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Posts posted by Ironlixivium

  1. Nah, it's... an alert. Like, found an enemy VIP that was hiding from us kinda thing. You can't hack the enemy VIP to make him stay there o.0

    Also, you could have a thing where you pay play for the rewards........but that's trade chat...

  2. I'd have a Limbo with me over a Ember, Excal or Saryn at anytime. Ember was just a example and tbh I you just said it yourself, "I know people who are very good with ember. People who bring her to t4s's and do a good job", Same with Limbo. Very much the same with Limbo. It's depending on who's playing the Warframe.

    You're stating that he doesn't have survivability and so on, when he in matter of fact got access to it. I suggest looking at his abilities and what they do before you say he can't survive:) The only thing I can agree with you on is his third ability being unnecessary.


    e.e I hate that comment, It kinda feels like you're insinuating I'm inexperienced with limbo...


    Anyway, I assure you, I'm not. I do not count limbo's "invulnerability" as any form of invincibility. More like a stalemate :/ as he can't hurt anything either. Also, I wasn't saying that limbo is worse than ember, simply that I know people who are good with ember, just as I know people who are good with limbo, I don't really know more of either, and they both need buffs imo. limbo can't even stand near his own ultimate and survive. No other frame is that bad at surviving. Is it really that much to ask for him to be able to hold his ground in HIS dimension?


    No offense, but I really think you're squandering his potential by insisting he's balanced as is.

  3. Ok, yeah, I forgot to mention the other reason why items should be affected by cata. This isn't based on physics logic at all, but rather game logic. There's no way any player who isn't a troll wouldn't agree with this. (If you disagree, I' gonna assume you're a troll):

    It's annoying.

    pretty simple, using limbo makes my team unable to gather drops with cataclysm on them, in other words, you could troll harder than loki:

    1. join [mod] farm

    2. bring limbo

    3. find mod

    4. put max duration cata on mod

    5. trololololol


    Please just make cata affect drops....

  4. no he's comparing limes with lemons

    OVERRULED! They're both delicious, end of discussion.


    Reduce magazine size to 2 + Increase reload time to make in on par with Synoid :D

    no....not really...synoid is still better in dps than the marelok.


    How would you like it if the marelok said u needed a nerf o3o

    I agree with Mr. marelok. Would he be able to stop by for tea soon?


    This post basically encapsulates the community attitude on the subject; Absolute and totally irrational nerf-phobia.


    That said, I don't really think the Marelok needs a nerf. The Grinlok definitely needs a buff though.

    probably cuse we have so many things in need of a buff. So many people asking for so many buffs, then someone comes along and asks for a nerf for something we're happy with, or something we JUST got to a balanced spot *cough* trinity, it's a horrible feeling, like if you just worked for hours on a paper only for a message to pop up saying you should close it without saving. o.0


    What I came in here wanting to say:




    No, really, though, please don't ask for nerfs unless something is way outta line, like the synoid was (it was the undeniable best secondary in the game).

  5. Gorgon feels like a minigun but its - small. It doesnt bring enough firepower... We need a Minigun... WE NEED MORE DAKKA

         It's actually more in the light machinegun area.


    Miniguns, barrage of bullets, using an new mechanic, that makes you slow moving while shooting. Done.

    Great, now lets add a massive russion-ish heavy frame, a black scottish drunk, a french spy....

    How about it stores in a compact way, like it has extending barrels, maybe some other parts that fold back to make it smaller, and just carrying it makes us slower.


    DE said, Okay, here is your 100 fire rate minigun(as the real world), with 4 damage pre hit ( balance at dps) with 800 ammo (empty in 8 second, most hand carry minigun only shoot around 9 second)

    Hey! That's not balanced, who r u tryin to fool? e.e Boltor prime fires 10 rounds per sec and does 55 dmg, that means it has a dps of 550 with no mods. let's go with 7 damage per shot instead. also, it should work like bows like nysud said, where it's fed from a massive chain and never requires reloading.it could do 4 punc, 2 impact and 1 slash. The ammo would have to be massive, though, as in it should make the glaxion's look like nothing. In other words, it would have to be 10000+ That would be great...

