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Posts posted by nms.

  1. to further iterate my point on mods dropping, I have yet to get a tranquil cleave from a bombard, or any mod from a bombard, i have murder thousands of them, in fact most of the rare enemy drop mods i have to buy because the drop rate is sooooo LOW on many of them in a mission my desecrate often never works on that 1 enemy till after body is gone, how lets not forget that it took me over 6 months just to get the Brakk Parts to all drop after slaughtering the G3 a few hundred times,


    Ah, so after having no point to make at the beginning of the thread, but just a rant based on a wrong assumption you yourself made out of nowhere. You now have converted the thread into your own personal flame space to complain about other aspects of the game you don't like, because you are not getting the things you want, after you assumed you were supposed to get them?


    You are acting like a middle school child.


    Have you even considered the fact that the alert was not supposed to be farmed? that the main intention for it is to have no drops in there? that "tactical" meant, drop limited and actually playing with tactics instead of spamming fire and hope for the best, instead of complaining about running out of ammo? that it was supposed to just be a give away of a reactor and catalyst to players without much effort? that other players will actually find the reward useful as they had to spend very little time to get them? Nah, that's too much for you to process. You only know how to complain about trivial sh*t.


    You even have the balls to call out Ryojin on an assumption (again) that he paid money to get his mods? what if he did? he at least supported the game, the developers. You? what are you doing? I only see someone who needs to take a small break and reevaluate what exactly the expectations from this game are.

  2. But that's my Point here's a extremely hard mission and you get nothing for it, nothing at all, that like giving a kid a piece of candy for doing a good deed, and he finds out that has no flavor.

    Orokin reactor, orokin catalyst. These two are more versatile and do more for a build than a stance. Make no mistake, the cap is set on 20p for these two because of the market. If they werent sold through it, they would probably cost more.


    I honestly don't get it, the first two stages of this alert were stupid easy and rewarded useful items, more than most regular alerts, or invasions, which are actually a waste of time with their repeated runs and credit rewards. If anything, the one that was not worth it was the third stage for an emblem and it was optional.


    There is quite enough value from this tactical alert for the time spent on it.

  3. Radial != Radial. Circle re-DE-fined.


    Javelin = Harpoon...... with very short rope.


    And I still have feelings for Excalibro. Shame on me.


    +1 OP

    Some of you keep assuming radial means full circle, but in mathematics that is not always the case. It is derived from circle and radius. Something radial does not directly mean it is a full circle, or carries a circular motion or is omnidirectional. A cone shape with vectors originating from a common point can be considered a radial pattern. The key is the common origin of the vectors.


    As it stands right now, radial javelin is indeed radial. It is not omnidirectional, but the javelins share a common point and eject in a radial pattern. It does suck they made it LOS. Regardless of whether it was the original idea or not, there is no reason for it to not be omnidirectional. It could also be given punch through so that it can traverse thin or small objects, like barrels and small boxes, or corners of walls, but it won't for instance, go through tile walls.


    I think DE is hiddenly run by a psychologist, just experimenting on players. "Hey, let's cripple this frame and gather some data from people's reaction. Oh, but they are &!$$ed and still play the game nonstop? do it some more Michael, i need more demographics data on this masochist behavior, please data mine the forums for user information. There is a lot of grind but the player base keeps increasing? Michael, tell your guys to make it grindier, lets see at which point my data becomes irrelevant."

  4. Formaing (?) a weapon is already a huge core, what with the grinding of rare resources, only acquiring one per day and having to re-level a weapon. Why make it take so long? There's no real reason to drag on the time it takes to level a weapon again, nobody gains anything from it. Why not just add extra affinity gain to weapons that have been Forma'd? Something like 1.5x affinity gain for the first Forma, 2x for the second, and so on, and so forth. Kills the grind of having to level the same weapon/Warframe five times to make it viable, encourages people to burn Forma at a higher rate, and possibly gives more revenue to the devs, counting the players who would opt to buy Forma instead of waiting a day +resource grind for one.

    I like the idea, as long as the extra affinity is a bonus applied to the weapon or warframe that has been formaedendedned and not in total. If you kill something that gives 100 affinity with a weapon, it is shared between frame and weapon 50/50. With a x1.5 bonus for the weapon from forma using the example, the weapon gets 75, while the frame would get 50. Instead of both getting 75. If the warframe happened to have a x1.75 bonus from multiple forma, it would have gotten 87.5, while weapon got 75. Gives the reward where it is due.

  5. I see the audio for the soma was updated, but I'm sensing an increase in the spool up time. The bullet counter decrease is noticeable slower on the first through like eighth/tenth shot now compared to the run i did just before the update.

