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Posts posted by nms.

  1. ehh I got a problem, I support Neffy, I have got the badge, and it was 1/4, when I finished the 2nd one, it was suppose to go to 2/4, but now im 0/4, what is happening? :/

    You supported alad in the second one by mistake. In order to increase your points, you need to support the same side on every node. If you support the opposite, it starts to subtract points until it reaches 0, then increases for the side you are supporting now.

  2. Just a quick question, what exactly happens if you support one side of the invasion but the other wins? Little concern as to where my points would go if I were to support the losing side.


    Currently helping Salad but Anyo seems to be winning the current invasion. If I support Salad again, will I lose points or will it still count?


    Furthermore, any idea if whether or not the mission reward will be given if I so happen to have supported the losing side. Got a few people saying that the weapon from whichever side wins will be received regardless of who is supported.


    Can't seem to find any answers on chat soooo decided to ask here.

    In order to receive a weapon, you must have 4 points from either side.

    Switching sides (playing a 3/3 node for the opposite) subtracts points from the side you played before. For instance, if you managed to do 4 nodes, and got 4 points for salad, and then decided to play mayo, you would now have 3/4 for salad, if you play mayo again, 2/4 for salad, until it gets to 0 and then starts going up for mayo. In essence, you would need 8 node wins to switch sides and max it, after having maxed one and be eligible for a weapon. 4 to decrease current and 4 to max current. If by the end of the event you end up with 2/4 because you f*cked up your timing, you get no weapon.


    Either way, salty regor is left without his tube... men ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    We need someone whose name matches caesar or crouton so we can make a salty caesar salad with a lot of mayo.


    Although I kind of misunderstood what you asked. You wouldn't lose points if you support salad, and salad loses, after you had it maxed. Only way to lose points is to support the other dud as far as I'm aware.

  3. jeez they even -1 point me on alad that im already 3/4. ty for making us your mouse experiment.

    2/4 for me after being 4/4 on alad, but 50 R5s. Saved me a lot of time. Still 6 days until event finishes. If it gets to the point where I get none of the weapons, it means I've gotten around 200+ R5s if they keep going at this rate. Only 25 R5s will make me change sides, otherwise, I'll go for the hitscan weapon #indecisivethuglife

  4. So.. the more ghz you have, the faster or more data can be sent in your pc? But isn't that what cpu does?

    The faster and more data can be *processed* in your pc for a given processor architecture and family. Instructions per second is a more real measurement of computer performance than gigahertz. That's why when you build a requirements sheet for something that will intensively use resources, you have to specify the processor model or family you are linking the gigahertz requirement to. Your cpu (processor) has a clockspeed measured in gigahertz, your graphics processing unit has a clockspeed in gigahertz or megahertz. Pretty much any controller or chipset has a hertz measurement, because it's frequency.

  5. There's a really big disparity amongst the things you're likening to one another here.  A frame's existence (should someone merely dislike it) is not an automatic threat the the balance of a given game's gameplay.  A _______'s existence (should it be vastly more effective than other choices in its category) is a threat to the balance of a given game's gameplay.


    Games are designed with an intended minimum degree of challenge.  Developers don't necessarily want players to be able to succeed at a task with their eyes closed and by operating the controls with their feet.  Things that are legitimately overpowered can very easily cause that absurd thing I said above to be more than doable, hence the call for nerfs being reasonable there.  This is why "don't like it don't use it" cannot be a thing in regards to game balance.


    However, it's a different case when you're calling pure bias of enjoyability into account.  For instance, a lot of players find Banshee to be bad or lacking.  On the contrary she's a very powerful but not gamebreaking frame.  Allowing players to just ban her from existence means Banshee players cannot just hop into normal matches.


    What you've said is like comparing a motorcycle to a sea cucumber.  There's no conflict involved within these two things because they're entirely different in every concievable way.

    I'm gonna keep it brief and say, that I agree with what you said. However, that applies to nerf threads that are objective with a valid constructed reason that considers almost all view points possible. Nearly all nerf threads have no basis at all, are based on limited exposure of levels in the game, based on sheer personal dislike, or on a completely personal view point of what the person believes is "right" for himself. So what I said, does apply to a lot of nerf threads. If not, for instance, feel free to let me know how just greedy pull itself lets you play the game with your eyes closed and with the controller at your feet at a 100-120 enemy range in t4, how it trivializes every aspect of the game at a proper level the frame is built for. And, how valid would the solution "if you don't want to play with a greedy mag, just, filter using the recruit chat" be. Considering the cases where the person will solo it, or will not have a full and optimal party. Have fun. I sense a typical reply in the sorts of "if you can't understand that then you are a ret*rd", possibly not from you, but I'll just go with it.


