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Posts posted by nms.

  1. Even Warframe.com has nothing. Something wrong with their servers. You'll get this instead:




    You never post a screenshot in a public forum with warez-bb as bookmark and a porn website open.




















    How many rechecked the tabs? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. Ibut I'm pretty sure that with the Nova Prime Access, the $49.99 package was for Nova and the Weapon, without any of the exclusives.

    The 49.99 in nova prime access was for soma prime and vasto prime with plat. Not nova prime wf. Nova prime wf came with the 79.99 just as volt does in this one.

  3. So in summary ..


    We need some better weapon mods to use in defense polarity slots. 


    Cold seems to be the only that one fits the bill though since it slows the enemy.

    Slowing assists you rather then damaging them, ergo it's defensive. 

    The 90% damage it does outweighs any "slow" effect it causes. This is not a support mod, or a defensive mod, this is not chroma's elemental ward. It is a mod that does 90% damage over physical base, 90%... this is even more useful than a mod that does 90% of just slash or impact or puncture when paired against the correct faction. Have you actually looked at the damage bump 90% a weapon with nice base damage, like let's say the vaykor marelok gets? That's like saying intensify should have a D polarity because it usually increases the life/hitpoints of some defensive abilities. If anything the split damage and status mods are more defensive than this 90% D mod, and yet, go figure, they are V/Y mods, which is usually the standard for offensive.


    Yes, heat should also be D as on top of damage, it causes the enemy to f*ck around and not attack for a short moment when in flames, and since when combined with cold it produces blast, which causes knockdown, it slows the enemy, therefore D for it. Impact mods should also be D since they cause stagger and hold the enemy in place. D for impact. Electricity should be moved to D also, as on top of its damage, it stuns the enemy briefly, unable to attack, and since when combined with the new D heat it causes radiation which decreases accuracy and causes confusion, therefore defense, as the enemy misses you more and hits its friends, D squared D power. Serration, should also be moved to D, since it increases attack power, and attack power kills the enemy therefore unable to attack, therefore more health points, therefore more effective horsepower, i mean health points as nobody is shooting you.


    D for everyone. D for president.

    Digital extremes



    Also Warframe it not MMO it third person shooter / Co-op


    MMO is a multiplayer which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously which is not the case here

    Third person shooter is just the camera viewpoint. The entire game mechanic derives almost completely from an MMORPG, or lets just say ORPG. A game that focused completely on third person "shooting" would be something like counter strike or cod brought to a third person view. This is not that, here, you grind a lot, against the AI and collect items and get experience points. You can be a beast at headshoting, but without your proper collection of mods that enhance your weapon, you are useless against high level AI with infinite armor. Since aiming in this game is trivial, recoil is trivial and weapon spread is purely rng, and your weapon damage depends mainly on other factors other than your own skill, "shooter" is just but a small focus and third person is where the camera is positioned.

  5. Ah the "traders" of warframe. Calling it undercutting, but in reality, it's called reaching price equilibrium. Grab a book on supply and demand, or economics if you will. Prices will go low so much as long as supply exceeds demand, up until the supply meets demand, once demand exceeds supply, they will go up again, and so it goes. One outcome will happen, is that it will reduce the ripping off happening in the trade window and people will pay prices that the entire game community as a whole deems fair. That's why they oppose it, they won't be able to rip people off with absurd offers (where they even have the guts to call cheaper forum prices posted the same day "outdated"), since any buyer will be able to see all the offers available driven by supply and demand at any given time. Some rare items may in fact get more expensive, but others and probably most, may get cheaper.


    I do, however, dislike this kind of attitude. The kind of "De you gotta work for my money if you want it". Like if you dont wanna give them your money then dont. Someone else will. You buy the things they offer because you enjoy what they have to offer and you want to further the development of the game (people gotta eat, machines gotta work). If you are dissatisfied, then its ok to not pay for something but you dont have to be mean about it.

