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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. yep this trick with mele works only if a) gun have very slow reload like 3s+ and b) your melee attack is quite fast like 1.5 or higher to benefit of it. Never used slow reloading weapons tho they kinda sucks for me.

    dont forget you can always use abilities if your melee is too slow, but i mean you use either fits the situation, gotta be versatile, tenno

  2. if youre doing endless then intensify alone will be okay for power str to help buff roar a little.


    you're best off using redirection, and vitality along with a sentinel or raska kubrow to utilize guardian to help buff shields even further allowing you to tank


    add stretch so your best ability stomp; will be better


    if you want to max range for stomp which is probably the best then use over extended







    Primed Continuity


    Fleeting Expertise


    this is stomp bot build


    if youre not playing endless then you can just dominate the star chart with any build since iron skin is great against weak enemies and complete garbo when it really counts

  3. Yes. Technically having two of the same enhancement stack the 'effect' but the effect is a fixed proc so it's only increasing the chance to get that fixed proc.


    Having two of the same is the same as having two different ones, each one has their own chance to proc.

    you answered what I already know :/


    if I have 2 different enhancements can they BOTH be active at the same time?


    edit: nvm i just cant read


    so I can have rage and awakening both active at the same time? 

  4. Reload negating was always a bug, and one that gave people who knew how to use it an unfair advantage.

    Furthermore its use also negated long reloads on weapons that needed them as a balance factor.

    Being able to send all 1000 shots of a Soma Prime at a target almost continuously was nothing short of broken.

    an unfair advantage against whom? This is a PVE game afterall


    but alas I understand what you mean

  5. 1. Ok, great.


    2. That sounds pretty cheap.


    3. Because that would literally start a riot of threads like this that the forum doesn't need to be flooded with?


    4. Reloading faster than the default reload time is not 'skill oriented'; it's being impatient/impulsive. Not only that, but it's abusing a bug/botch in the coding. Do you think soldiers that actually go to war can just 'reload cancel' when they need to? Like it's a real thing?

    "Damn! I just can't reload my M249 PARA fast enough Jim. What ever shall I do?"

    "Well, Bob, have you tried reloading it then stopping when you're three-quarters done reloading, pulling out whatever item you have used for bashing things in and slashing it at the air, then let nature take its course?"

    -Bob does said actions-


    "Well, I'll be damned, Jim. Better start doing this and make it a skill before nature takes it away from me unfairly and then everyone gets their delicate feelings hurt about it!"

    If that sounds like incredulous blasphemy to you, then you have your answer why this all started happening. Besides, reload canceling is still a thing for some of the new weapons. It's a near three-quarters but slightly more into the reload time for most guns. However, reload canceling isn't really 'profitable' to do since you need to roll/melee to stop the reload now, as those actions take nearly the same/more time than it would to let the reload circle animations finish. It's a placebo if it feels faster for weapons that you do this on now. P.S, hitting 'R' then hitting 'E' or 'Shift' is not a 'skill oriented' thing. It's called hitting 2 buttons because you're too impatient to do a full reload.

    sounds like you should play a PVP game and not a PVE game


    sounds like you had no idea reload negate ever even existed


    sounds like you don't like games that have busy game play and would rather continue to be knocked down without having any way of using button inputs to reduce time it takes to get up, or busy game play to allow reloads to be reduced (and dont give me that bs of being able to reload SOME guns 3/4 of the way through of their reload)


    Halo and CoD are calling your name buddy

  6. Considering that it worked on every weapon in the pre-phobos era, yeah, I'd say it was an integral and one of the more impressive aspects of the game.


    However, you're right, reloading should be a stagnant and stale aspect of gameplay. Desecrating during reload to shave off half a second from your reload is such an invasive and destructive mechanic that clearly needs to be top priority, especially when there are non-issues like Hydroid's tentacles causing massive memory leaks due to them not destroying corpses, or the entire scope of energy and 4 to win


    Because yeah, having something that requires more input from a player and rewards the player for proper input and punishes the player for improper input is a bug. In fact it's deathly invasive, immersion ruining,  and it's probably going to destroy this game, unless something is done within the next second.


    TL;DR: You're the very reason why "MOBA" games are popular.

    i love you.

  7. Because bypassing reload times completely is "skill" when you were abusing a bug.

    It wasn't an exploit? Then where was the patch notes where it was added?

    You were exploiting a glitch and there's no way around, but covering it up under the guise of "skill" spits in the face of actual skill.

    Well it did take a certain type of skill to understand reload negates mechanics and it took skill to actually be able to utilize it

    It also took skill to simply know about this, considering very few had any idea about it and all the vets were very hush hush about this mechanic. By playing the game a lot a very select few understood how it worked.

  8. Oh no a weapon that can use primed pistol ammo mutation and seeker can still achieve 26k burst and 21k sustained it really needs a buff so it can be better than some prime and boltor again indefinitely.

    Op needs to learn to release the trigger every now and then

  9. Hm, well, tbh an ES volt is a pretty bad situation since it devolves the importance of crit damage mods to favour raw damage mods. Diminishing returns basically.

    That said, on a 125% crit chance weapon Hammer Shot gives more net increase in damage than the third 90% elemental mod. So you basically either choose to have flexibility (the allmighty Corrosive+Cold combo for example) or better raw damage with Hammer Shot.

    Electric shield doubles critical dmg, the only way to deal more dmg with hammershot than an element with volt is to use synapse, amprex or dread and get a red critical head shot

    Until I did the math I thought hammer shot would be better than an element if you're head shotting but I was only half correct as you need to red critical the head which won't happen enough to increase overall dmg

    Even without volt, amprex, synapse and dread still deal more dmg even if you red critical without hammer shot than with it

  10. I love lecta, electric and blast is amazing for knock down and stuns. Id probably never use it if it had inherent magnetic

  11. If 97% had no idea that means 97% didnt care.

    Which is why it's a sad day. I never saw a single post on the forums about reload negate which kind of proved very few knew about it

    I might be wrong in which case I'd appreciate you copy and pasting any old threads of people complaining about it but very very very few players knew about this

    Do you disagree?

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