).



  10. 13 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    'Weapon Only' Sorties will now auto-unequip disallowed weapon types when loading into the mission instead of having to visit the Arsenal and manually change your loadout before initiating

    Thanks, DE!

    P.S.: sorry for shoulting, but was waiting for this from the starting of sorties!  

  11. Well, good work DE!
    This was a good update in all...
    Yet there are some issues:
    - Ash Rework - i kinda like it. Feel more like ninja/assassin. Blade storm targeting is a bit clunky, but for mindless killing is ok... Synergy with Smoke screen is nice on paper, but all-together is bad. =/ Why? Because the price for marking targets is too high and when invisible is still -  not lower enough (+ you pay for your invisibility!). My main problem is the Huge! skill cost. I hope you rework that part again.
    Here are some notes:
    --> Blade storm + Zenurik - yeah, i see some people say this is the solution, but... Zenurik is solution to ANY caster frame and yet - here is pushed to its limits. Compared to other (if not all) frames this huge price - 270/180 is ridicules!

    --> Max efficiency + Zenurik - kinda Ash before rework. I don't like to play max eff, but this is not a serious 'nerf', just push you to play "un-funny"; Adding "Prime Flow" just make you caster frame and  yet, he is not caster, because he can only spam his '4'. So is like before the rework.

    Some suggestion:
    - Make the main cost 10 energy per target/mark;
    - Synergy with Invisibility (not only Smoke screen, but any other invisibility) will give you great chance (like 50%) per target to refund 10 energy (and only 10 energy) per target.

    Sorties rework:
    - Really - this Endo is annoying. But more bigger problem is the 3 day boosters - which would be good if here are some new players... but after locking Sortie after the War Within - there is only high level player and we don't need boosters. Or very, very rearly... and kinda - don't mind to by one when is such a hurry. And already build 'forma' is not bad, but not good either. For Exilus Adapter Bp, just don't want to open the case... 

    All other things are great! Specially the deluxe skin for Ash and nikana! Awesomeness on max!

  12. Yeah... here are my 50c:

    I do like the idea of the Riven mods in general, but many things are totally bugged. 
    --> unveiling is kinda ok, if you clean it from the ridicules challenges and pls, +hobbled key is a tedious as hell objective... keep it rare as possible, because kill the fun. Really.
    --> Specific for random weapon  - here is 50/50. If DE really want to make old weapons useful is better to make specific mods ONLY for them. Now i see it will be huge struggle to clean the randomize crap and make real buffs that will be useful for weapons and not ridicules (like having slash bonus for weapon that doesn't have such dmg).

    --> Stat bonuses - really boring. I totally agree with Brozime - this is not fun at all. Give us some other changes like syndicates proc system with different effects - this WILL BE fun! And i really don't see how you can make the mods relevant for different weapons. If, after the fix,  mod for Soma will give you at max lvl +30% dmg, +25% Crit - 15% reload speed - will be a joke and obviously - you will never try it. And let say - mod for Furis gives you 100% dmg, +150% crit and + 25% clip size - will also not make the weapon good enough to use it on difficult missions. And sorry to repeat myself - but this is totally boring mod. Just sweet stats.
    --> Kuva price - why do you even want to increase it? Let it hit a max at 1k+ and stay there... is enough tedious farm for 1k.


    15 hours ago, Mjr_116 said:

    With the threats of removing mandatory mods and a mysterious "Damage 3.0" system happening the Riven mod system really, REALLY appears to be a beta test, the old RNG mod system was terrible for game balance and was removed for a reason, and it should really stay gone.  


    Also that:


    democrator said:

    am not sure if Riven Disposition take into account sentinel weapon which need a huge buff compared to general primaries.

    Maybe if it doesn't, atleast please re-roll the current sentinel weapon rivens to be non-sentinel. Its really disappointing to finally get a riven in the sortie and then it turns out to be vulkok :(


  13. Yeah... here are my 50c:

    I do like the idea of the Riven mods in general, but many things are totally bugged. 
    --> unveiling is kinda ok, if you clean it from the ridicules challenges and pls, +hobbled key is a tedious as hell objective... keep it rare as possible, because kill the fun. Really.
    --> Specific for random weapon  - here is 50/50. If DE really want to make old weapons useful is better to make specific mods ONLY for them. Now i see it will be huge struggle to clean the randomize crap and make real buffs that will be useful for weapons and not ridicules (like having slash bonus for weapon that doesn't have such dmg).