    And the pool of "someone elses" will decrease as 1. the number of current players that will not invite new people to play the game will increase, 2. new players trying out the game will quit as they find it extremely repetitive and the grindfest not viable, 3. current non-lifeless players will not find the game attractive as the return for their gametime is decreased considerably, 4. overall player base will decrease. A company that offers a service or a product needs to work for it's customers money, hence why marketing exists, why customer service exists, why PR exists. In the same sense that "someone else" will pay for it, there are other games where people can turn to. Sure, all those who spend 12 hours a day in a game will probably keep grinding their life away, but those who don't have the time available as someone from middle school that see no other viable outcome, will just simply drop it, or spend less or nothing on it anymore as they find alternatives more desirable, while decreasing hours spent on said game.


    This is not a rant for the current update, but more on the fact that I've read a couple of posts in which people think that because its F2P, DE can simply spit on its supporting customers and nobody can say anything.


    When you buy an app and its crap or turns to crap within a set time range, you usually have a compelling reason to receive a refund, and you usually do, even developers offer extended refund timeframes. DE is trying to sell their product to as many people as possible. Lets just say, they put incentives for people get the game to then persuade them to get a sale with flashy things, items etc, that we can call marketing and product development. This is taxable money, when someone buys platinum, sure they are funding development, but at the same time they are buying the service/product DE is offering, this is no charity, this is no donation, people are paying for it to receive something back, an experience, value, while at the same, the rights to use or perhaps own virtual items. So yeah, it is ok for people to voice their disagreements in this game, even if its F2P, it is still a service or product you are obtaining, sold by someone who needs to sell it. And in the same sense, you get into a car dealership for free looking for something, use their coffee machines, ask for a water bottle, sit on their couch while you wait, watch their tv, play around with the exhibition cars, show off in them, you will be damn sure someone will try to sell you a car, or at least an oil change service or a lanyard with their dealership name, but, you may or may not pay for it and walk away with nothing, but their salesman will do anything in their power to get you to buy anything, and that would be DE in this example. When you pay for something you expect value out of it, even if it was optional. No sale is forced unless its a utility bill ;) and even then, its optional if you can manage to live without a supply of water, electricity, gas or internet.


    F2P does not mean they can get away with wrong decisions. Take in count that at the same time it is us that make the decision to purchase something as they persuade us to with trailers, streams, nice pictures and blablabla, it is also their choice to be F2P knowing that their entire game content creation, development and release will be aggressively driven by making direct money out of it, not by making it better gamewise. Thus they have to find that balance between f*cking it up with greed, or having a considerable decrease in revenue. Do you really think the reason you can't trade any built warframe or gun, or even standard warframe blueprints freely is because of account "security" like many people here love to argue? yeah, keep thinking that. Letting so would mean DE will miss in a lot of revenue opportunities of 1. people buying money to use plat and get it directly from the market, and 2. getting the blueprints and rushing it with plat bought with money. And that's the balance they have to strive for. Just look at this update, plenty of people pi**ed, but then you see countless of people running with chromas well before the expected foundry times to build it. Who do you think won? Do you think all these expensive kubrows and expensive arcane stuff is because they are out of their mind? No, there are people running around with 100 million+ in credits. And someday, they will make a decision with the platinum that will anger many people. Those traders and platinum hoarders are a lost sale for DE, sure someone else, "tradee", paid money to get plat to trade for mods or whatever, but at the same time, the person owning the items, "trader", will not purchase plat any longer, but this person can get items costing plat for free.


    So yeah, they owe it to their customers, not the other way around. Any company that thinks otherwise will sink, unless they have a monopoly.


    Edit: I'll post this here, and this is just for steam users. But steam is so vast and diverse that it actually serves as a good statistical sample/population and thus we could say the same trend is happening for non-steam users.

    When this start to considerably drop, you will know DE employees are failing at their job. In the mean time, it seems they are doing fine so far.


