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Posts posted by TARINunit9

  1. "My uncle, Hinmun, sold minerals aboard a market near Eris. Quite popular with deep-system traders. At least it was. They were broadsided by one of these boils. It spread fast. They could have run, risked taking it with them. Instead, they turned off life support and blew out escape pods. Decades later, it still orbits Eris. Writhing. One voice repeating the same message over and over: ‘We are death. Leave us, and do not look back.' My uncle's voice"

    Yeah Eris hasn't had a good time of it this last Century

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

    I just cant help but feel like its a little bit of an oof that the "combo" mechanic of actually doing well, combos feels completely dead now. To me anyway

    In Devil May Cry or Dynasty Warriors, or in fighting games, the entire point of having combos is that different moves have different uses. Different hitboxes, different effects. An uppercut puts an enemy into the air for more vulnerability, a charge closes the gap, a dodge moves you out of harm's way but breaks your combo

    If DE wanted this kind of finesse, if they wanted combos to matter, they were more than welcome to design their game for it. But they chose not to. 

    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I dont know why you assume I have a distaste for energy weapons.

    Because of your very next sentence:

    3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    I'm simply saying energy weapons are not a Diesel era thing, meaning 40k is well beyond a Diesel era theme

    Dieselpunk means (among other things) "evoking a retrofuturistic setting with the trappings of the 1920s through 1950s." It does NOT mean "actually taking place in the 1920s and 1950s, with the tech that was available in real life." Energy weapons and space travel are absolutely fair game for any and all dieselpunk settings. The Imperial Guard are a dieselpunk army in a gothic horror setting. Full stop

  4. 1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    they were "chosen" by the Orokin for the voyage so they weren't run of the mill plebs, they were probably closer to what we consider to be "middle class" families today.

    The original Ember Prime codex implies the entire Zariman project was an illegal experiment, though in the eight years since then that appears to have been completely ret-conned out, what with Emperor Tulvul personally smashing the champagne bottle against the hull

    1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    "failed" warframes such as the ones in Ivara's Lore: it's not clear what happened to the operators of those frames, but presumably they are dead or in a coma forever due to their somatic link being severed

    I don't get the impression they would have punished the Z-kids for that. The point of the Second Dream (the concept, not the quest) is erasure of identity, that the Kids can't tell they aren't Warframes themselves. And that's assuming there were any Z-kids at all piloting "unproven" frames

    The rest of your comment I very much agree with

  5. Voidrig's Artillery Mode. I'm not going to brag that I was soloing the missions, but at the end of the Assassinate I have 43% damage dealt and by far the least damage taken

    (And people still try to tell me Bonewidow totally isn't underpowered at all, no really)

    I was also mildly impressed by Venari and Rally Point. I already knew they were just fine, but I had never seen them really put to the test like that

    • Like 1
  6. On 2024-04-27 at 1:54 AM, kadlis12 said:

    META means what is pushed by streamers

    "Meta" is short for "metagaming" which means "playing around based on how other people play the game." It means different things in different contexts (in Dungeons and Dragons for example it means "changing your character's tactics based on your real life knowledge") but there is no context that means "blindly gobbling up what the streamers tell you to use"

    (And the way you type it in all caps implies you believe it means "most effective tactic available"; that's a backronym and was not the original definition)

  7. 2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The whole point that there is wide access to energy weapons for the whole faction is why it is too advanced to begin with. Or you dont think weapons housing a fusion core would be considered advanced technology well beyond what we have today even?

    I think you're missing the forest for the trees. I think your personal distaste for energy weapons is clouding your judgement

  8. On 2024-04-27 at 4:00 AM, NovahX said:

    First of all, combining elemental mods to produce one different elemental has to go and instead re-introduce the combined elementals as their own separate elementals that do not need two elemental mods to produce

    This would effectively re-introduce "rainbow builds" which what the combined elements were specifically created to destroy back in 2014. I don't see them ever even considering this idea

  9. 3 minutes ago, bonamb said:

    Tbf, how well have you gotten it to work on steel path? I've tried, but for me avalanche is just the better option every single time

    Ok so to be clear this next sentence is from three or four patches ago when the Impedance augment still worked. But Ice Wave + Impedance is faster, cheaper, and less risky than Avalanche when I just need to charge up some headshots for galvanized scope. The tradeoff, of course, is that it doesn't armor strip or immobilize -- but hey, against a Corpus Eximus swarm that's immune to those two effects anyway I'm getting the same number of cold procs for half the price

  10. 1 hour ago, AgaTheFox said:

    It is hinted that it was first found by Albrecht Entrati. Some say Entrati created Wally. But... That doesn't seem right.

    Because it's not right. The Orokin had a very specific flavor of superstition that loathed and feared capitalism and evolution, but was dismissive of magic and the void. Albrecht was initially viewed as a weirdo chasing a dead-end, the Orokin just flat-out didn't believe there was anything in the Void. Much less something alive

    Much less something intelligent 

    Much less something very powerful, very sadistic, and very, very patient...