    --> Stat bonuses - really boring. I totally agree with Brozime - this is not fun at all. Give us some other changes like syndicates proc system with different effects - this WILL BE fun! And i really don't see how you can make the mods relevant for different weapons. If, after the fix,  mod for Soma will give you at max lvl +30% dmg, +25% Crit - 15% reload speed - will be a joke and obviously - you will never try it. And let say - mod for Furis gives you 100% dmg, +150% crit and + 25% clip size - will also not make the weapon good enough to use it on difficult missions. And sorry to repeat myself - but this is totally boring mod. Just sweet stats.
    --> Kuva price - why do you even want to increase it? Let it hit a max at 1k+ and stay there... is enough tedious farm for 1k.


    16 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    RNG Mods in Warframe!?

    We should certainly take some time to speak to the doom that RNG Mods being a sign of nefarious dealings. While it may pre-date many accounts, Warframe already had RNG Mods in the game. In fact RNG Mods used to be the only type of Mod you could find for Upgrading your gear. We switched to a static Mod system in Update 7, and now 12 Major Updates later we are revisiting the concept with completely different intentions: an End-Game option rather than the only path. 


    Well - no. RNG generated mods for end-game? While most if not all of the game is based on static mod system and builds, what will difference my weapon and frame in the later game will be just some random luck chance? That is ridicules though. Until now, i can have identical build with any other player that have the same equipment as mine - what difference is from one another is our skill, not the stats.... And now you think to change that. Hell no!

    Also that:


    Mjr_116 said:

    With the threats of removing mandatory mods and a mysterious "Damage 3.0" system happening the Riven mod system really, REALLY appears to be a beta test, the old RNG mod system was terrible for game balance and was removed for a reason, and it should really stay gone.  


  14. I think, Riven mods need real and serious rework.
    Challenges are quite ridicules, like MobyTheDuck was noted and stats can be... or it looks like - really game breaking.

    I personally think that new rare and so specific mods need to give something different and n-e-w than more stats! (and even RNG based, because - everybody loves RNG) - which can brake the game.

    Like... similar to Syndicates mods? Will be quite fun to have mod for daggers, with counter and proc of invisibility, or rifle with proc for 20 seconds multishot.

  15. Now this is just my opinion, but i think the design is totally bad.It iss ugly not in a way that mummy can be ugly. Is not scary ugly - is lame ugly and is totally way out of the warframe style... or at least go too close to the touch line. Seeing this concept i have the feeling the main artist or design crew need a rest for a little.
    - Calm yourself DE, we have too much warframes, too much weapons and too little balance. Let the artist rest and put more effort in balancing and scaling stuff.


    Also .... i'm not very found of the idea for a 'Mummy', It is so cheesy i just can't stand it. I really hope you reconsider this frame idea and return it to design table.

    In all around - frame that is half or more infested and use abilities similar as the Mummy will be awesome, but really - Mummy, like Oziris mummy?

    Shialabeoufing time:
     - Nonononononononononononoononono, please!

    Yeah, that's my 50'cents.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting if you feel the need to share or critic my opinion.
    In any way - warframe has great art style until now - congratz for the artist team and wish them all the best work in the future, but this last thing is hideous (in a ways that Ryan Reynolds/Deadpool looks like happy Christmas tree). No fun.

  16. Aloha,

    Dear Tenno and DE devs


    As the title says - please, don't nerf Crimson Dervish. It was quite ok as before and was pretty, pretty cool to play. Now with this clumsy ragdoll animation is even irritating, not to mention - very bad in gameplay pov. 


    I hope this is just a random bug that will be fixed and not a test for balance, because there is tones of other stances and combos that are pretty weak or useless. Crimson D is one of the little that is good to use and i prefer to have good utility - such open finisher than more dmg or speed but i'm sure - if you want us to use other stances - just make them with different good effects and procs with balanced combo leight. 


    Well... that's it from me. I really hope to see the good ol' Crimson D back in the Game.

    All the best.

  17. LOL
    make something for this Jat Kittag! Pls. Buff more the dmg. is tooooooo weak. speacially of the slam attack with so little AOE, that can just can kill me mid-air with 100 health with one hit. PLS. is not enough. make it take at least 250 dmg and shield!

    pls pls pls

    i love your pvp changes.

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