  6. in my opinion, it doesn't really matter where the cataclysm falls; the objects on the ground are already established in real space. the void pockets merely overlap it; it doesn't overtake what is already there. it's also the same reasoning why you can't use consoles or stand on the pads in raids while rift walking; you're in a slightly different variation of space, out of sync with everything around you and everyone else. objects spawn from the enemies outside the rift plane, therefore they will remain outside of the rift plane.


    edit: i guess what i'm trying to say is that it doesn't really make sense for real-space objects to magically become void-space objects because of cataclysm or rift walking. because if objects were to become attainable inside a cataclysm, it would have to be the same for rift walking, and that would just be ridiculously OP. you're in a state of pure invincibility while rift walking, and being able to pick up and interact with items is seriously ridiculous. i'm pretty sure that's why DE removed limbo's ability to interact with consoles while in the rift, and i actually agree with it.


    edit edit: sorry but i just really love limbo a lot. he's my favourite frame, and stuff like this is what i think about most of the time.

    Ummm, noooo.... that's exactly what I didn't think should happen...


    Just cataclysm, not rift walk or banish. I don't really agree with that invincibility stuff, but I'll let it go since I specifically said this would be about cataclysm.


    I want to know, how does that not make sense to you? the cataclysm sends stationary enemies/allies and the cryo to the rift, why wouldn't items go too? By your logic, cataclysm shouldn't send anything to the void, and just be pretty spiral.


    I agree that rift walk shouldn't allow items to be picked up, although if you werew truely in a different dimension, why do you still make contact with the floor and enemies?

  7. Why in such a hurry?

    After playing all those 18 Mastrey Ranks, I thing that building times are good.


    I don't see any reason that why you should be able to build 10 same items at the same time. It just save time from you but takes time from DE.

    It sure is fustarating when you need to build same items again and again, but..DEAL WITH IT!


    With your logic (player can build 10 same items at the same time) would make the game actually boring... In my opinion.

    And also it goes how someone already said, that DE want's you to wait that 24H build time. Would you create a game where players are able to build everything what they want in first month?


    Why do you need to build 10 Formas and 10 Potatoes at so fast? Since everytime when you forma an item you have to use again time to level it up. And for Potatoes you can only use one at the time.


    Only thing what I would like it that you could queue items, like put 10 formas in a line to build: When 1st is ready it would automaticly start the next one.

    He's right, if you were able to have them all build simultaneously, it would be like you built 1 then got 9 free rushes. besides, think about it: DE wants us to actually be a bit dedicated to the game. they want us to take a while to beat it so the experience isn't some overnight thing. I find it to be a good thing, I can't tell you how many games I feel that I ruined by playing non-stop (okay, I stopped a little, but still) until I beat it, then realized that the experience is over and I felt sad I didn't take my time. finally, a developer team decided to help the player keep the experience going for a very long time, if you're running into problems with the current crafting times, that only means 1 thing: you're rushing through the game. Stop it. Slow down, take your time, enjoy it. ^_^ Crafting times won't change, "I'm not gonna play as much because my forma isn't done" is exactly what they want. I personally enjoy the crafting times though, makes the game enjoyable for a much longer time. not sure what I mean? I'll put it this way: I bought Borderlands 2 for $40 and played for ~150 hrs. I've played warframe for 1500+ hrs. how much would I owe DE if I kept the same ratio of money/ hrs of fun?


    To add on to everything that has been said thus far, here's a quick note regarding Formas which has annoyed me every time I think about it:


    Each weapon, on average, will require 5-7 Formas to be able to fully utilize all 8 mod slots and maximize that weapon's damage output. Unless we're willing to shell out platinum or get really lucky to obtain Formas via daily/void rewards, this will be the only means of obtaining Forma.


    We can only craft 7 Formas per week, assuming that no platinum is used to rush. Barring obtaining Forma from other sources, that means we can only fully mod out between 52 and 73 weapons each year, assuming that we are diligent enough to keep up with crafting Formas.


    There are over 150 firearms in the Arsenal as of this moment (melee weapons are not counted, as a blue tater + 1 or 2 formas are generally sufficient). To fully maximize every weapon out there, that would take about 2+ years of Forma crafting alone.


    This is not inclusive of the Warframes, Companions or Archwings yet.


    That's how screwed we are as far as Formas are concerned.

    Lol, what dafuq? What weapons are you USING?! there is no weapon in the game that requires 7 forma for a good build. if you need 7 there's something wrong with your build. Also, how is 5-7 The average?! you mean that you actually need 8 forma for some builds?! dude....just wait the 24 hrs or buy the forma...

  8. From these comments im guessing quite a few people still cant use Limbo correctly. Defense with limbo is extremely easy you haters just dont know what you're doing. 4TW doesn't work for Limbo doesn't mean he's useless, it means he takes skill and a thoughtful mind.