  6. when you are in the upgrade menu you can see the %tage how mutch it increases but not the acctual numbers :/, so i would also  like not to be forced to look in wikipedia for theoreticaly correct numbers

    wikipedia? what?


    Grab percentage in upgrade, divide by a hundred, multiply by value in abilities screen. Sell mods for plat, buy color palettes .

  7. According to wiki, it says that "Sentinel Weapons" earn 100 mastery points per level and "Companions" earn 200 mastery points per level. Does that mean a newly built Carrier Sentinel that comes with a Seeker Shotgun actually contributes 9000 mastery points when you rank them up to rank 30 and Kubrow, which doesn't come with a weapon, only contributes 6000 mastery points at rank 30?


  8.  I don't see why you could not have the first ticks do purely disable, and let the last tick do the damage. If that would be to over powered dealing full damage to all who would enter the area after the cast, just deal the damage to thoose in the area when you activate it.

    And that is the compromise of the current implementation. It deals fair, partial, corresponding damage to those who enter after and to those who were there. Doing purely disable then put all damage on the last tick would have probably been seen as too advantageous in the eyes of DE, since those who entered after do not deserve the full effect of the attack. Dealing only damage to those who was it first cast on would render the ability almost as bad as it was originally. You catch 3, 8 enter, and only damage 3...


    You have to take in count it doesn't feel right to you. It felt right to the development team when they implemented it, i find no problem about it, maybe there are other people that have no beef with how it looks and like it, and, perhaps there are others that feel the same way as you. You are taking one subjective example and generalizing it with that last sentence. If we assume warframe is set thousands of years from now, which it is, pretty sure anything that magnetizes your bones in whatever fictional miraculous way, and has enough energy to lift you off the ground with a strong magnetic or electromagnetic field, will cause severe damage to every nerve and cell in your body before it crushes you.


    At high levels, crush does not always even kill at the last tick. If your complaint is for low levels, you could use a corrupted mod that causes negative strength. Eventually, any ability from any warframe becomes overpowered at low levels.

  9. So Mag's crush now gets to affect enemies entering the area after the initial cast, which is great. Definatly makes the ability safer to use in higher level missions. Unfortunatly it also applies its damage in stages, which means that in low to medium level missions enemies die just from getting lifted. So your "crush" doesn't crush anything other than corpses, or air if they die quick enough for the corpse to vaporize.


    Im wondering/hopeing this is unintentional, cause it doesn't feel satisfying using crush like it used to. Isn't it supposed to only deal its damage when you actually crush them ? Perhaps only the disable was meant to affect enemies entering the area after the initial cast, and the damage only affect those caught for the full duration of the ability ?

    It does so because it works by ticks. The ability carries three ticks that deal damage throughout the animation, thats why it gets to affect those who enter the area of effect after it has begun. If an enemy enters after the first tick happens, he will get damaged by the second and third tick, only being dealt 2/3 of the damage. If it crushes corpses then so be it, it is more efficient this way and it means it is actually working properly.


    I'm not sure how to respond to the fact that you are not satisfied because you can't crush the enemies when it ends the animation. That actually sounds really creepy. The point of the ability is mildly crowd control and deal damage in a way that the length of the animation does not adversely affect Mag by making her completely vulnerable. It is not supposed to satisfy anyone's fetish requirements about crushing bodies. If I remember well, it was changed to what it is because mag was completely defenseless while the ability was being cast and the animation was super long. In order to make it useful as a single damage dealing ability, you would have to shorten the animation time by quite a lot, like lift and crush in a second, but then you lose the crowd controlling ability over time.

  10. Wait now I think about, my brother had the game downloaded through steam on his steam account and I'd start Warframe through his steam account, Warframe goes to log in screen and I log myself in. And we just rcently started doing this cause we play on a PC that he built and it's relatively new.

    Did your brother do something with his warframe account to warrant an IP related ban? did he edit game related files? Did you transfer items/plat between the accounts in large quantities?


    So wait they banned me because someone hacked my account?

    I don't know. Last paragraph implies someone accessed your account, or did something from the same IP address you have and they somehow linked it to yours.

  11. Why poke your nose into others business? You do what you want and let others be.

    Nope. It's a coop game, if three or two people have agreed to a strategy and there is a douchebag with the "i do whatever i want" sh*t mentality, then yes, it is our business, he's now wasting our time by diluting mobs and breaking our coordination whenever he dies. Look up what cooperative means, selfish decisions do not benefit this game mode.