    I suppose a major mistake from DE was giving us the tools to fight against lvl 100 enemies, but not moving that difficulty down to the 30-40 range nodes. Would love to see if the same arguments would roll around in that scenario. Another major, is not implementing a tier system to prevent overkill from overpowered builds at low levels. These two cause people to want all guns to do the same damage at the same rate, all frames doing the same damage or having the same damage reduction in the same fashion. I admit, my agreement with this idea is not based on this mythical balance, but because I'm tired of the same overly subjective 'reasons' for nerfs that have plagged the forums lately and in months before (soma/boltor prime). This will allow these people play in their own shut world.

  6. Mag's shield transference is bugged and doesn't work as it is supposed to. It sets as overshield the value that it is stolen on each use, instead of it being additive. It replaces the previous value with the new one, even when the value of stolen shields is less...

  7. Bringing this up, and will keep bringing it up to the front page until it is fixed. This behavior is nowhere stated in the patch notes. Shield transference is not working properly. As stated above, only the amount of shields stolen per use is set as overshield, instead of it being additive as before. If you have 16XX of overshields and you use it when no one is around it goes down to base overshield value, losing everything. If you use when the total amount of stolen shields is less than the one you have, you lose what you had and you are given what you stole.

  8. The phrase "with this logic" does not work for game decisions that are not based purely on absolute logic or a one to one relation, but on arbitrary thinking, or with something else behind them. And, there is no rule or convention that any in-game requirements need to be the same for everything or have a linear relationship among themselves.

    There is no compelling reason that because one weapon consumes another weapon, all other weapons should consume a weapon.

    Boltor does not need to use the bolto, or the dual raza the soma. Because it is not a rule and not all weapons are equal.


    The mentality of "must have it now now now now" is what seems to cause people to get panic attacks and complain about grind. All the new stuff is on the market, for Platinum. Look at that, ZERO hassles to go through in order to get it.


    You want it WITHOUT spending plat? Then play the game and jump through the hoops. Guild Wars 2 has a lot more hoops and stuff is a LOT more expensive, and it's STILL optional.


    You don't NEED every weapon. Stop creating arguments that make it sound like that if you don't have it you can't play the game.

    Not only that, but, if you don't have the resources to build it, it's because you are consuming them on something else, which means you are still in the phase of the game where you can't keep up with your own progress, and, there are other weapons apart from the new ones that you can't build either. If you are complaining because you don't have the resources to start building them today, that is not DE's fault. That's just normal progression. Plenty others have resources and credits counting in the millions and anything is at one click away.


    There are a lot of weapons made to go with other weapons that don't require that weapon to craft. Like the Aksomati and Dual Raza.


  9. It uses the kronen, and boltor. I understand that it makes sense, but when you think of it the way I think, it makes no sense at all.  It's supposed to be a 'set' weapon to go with boltor, the problem? It uses the boltor, so what you're saying is that I need to make a boltor to make the boltace, then I need to make ANOTHER boltor to complete the supposed 'set'. See where I'm going with this? Why does it use the kronen? I understand that it's a tonfa weapon, but that should have nothing to do with it. By that logic, boltor should use the bolto, or dual raza should use the soma, etc.


    And my final problem with it. Anyone else remember that Day of the dead skin for kronen? Yeah, I essentially wasted platinum on that, because now we have a new tonfa that uses the kronen, which forces me to have to build another kronen, just so I can actually use the skin I paid real money for.


    Anyone else agree with me?

    Kronen is not hard to build. Pretty sure a lot of people will need to build both the boltor and the kronen, either because of forma and catalysts, or because they sold them long ago to make space for something better. I have to build the boltor again so... i don't see what the problem is with that.


    When you choose to build the boltace, or any weapon that has a weapon requirement, you will be able to select which kronen or weapons to consume, which in this case would be the just built unranked one. Complaints about "wasted" platinum or wasted forma or catalyst are irrelevant, if im not mistaken, because no one is forcing you to use the forma'd or catalyzed weapons, or discard their usage completely.


    We do have that choice, it's called using the recruiting channel.  Random public matches don't need pointless bias filled restrictors upon them.

    Well, look at that. How many times has that very same line not been posted on threads with people wanting to nerf X, or hating on X because they don't like it, and all the other humans call out the person that made such suggestion "short" minded because things shouldn't work like that. Truly, what a conflicted community.

  11. If people were able to blacklist frames, mastery ranks, minimum equipment rank, conclave ratings, from their matchmaking pairings, a lot of crap threads wouldn't make it to the forums. The same applies to newbies that want to play trivial exterminate missions like metal gear solid and a saryn, that does not give a flying f*ck about the mission because he has played that type around 200 times before, runs through it in 1 minute, then they come to the forums asking for nerfs. Then they complain nonstop, filling the first 5 pages of a subforum, when the frame is nerfed (see excalibur).


    If you don't want to be paired with certain frames and/or ranks, you should be allowed to have that choice.

  12. If you are pubbing, for the first few levels, cambria on earth will net you more exp faster than any low level survival or defense because of the higher spawn rate and larger number of enemies per spawn group. Tikal works better at this moment due to exp bonuses in that regard.