    Not every frame needs to be a mindless and simple one.


    Why can't some players just accept the fact that it's okay, and even good, to have options that exist solely to cater to those who prefer complexity?  If used with skill and creativity, a Limbo can accomplish any task quite well.  Being more than capable of handling any task within this game just fine.  Thing is, the player utilizing Limbo can't just hit one button, get an obvious and straightforward effect, and be done with it.


    Variations in approach are just nice to have.  There's literally no justifiable reason to have every frame be brainless like Loki or Nova.  Not saying they're bad mind you, or that they need any changes to their skills.  But having alternate options for players who want them is nice.

         Oh, believe me. I farmed, crafted, and maxed my limbo expecting to have a complex frame that is excellent when used correctly. I tried...and tried...and tried, and no matter where I looked, what build I made, the work you have to put into him to "git gud" with him is just NOT worth the effort. A frame so complex and difficult to use should be AMAZING when used right, but limbo just kinda falls short. In addition, he's NOT the complex skill-requiring frame you make him out to be, as most people's solution is just "stay in the rift and finish enemies you knock over with banish". That's skill? I don't think so. I'm not a noob to this game and I'm not new to limbo either. But when compared to other frames, he just has no real purpose. Do you REALLY just want him to be an "experienced" frost? cause that's what some people seem to want him to be...

         I on the other hand, would like him to be able to use the rift to his advantage in any situation and only come out worse than the enemy when not in his own dimension. He is SUCH a promising frame, but he just comes so short...


    No. Ember is by far "Worse" than Limbo.

    The fact that he's situational is what makes him good, His third ability might be a bit unnecessary but he already got survivability by being in the rift himself. Limbo isn't the most all around Warframe but he've a high skill cap. And people who're playing him well, really rock it hard.

         Is that a comment on the thread I referenced, or just a slightly scatterbrained reply? (I'm not trying to insult you, just trying to understand). If it's not about my thread, then I encourage you to look at that, I made a comment about ember there. I don't really know what to say though, I know people who are very good with ember. People who bring her to t4s's and do a good job. I, personally, rarely die with ember. I wish I could say the same about limbo though. ember can actually be much better than limbo, as ember actually has a way to fight and stay alive. Limbo does not.

  9. I made a buff limbo post already, but this is specifically about cataclysm, not to buff it, but to make it do what it should already (which is sorta a buff I guess but you get the point). I felt that this was a separate issue entirely, not based on what I think should/shouldn't happen, but what LOGICALLY should already have happened and I have no idea why it doesn't.


    Cata sends an area to the rift, Why does this exclude items?


    DE, just make it affect items, too, as in, make the cataclysm affect items in the same way it affects other entities. I doubt it could be that hard to do, I mean, you made pull affect items, so you're more than capable. 


    I addition, I don't think a single warframe player would disagree when I say: Cataclysm shouldn't filter out items. 

  10. mirage's 2 and 4 are bad in general imo, except for the blind on the 4, but her 1 and 3 are so good its forgivable, can't say the same about nyx's 2 though, she has like 0 survivability. sleight of hand might actually be the worst ability in the game, though, considering how it explodes the ammo on the ground....making you unable to pick it up...can screw you over if you have a high rof weapon like the amprex equipped.

  11. That's kind of what happens to most frames at 25+ level.

    Try casting shadows of the whatever in front of a room filled with horny bombards.

    Cover works wonders for survivability.


    That being said i actually agree with your 1), but i'd rather have an augment that shares rift surge buff with teammates, kind of like Mirage's total eclipse of the heart, but that's just me.

         Idk if I can agree with that, shadows does a pretty good job for taking aggro off you, although nekros is a pretty squishy frame in general. My point was though, that people say "he's not glassy, you just have to use him right". But apparently, using him right is being lame and just using finishers on stuff knocked down with banish. This tactic is ruined by your own ult, though, pretty sure we have no other frames that actually lose survivability when they cast their ult.

         Also, why? The description of the ability specifically states that it increases damage dealt to enemies in the rift. it should ALREADY apply to all enemies in the rift. If they made this an augment, it would be ANOTHER bandaid augment which are so annoying, especially since I already have to sacrifice mods for my current build.

  12. Also:

    Paired with Volt you can have a Dynamic Duo

    Volt gets banished and then casts Electric Shield so banished allies can shoot enemies not in the rift

    Also: Paired with nova, loki can be op as fk, don't justify a crap frame by saying its op with a certain other frame, plz.