    If people want to do whatever they want, which means going against the already set strategy by the team or failure cooperate in setting one, they should go ahead and set the privacy level to solo, that's where they belong. In the same sense we shouldn't poke in other's business, people shouldn't bring their rebel teenager mentality to a coop game where at least a decent level of teamplay awareness from other players is expected.

  12. Rather have strat campers (moving around in the same tile, or staying in one area in synergy, not the 4 tapping bots) than the new pub meta in regular survivals where they spawn and immediately run to different spread out tiles as far away as possible from anyone else, as if one of us had ebola, literally diluting enemy amount as they keep running across tiles in small numbers and hurting the entire team, since now nobody can't get the exp from each other's kill. Then they die and rage ensues since nobody instant-noclipped to their position two tiles over. Sometimes I think people don't know that exp is not split but copied. The worst part, is that the same behavior carries over to defense, mobile defense and excavation...

  13. You realize people choose a free to play model because more likely than not, they will be making more money than a subscription. Even so they should not be balancing the plat prices on whales, rather instead they should be making the game more enjoyable for the casual players which increases the number of people willing to buy plat, to do this I believe they could adjust the credit conversion rate as a start(100p for 1.5mill credits?).

    While imo it is true that the real economy is run by the platinum purchases. You do realize that the trades for plat do indirectly increase platinum sales right? That one dude that buys plat will probably be buying more which balances the books(if not gives profit) for the guy that doesn't buy plat, this is because he values his time more than the money in which case he's more likely to be buying plat frequently for whatever they deem worthy(with the RNG in this game a hell of a lot can be deemed worthy as some people just can't seem to get the one part they need).

    Yes, they will more likely be making more money than with a subscription, given that they make the correct pricing decisions. Which will cause game development be driven by making money per transaction due to the random variability of purchases, rather than focusing 100% on making it 100% based on player interests. Letting people trade built up prime warframes is good for the players, do you really think it is in DE's best interest to allow so? The same applies for nonprime warframes or weapons, or prime weapons, or resources/components. Should players be allowed to trade warframes and accesories for credits? I mean that would be super in the interest of players, but, it is nowhere near close to DE's interest.

    That is one way DE makes money, so if they have to remove their income from it, they have to make it up somewhere else.

    Plat trades do increase plat purchase, to an extent, in a good scenario where the entire amount of plat purchased is spent on a trade to someone else and bought again, at a rate where value re-purchased exceeds or is equal to value traded. When plat is bought and spent on DE's items, it is taken out of existence, i.e skins, warframes, weapons, syandanas, skins, attachments, accesories, etc etc. When plat is spent on trades, value is moved to another player who now does not have spend money on getting plat items, but the other guy does not necessarily have to spend money either. The probability of a new player or casual player of buying 1000 platinum and spending it on a maxed prime flow to rinse and repeat is quite slim, and these trades happen far more less than the ones for 15p and a mod, which leave the player with platinum leftovers, which now has a probability of disappearing altogether by being spent on the market, or rushing items etc etc. We can't also be sure whether the dude who actually bought the platinum is already satisfied with whatever he got, if he is, that is it for him and his profitable rate. However, now the trader can get a number of these small trades, that transfer value onto him, but at the same time, the player who bought the platinum, does not necessarily has run out of it or has a need to repurchase. Then we have trades and an amount of platinum hoarded by trades that far exceeds the repurchase amount. The scenario they would have to account for is when one buys for two or three, instead of two or three buying for themselves and the rate at which the repurchase happens. DE is not free to pay its 200+ employees whenever it pleases or whenever they have a gain that month. I'm not saying it is bad, and that it shouldn't happen, but when it happens and it does, and because it does, they have to account for it, and when they account for it, these "absurd" plat prices you see people clamoring about come to life. It's similar, but not the same, to a used parts/products market, where the money made sometimes never reaches the actual manufacturer of these parts/products. DE needs plat to disappear to be repurchased, if it doesn't or does slowly, then, the golden word, "account" for it.

    I took these into account since development isnt free.

    Looking at numbers from march 2014 there was nearly 8milion registered tenno, if you cant make even 10% of those to buy your cheap ! skin for 1$ then it must mean rest of the game is really bad, then developing skin wont ever cost you 800k $, it simply doesnt happen, for that much you could actually develop some cheap game like some point and click or roguelikes kickstarters.

    For example darkest dungeon asked for 75k $ on kickstarter, yes im aware they must have had some other financing but that wasnt just to finish game they actually were still in early development asking for money.

    Yes, asking 20$ for a normal skin is actually insane, you must have put a real S#&$ton of special effects into it to even come close to such price being reasonable, then again reasonable doesnt mean its actually worth that much.