  11. 4 hours ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

    Maybe a Queens Cepter as a Kuva counter part to the Broken Cepter idk just spitballing here...

    I know lore is not immutable, but under the current lore that's a hard "no"

    Kuva Scepters are badges of office for Orokin that cause the empire's citizens to obey them. The Grineer Queens were the Queens because they found the last one, the only one, it marked them as the last of the Orokin

    Giving new ones to the Liches kinda undoes the only reason it was special

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, bonamb said:

    so why does his passive rely on you being hit by a melee enemy?

    Partly because not every frame is built around their passive like Baruuk or Citrine

    Yes, the real answer is because the "original eight" all got halfassed passives, but the other part is still true. If they already have four good abilities, the passive is just a bonus. An extra goodness. In Frost's case, in case something makes it past his shield

  13. 7 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

    Or does the Warframe just become unusable?

    Remember: Warframes are still living creatures, just with biomechanical features. They are not remote-controlled robots

    So yes, they can very much die in a conventional sense.


  14. 5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    But the tech in those massive tanks of 40k is just so much more advanced. You are oversimplifying the whole Imperial Guard things.

    Honestly I find 40k is one of the LESS advanced Dieselpunk settings, definitely in the 42nd millennium era when the average Leman Russ tank is literally a tractor with a smoothbore cannon on the top. Which is why I feel it's a little weird that you keep disqualifying 40k for being "too advanced"


    Bringing this back to Warframe...

    On 2024-04-21 at 11:01 AM, Prof-Dante said:


    Original elements: based on Fibonacci, the original elements make up the universe, and let's be honest here, these elements (which are similar to the classic water earth fire and air) are basically how energy interacts with matter.

    • Heat: Excitation of kinetic energy causes matter to heat up.
    • Cold: Low Kinetic energy causes matter to cooldown and freeze.
    • Electricity: The transferal of energy from one medium to another.
    • Toxin (my made up assumption): A form of kinetic energy that causes the decay and deterioration of matter.

    So knowing that, when these interactions combine with each other, they create additional elements...but none of them explain how that can make Rubedo, Oxium, nanospores, titanium or any other material that exists within the Warframe universe...

    I tried to figure it out myself, and here what I think:

    Secondary Elements:

    • Gas: Any gas on the periodic table (hydrogen oxygen etc)
    • Viral: Any Organic elements (Hydrogen, Carbon, phosphorus) 
    • Corrosive: Any liquid element (bromine, mercury, Caesium)
    • Magnetic: Any metals (iron, copper etc)
    • Blast: Idk, maybe reactive elements? or ones with the most reactivity?
    • Radiation: Any Radioactive material (Uranium, Plutonium)


    After a few days of thinking about it, I'm warming up to this idea. The primary elements in Warframe seem to be four "expressions" of energy, and when they combine they cause spontaneous generation of more complicated matter

    Though I think "Viral" would probably be like... prions or something, not something as simple as Carbon. And Gas is probably something more complicated than Hydrogen

  15. If I'm reading this correctly, DE is going to completely throw out all the enemy health and armor types and rebuild the elemental damage system from the ground up

    If so, I want one specific thing to be addressed, a mistake from the past not to be repeated:

    18 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

    Blast is also especially effective against Machinery.

    Blast wasn't passed up because it was another superfluous option on an already overloaded pile of options. No, Blast was passed up because NOTHING was weak to it. Grineer Machines are weak to blast in theory, but their ferrite armor negated that; they were weak to corrosive instead. Fossilized infested were 150% weak to blast... And 175% weak to corrosive.

    Grineer Machinery in general was far too underused. For the longest time only one thing used it: Rollers. One or two enemies out of two hundred would use it, and they would die instantly to anything, so it didn't matter. I'm pretty sure Tusk Thumpers use Alloy for both their hit points AND armor, when they should be Machines. There was even a time Vay Hek Terra Frame was bugged and used Neutral hit points (with no weaknesses and resistances), and his air strike beacons were using Corpus Robot hit points for some reason, implying even the 2015 developers had forgotten they put Machinery in the game. So it was a no-brainer players would only mod for Cloned Flesh and Crewmen Flesh (both weak to Viral) and completely ignore machinery

    I wish you luck on this upcoming rework, and when you do, I hope you won't repeat this mistake

    • Like 5
  16. 6 minutes ago, HMS_Vesper said:
    • Guides them through the planet, helping them prioritize particular nodes of interest, so they're not wandering around lost.
    • Quest/mission completion can yield mods and other rewards to help the player keep pace with where the difficulty curve expects them to be--no need to rely on more experienced players to provide equipment you can't find!

    This is exactly what the Solar Rail Junctions do

    • Like 2
  17. 1 minute ago, Zahnny said:

    I can't stop thinking of different forms of energy regen in Warframe now. Feel like I could make a full "Nations of the World" Animaniac's parody just listing every form of energy generation method in Warframe.

    Yeah, and it's definitely leaving Trinity down in D tier. But notice how much energy they all give: in the "couple dozen to maybe a hundred" range. Heck of a lot less than what Triumph gives to Inaros

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