  13. That's pretty funny.

    Put that post isn't, it's just annoying. Ambiguous 3-word posts are a waste of space.


    How to be prolimbo.


    1. Banish all the enemies.

    2. sip drinks on the beach.

    3. Rinse and repeat until mission success or tired of the beach.

    How to easily substitute for "prolimbo":

    1. bring 5 forma boltor prime

    2. left click

    3. think about how useless limbo is in his current state


    Limbo isn't bad, he's a situational warframe just like any other. He can be combined with other warframes for a good result.

    Often those who're saying he's bad don't use him with 4 players. There he rocks. Even then I see people solo with him like beasts. Limbo require a diffrent type of game style compared to many other warframes, he doesn't have press 4 to win, nor does he have any ability that deals massive amount of damage like Mirages disco ball.

    I say you should experiment with him and try figure out when he'd be good and with what. You'll see he's more usefull than other frames.

    "just like any other"? limbo is the most situational frame in the game, that's what makes him bad. you can bring almost any other frame to almost any any mission, limbo is good for......OMG he's good for TWO WHOLE MISSION TYPES!!!


    My suggestions for a limbo buff: 


    1. Make cataclysm send items to the rift, no idea why it doesn't already, kinda stupid that it doesn't, actually.


    2. Remove rift surge and make the void just automatically cause a 200% damage buff to all enemies within the rift.


    3. replace rift surge with something for survival, like a bubble that makes all bullets that hit it get removed from the rift plane. This could also be a channelling ability with either an eps drain of 6, or 1.5 but unaffected by power efficiency. This could be balanced out by how it would almost completely negate the 2eps energy gain within the rift. trading increased survivability, with decreased ability usage.

  14. You do realize Limbo can get an up to 800% damage increase with Rift Surge, right?

    You do realize limbo can get up to a 0% chance of surviving within LoS of his ult, right?


    I made a thread about this, I'll just throw my suggestions from that one into here, no point in keeping opinions exclusive to a single thread:


    1. Make cataclysm send items to the rift, no idea why it doesn't already, kinda stupid that it doesn't, actually.


    2. Remove rift surge and make the void just automatically cause a 200% damage buff to all enemies within the rift.


    3. replace rift surge with something for survival, like a bubble that makes all bullets that hit it get removed from the rift plane. This could also be a channelling ability with either an eps drain of 6, or 1.5 but unaffected by power efficiency. This could be balanced out by how it would almost completely negate the 2eps energy gain within the rift. trading increased survivability, with decreased ability usage.

  15. Please don't...I have a quick suggestion to fix these problems:


    1. play a t4 mission

    2. find out that her #3 isn't op at all by still taking heavy damage with it on in a t4 mission

    3. peacemaker is as op and WoF. the damage on both falls like a rock when armor comes in. the only difference is that WoF lets you move and has some cc to go with it.

  16. wait so you want to nerf the nerf so the nerf that was placed in some time ago is nerfed? i just want my 100% damage reduction back

    That was horribly op. all her abilities atm are best when not spammed, which is a good thing for a frame that can generate energy in large amounts. 100% dmg resist was op and would be op, I shouldn't have to explain why.


    I also have to say No. Also people need to understand when we say something is too OP or is sooooo much "better" than everything else we are only referring to the players who A) have that frame, B) who has the right mods for that build, C) has the capabilities to get those mods, D) has chosen to make that particular build. There are a lot and I mean A LOT of players (especially newer players and players who simply haven't gotten around to getting what they need) who don't have that frame or that build for that frame. So whenever somebody says nerf because something is too OP you are literally only talking about a CERTAIN group of players. But not everyone plays it like that (whether it's by choice or happenstance).

    Also you just informed us that you yourself play Trinity A LOT so you noticed this issue. There you have it, not everybody plays trinity a lot and not everybody runs into whatever "issues" you have with her. Please don't ask for her to be nerfed any further.


    Excellent explanation. 






    Trinity balanced?


    Explain why she's outshining all the other support frame then ?She literally turn a mission "hard" to a "easy lol" mission.I play trinitty.I've played her since a long time i even have her arcane aura helmet from 2 years ago.And let me tell you:she's so damn strong with all the survivability she gives,that ANY runs can be done easily without any risks just with her.She is too strong,all you need in your squad for raid OR endless mission to come with her is CC.Many frames has CC ,but she's the ONLY ONE to give free energy,Damage reduction,instant healing and bring huge tankyness for herself.