    I don't think you did. It's clear enough you are not aware of the amount of employees Digital Extremes has, and what the consequence of such number is in terms of salaries and benefits. Roam around their website, base the number in a salary average, then let me know if 800K will pay for that, take in count their required profit margins too, because there is no point in breaking even all the time. And here we assume it's 800K per what? month? and are we really assuming 8 million registered = 8 million active accounts? yeeah no. Surely they do work on other projects, but your example is just a flawed example with a flawed assumption.

    This is the typical misconception of "omg that bottle of water costs $3 or that shirt sells for $6? but it probably costs 30 cents to make, what a rip off".

  14. 25-30bucks for 2 pieces of cosmetics??


    you realize that they could put price on 1$ and still make a profit??

    Yes, they will make a profit, based on the product alone since it doesnt cost anything to produce. But, are you taking in count the employee salaries? office space? fixed costs? utilities? insurance? marketing costs?


    Take that into account and you will see it is not so out of the can when a great part of the player base either contributes very little real money or nothing at all, and, it is only a small number that probably contributes the most. Therefore, they have to set prices based on probability of someone buying them. DE does not get a steady income like you would in subscription or retail model. They have to play lottery as to whether an item will sell and yield money to pay for their own costs and set them accordingly.


    A lot of people mentioning here credit and linking them to a ruined economy when the entire Warframe's actual economy is run by platinum, and those who do not pay real money to get it, but still manage to obtain platinum via trade are the ones that hurt DE the most since they are a lost sale. Instead of getting two dudes to pay for plat, only one does and the other gets it for free. But, they make up for it with these "absurd" plat costs offered elsewhere.


    However, I do think current nonboosted credit rewards are somewhat low. If anything, the normal credit rewards should be at least double of what they currently are.


    Can de generate statistics or such for  that? :D

    Obviously. They own the servers and the code. Doesn't even have to be DE, maybe suggest deathmax to record each alert that pops up with a reactor or catalyst in a given timeframe and see whether he would find it interesting to show it on his website. https://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html contact info is at the end.

  16. JFK83jq.png


    And there are normal, medium (clan) and large (syndicate) energy, ammo, health, shield restores already. Large health restores give you 300 hp instant on first drop, plenty enough to get you out of anywhere. They are also stupid cheap to build, so you can drop two or three, if you have a vitality build, in one go and not go bankrupt.


    I do like however the warframe emitting the pulse instead of it being a drop on the floor.

  17. I'm kind of lost on the point in the OP. It starts criticizing the pay plat for revives, then concludes in one go about losing rewards when afk.

    Paying plat or having a limit per mission for revives does not cheapen death. There has to be something that would punish dying. If nothing is going to happen and dying means nothing, I have no reason to revive anyone and have no reason to put an effort in making a tank build or bothering making anything at all or putting effort on my mods. If the death limit is removed, something needs to fill that spot that would make players actually put an effort in not dying during a mission. If there are no repercussions, I will just jump with a crappy build into T4 die a 100 times and still come out with everything.


    Losing all the rewards when dead, however, shouldn't happen. You should at least get to keep what you made up to the point you died and didn't revive, while not being awarded anything thereafter. The afk system should be removed from dead players if it is affecting them. As a dead player only hurts the team, since it is one man less, unlike an afk botter. Therefore, a distinction does need to be made.

  18. I got Second Dex furis but what should i do with it? Don't tell me about "free slot", empty weapon slot costs 10 platinum, and it's a bad second anniversary gift. I can't sell them to any other, they aren't exclusive anymore, i can't even disassemble them into something useful. What is the profit for old players o have another Dex furis?

    Fully polarize the second one with D slots.

  19. 75% discount disagrees I think.

    Yup. Considering plat values only, prime level 1 is worse than a 20% discount, but better than no discount (by a tiny margin). Level 2 is a bit better than 20% but not better than 50%. Level 3 is almost the same as a 20% discount.


    Considering the bundle as a whole using approximate market values for standard equipment. Level 1 is similar to a 20% discount. Level 2 is close to a 50% discount. Level 3 is a bit better than a 50% discount but nowhere close to a 75% discount.


    Nothing is better than a 75% discount. Unless you outrageously inflate the prime equipment values. But then again, it seems the 75% discount favors those with a less frequent login or those in countries where you can't directly obtain USD, because it's an evil algorithm.

  20. I honestly hope void offers new maps one day 


    Void? just void? the grineer have become much more successful at cloning their own maps and tilesets with pure perfection than cloning themselves. I suppose the corpus helped them with that task.


    The entire solar system is a replica of the first two nonearth grineer and corpus planets.

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