    If others can carry you, then draco, kiste, are the usual ones, or void defenses/survivals. Or for that matter, high level corpus interceptions work too if there is a mag. High level dark sector defenses are good with a proper team, the ones on pluto and ceres. Low level defense missions were good for leveling at low levels, after the spawn rate trickle nerf, they are a joke, sure you will level, but they take an absurd amount of time now to even get good, compared to alternatives. Same goes for low level survivals, I remember a time when apollodorus had a nice spawn rate, now, it's a snooze fest, even with four people, unless you get to like 40 minutes or so, by then you won't have the equipment to deal with the enemy level if you are starting. Low level excavations are the only ones left with a high spawn rate of low level enemies right at the beginning.

  13. no way.....its a G502 and I have no this problem in other games today V.V 

    G502, are you using any custom profile for the mouse surface? use the factory default. There is a weird bug with the LGS and surface tuning that causes the sensor to go nuts in specific occasions.


    It kept happening to me in cs go when I first got it. I returned it because i thought the sensor was f*cked up. But it turned out to be a problem with the surface tuning and not the mouse itself. Using the factory default setting for surface fixed it.

  14. I still don't understand why people are complaining about my bow's expectations. Bows are more difficult to use than guns. We don't have fire rate mods, so it takes some time, charging. If you miss, you charge again, hoping you don't die. So what if you can run with it? you still got to aim it. 

    + Its not hit scan, EVEN with terminal velocity. 


    The video belongs to -iFruit-, I do not take credit for it. 

    There are no fire rate mods in the new conclave, as far as i know. But yes, they are more difficult to use. I wasn't complaining. If anything, I helped with what you posted. You could also argue that it would be better to make it 1 shot charged anywhere, including legs. But then there are other mechanisms that need to be taken in count. You have these shield extra hitpoints. Which would render these suggestions to be one shot anywhere if they have no shields, probably. They would translate to one shot if they don't have full health anyways.

  15. Kogake still one of the top, explosive are strong, weapons like lex are nerfed when they require the most skill in pvp. 


    The team mechanic sucks, being put into a team of rank 0-3 players against rank 7-19 is VERY frustrating. 

    Make the bullet attracter small. Its so huge, its 99.5% guaranteed death.

    Make the game more fast paced - mainly in death match/ team death match.

    Add snipers - 1 shot on head shots, 2 shots on body.

    Buff the bows - 1 shot on full charge, 3 shots non charge.

    Make the stamina consume more during Kogake's slide attacks. 

    1 shot for sniper in head and chest, 2 if one lands on the leg.

    1 shot for bows at full charge on head and chest, 2 if one lands on leg.

    2 shot for bows non charged if one lands on head. 3 if they land anywhere else.

    Then continue to reduce the ttk of the other weapons ;D

  16. v.v future man future , you can't ask smart pistol MK5 don't auto aim V,V 

    well, Actually i love those auto aim weapons, so we can put our mind more though the tactic level, not the barbarian aiming skills.

    That's the worst excuse for reducing the skill ceiling in competitive play I've ever read online. That's probably even worse than "but it's just so noobs can have a chance". Having good aiming skills does not reduce your brain power to derive tactics. Otherwise nobody in counter strike or call of duty would be good, and they would be a bunch of retards with no game sense.


    Auto aim does not belong in any pvp or competitive mode. Auto aim is considered cheating. Yet, here it passes as a "mod", give me a break.

  17. It depends, whether it is quick melee or full time melee. Quick melee just focus on damage mods and not channeling mods. Full time melee you would need channeling mods like post #2 as they increase the damage done and reduce energy consumption.


    For example, quick melee could be pressure point, fury, spoiled strike, buzz kill, 2 element pair, and a single element pair (cold and cold) for instance. Or four element pairs that do not conflict each other for a given enemy (blast has reduced damage to ferrite compared to corrosive). Or replace buzz kill with a status elemental mod that adds to the previous combinations, or, with a faction damage mod as it increases all damage types to the corresponding faction.


    For full time you would need to play around with killing blow, or focus energy, or reflex coil, or corrupted mods depending on what you want to achieve.

  18. Okay, thanks so far. Does anybody know, where soundfiles are kept in the warframe folder?


    Verifying files via Steam brought up 6.1 GB of files to reload, we'll see what happens after that.

    [edit]Nevermind. Over in the bug forums there are some topics concerning this problem, including one were DE_George promises to make it go away in the next hotfix :)

    Yeah, i've been getting that noise too. I thought it was some sort of weird effect from grineer radio distortion so I rolled with it.

  19. I recently started playing Warframe again (haven’t really played since the release of Mirage) I saw Chroma, and figured why not. I only have the frame to level 20 but it seems like the thing is only good if you use a toxin or a Frost build. Has anyone had fun with an Electric or a Fire build?

    Also, it seem like the range on its abilities is just plain HORRIBLE. SS starts at only 4?


    I would also like to hear some feedback about Effigy. It seems like just another ability more so than an “Ultimate”


    Again, this isn’t a rant on Chroma being bad, as I am only at level 20. Just trying to get some info on some of the builds… And the usefulness of Effigy



    Have fun XD

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