  7. element

    chemistry : one of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated by ordinary chemical means into simpler substances


    if we take that into warframe terms, gas, viral, corrosive, etc are not elements, they are a mixture of them. "Composition"

    elements in warframe are toxin, fire, ice and electricity, they can't be separated kekekeke topkek

  8. There has never been a logical reason for it be D polarity instead of dash like the other elements. But since DE is starting to act like vultures in the last couple of updates with changes that raise the probability of people spending $ on plat, I'm pretty sure they won't change anything. I think the F2P strategy is starting to hurt the game more than its benefiting it. It's like they are running out of money and are implementing absurd desperate changes to force people into using real money more than ever. This will limit a lot of builds that not even forma will be able to fix due to the damage table not being the same for each faction and being unable to polarize for that D slot since you would usually use it to also put a - mod on it. My soma build with shred for mid range maps is literally impossible now due to that D polarity. And I can't polarize for it, since I usually swap Y or D or - on it depending on faction.

  9. I used to have 1500 Conclave on my Loki set up, now it's showing 1,000. Did they change conclave ratings?

    I think they did change some of it and some mods. I was at 0/60 mod capacity with my telos akbolto and now im at -1/60 after the update. I don't know which one changed, but I think they modified some values. Now that you ask about it, I was able to reach 1500+ with some frames and just earlier I was swapping them out trying to find that setup but didnt.

  10. Not able to hit people;

    Not able to do damage;

    Getting killed by people nowhere near them with no LOS;

    Melee'd from across the map;

    Losing the host connection;


    These will probably never get fixed as long as people keep hosting games. Server tick is a thing. When you have some dude hosting an 8 player match with its own share of software running in the background, with a good chance of non capable hardware, while at the same time doing it over a home internet connection, server tick and latency turns out mediocre. In other words, what you see, is what you don't get. Host says one thing and client says another with a slow update rate.


    I found it kind of funny watching multiple times a dude melee spinning like crazy 20m from me and managed to kill me hahaha

  11. People are bypassing the equipment restriction somehow so... until this is fixed, it's not worthwhile at all. Two matches in a row people using frames and weapons not in the pool, and with their one melee hit kills leads me to believe they also had damage mods enabled, meh...

  12. Later nerd.


    No, seriously. This isn't Payday/2. No one is going to toot your horn because you made the "big score". You didn't work that hard to conquer the "endgame (because you own the Dark Sectors ergo endgame?). You didn't actually do anything except inconvenience a bunch of other people with shenanigans, because having that much credits doesn't affect $&*^. Your claim to fame is being a big annoyance, and that is what you're going to be remembered for instead of the great and powerful accolades of not being a 'tenno peasant', because anyone who's obviously good at something acts like an elitist.


    Also pointing out how broken the pvp system is in this game, but that's an aside and actually getting fixed (maybe?), so thanks for that, I guess.


    In any case, enjoy the misfortune, karma's an unhappy ladydog, don't let the door hit you on the way out, yadda yadda yadda.

    Meanwhile, other people used these hours he keeps wasting away to actually make real money and advance in life. Oh well... priorities...


    People get so absorbed in a game that they think their achievements in it matter to people living in the real world. I mean sure you got that, it's ok to feel good, but bragging about it in that way? meh. Brag when you profit 400 million USD in a quarter.

    Maybe he can put in his resume that he made solar rails for his clan in warframe? 100% promotion guaranteed.

  13. 1 ... I allready have a job, which implies team work; job that pays for my platinum.

    2 ....What I'm doing is just showing people that building a warframe without survivability and dragging down others because they can't fend for themselves is not the right way.


    A squad is as strong as it's weakest member ....... so .... think about that before you call me a "racist teenager" or a "nationality hater"!


    I sometime want to go public for faster mission runs..... I stopped doing that when I noticed that doing a mission public takes more time than solo.

    You don't have one. Nobody who has a decent job acts like you do, much less for a damn game. You are literally refusing to help people enjoy that game, because you are essentially discriminating people's choices. There is a difference between being a tutor and an a**hole like you. You are not showing anything, you are just wasting people's time and giving the warframe community a bad image. Yes, a squad is as strong as it's weaker member, that's why you make your weakest link stronger and assign roles depending on their strengths in a given situation. And that applies in a serious fashion to real life scenarios and actual competitive games where there is something at stake other than your ego, like lets say, a prize that makes your living, not in warframe playing against the AI for absolutely nothing productive.


    Keep playing solo buddy, nobody wants toxic people like you ruining the game for new players.

  14. well there are grenades but they're not for us sadly. (those corrupted crewmen always ruining my long defenses)

    I suppose the concept of flashbangs and smoke grenades could be a thing. Granted, I'm taking this straight out of cs go, but, you could have 2 flashbangs and 1 smoke grenade issued per mission per person, and in survival be refillable every 10 minutes at a max of 1 and 2, unlockable after crafting the blueprint of a "pouch". Flashbang being a very short duration and short range stun, they will notice someone is there, but be blind and deaf for a few seconds. The smoke could be a cloud roughly the length of volt's electric shield that would help cover doorways or halls and the enemy will not rush through it. It would require an AI rework obviously, as the current AI is kind of stupid, i.e stealth killing a guy right in front of another with no alert being raised.

  15. Yes ..... don't play S#&$y frames ...... learn how to not be dependent of your squad .......


    no! ... to the OP .... the system is good .....again ... learn how to play


    The rare times when I play public, because I'm too bored to do the daily, I never revive Banshees, Hydroids, Embers .......

    Well, aren't you the f***ing pillar of the community. The best example for new players, the a**hole who doesn't revive because he can "solo", because he can tap keys.

    Great gameplay you have in a cooperative game. You are right there along with the racist teenagers and nationality haters.


    One day, you will get a job, and you will realize that teamwork is a thing, unless you forgot the /s

  16. yes, but there already is a system of invisibility... shade / kubrow have it... it's a really S#&$ty system, but it's there.

    Well, I suppose that one is enough, you are not supposed to have invisibility, you have something else in exchange. Each warframe has its own skill, and that is the point of warframes, you use them as a tool for a specific job, they are a suit you wear over. You don't use a pajama to go to a business meeting. There is no one do it all, sure they overlap here and there, but not one is the same, some have drawbacks, others quite good advantages. You want to run through spy or deception missions without being seen? use loki or ash. Now grab these two and put them in the same gameplay as rhino, mesa or valkyr and see what happens. You are supposed to get other warframes apart the one you start with for this reason, specialize. Not ask to have one to be the best at everything... otherwise turn all abilities into mods and give me one single frame and I will pick and choose.


    What would only need to be fixed is the way the enemy reacts to you while you are in the map, points 1 2 and 4. Not give loki's or ash invisibility to everyone. You already have two frames with invisibility and one even does group. When built for duration they start to lack in their other abilities, something for something. Want a female loki counterpart? you won't have the room clearing abilities of a fully damage oriented frame, that's for sure.

  17. i think a consumable item that allows invisibility would be epic... give it a good 20-30 seconds, would solve this problem alot.

    20-30 seconds? wat? it wouldn't solve anything, it would just render ash and loki worthless as it stands since now everyone can just go invisible from a "consumable" and have great cc and aoe damage for thirty holy seconds. Either make the materials for this "consumable" stupid rare and expensive, or make it so that if you attack you come out of stealth, and shorter duration.


    I want snow globe in a consumable too, also, just ago ahead and include an iron skin, chaos and molecular prime alternative in a capsule.

  18. which is why we get blueprints instead of fully built prime weapons from the void.

    "No, we get blueprints so they can have a delay when built for which a lot of people rush using plat, bought with real money, because they are impatient" -Random Party Pooper

  19. I already have that 250k x10 cipher blueprint, but it costs to much when you compare how many ciphers can you use during just one mission, price to craft should be lower or it should give more ciphers; besides it would be interesting to have utility mod that does auto hack in x amount of time.

    Price to craft is 9K and you get 10, that is 900 credits per cipher. How exactly can you not afford that? it also asks for nano spores and ferrite, common drops. The amount of annoying grineer consoles per mission is small, the rest of them are the simple linear tap tap and not the ones that change direction after each tap with a bunch of nodes. I honestly dont understand how you would need more than 10 per mission. Sure maybe 3 for each console during spy, or perhaps 5-6 if you screw up in spy missions, but the regular missions? wat...


    If fps are going down, you make do, start turning off graphic features.

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