    I aslo can't believe how people can say "she requires attention" for real ?Press 4 get 99% damage reduction,does damage repeat is hard ?Banshee requires attention,Oberon requires attention,Zephyr requires attention etc...not trinity.She's easy as long as the person playing her understand SHE IS a support and should be played like a support.Damn ,it's like saying "Loki is hard because he's squischy" for real guys ?


    I really wish she would get at least a more activ gameplay.Because having such HUGE healing and protection who requires no skills is boring as hell.

    Please. I usually don't say anything like this, but please. stfu right now. Just because you think she's easy doesn't mean she's easy for everyone, if you think she's too easy then play someone else. Valkyr is too easy with the correct mods, so I stopped playing her. Don't ask for a nerf just because you're good with someone cause it DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE IS.


    Pretty sure most frames don't go full eff anyways, either because of blind rage or because they can't be arsed to use 2 mod slots for it and would rather just pop an energy restore if, for whatever reason, they can't go grab the blue balls.

    I do ^_^ with the exception of mirage and trinity. r8 primed cont, r5 narrow, maxed stretch, r4 streamline, r4 fleeting. it gives the max +75% eff with +49% duration and +9% range.

  17. Yeah, trin is actually balanced by how selfish people are, and also by how butthurt people are that she can't instantly make everyone invincible with the press of a button. No one (figuratively) wants to use trin cause you can't cause mass destruction with her. additionally, for those of us that already lvled their trin, I recently formad mine and found out that she's hell to rank up with the new(ish) abilities system. many people attempt to make her but get her to about lvl 15 then assume that she's not much better at max rank.

         Well, if that's you(the reader, not the OP), I must inform you, you are VERY wrong. Trinity makes rhino look like a twig by comparison. If used correctly, you can easily run around with max energy and link on, trolling all the enemies by ignoring all their damage (mentally ignored, not actually, as link + QT gives plenty of time to get 99% dmg resistance).She's the most selflessly tanky frame in the game (selfish would be valk, with her 1-minute invincibility).

         I don't think trinity needs any changes at all. Sure, she helps with healing and energy, but at a cost of any real combat assistance. Please don't make a big deal over her, they FINALLY move on to excal, don't encourage more trin changes. >.<

  18. I get the ideas, but it's just killing me to point this stuff out...


    your rhino charge suggestion: 1mps? really?! you realize that's the speed of attempting to sprint though infested moa goo, right? 10mps is a more realistic number.


    your iron skin suggestion: I think you mean damage resistance, not absorbtion. absorbtion makes it sound like you're taking more damage, not less. The only thing I think it needs is a damage per shot cap, though, similar to nullers.


    your ult suggestion: sounds like you just changed the name and pretended its a different ability, aren't those the same stats as the original? anyway, I don't really have a problem with this ability other than how a time-disrupting stomp isn't even strong enough to shake the screen or cause cracks to appear on the ground. I mean, jeez, if that was enough to disrupt time, what else can disrupt time? any type of car collision? throwing a ball too hard?

  19.      Hell. Yes. If DE put this in I would forgive them for fixing psychic bolts with an augment 10 times over. This would change the gameplay of nyx so much, but for the better. Not only would this be fun, but it would also be useful and awesome. and it would open quite a few new strategies for her, like protecting the pod with absorb while she kills with a leech heavy, or, maybe even uses a mind controlled target to charge her absorb. (friendly fire is enabled for absorb if you didn't know, this allows teammates with something like a boltor prime to give you massive amounts of damage in a few seconds).


         However, as someone who enjoys playing single player games, then hacking them and being able to control the enemy, I know there are quite a few things that would be kind of annoying, specifically the movement, it might seem like their movement is fine, but I guarantee that if you could control the enemy in game right now, you would be really irritated with how slow they are. Try playing the game without sprint, that might give you an idea. additionally, our ninja dodges and parkour would have to be removed for this. Your a soldier now, not a space ninja. They would need a HUD, player-friendlyified mechanics for their versions of the weapons, and their respective abilities with cooldowns (yes, cooldowns, don't argue about it, their abilities have cooldowns, why would a tenno controlling them be able to bypass that? Also, it wouldn't be as infuriating as tenno cooldowns were, since getting into a situation where you need to use an ability or you'll die won't matter since...well, it's only an enemy thats being killed, not you.

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what augments SHOULD be like

         Can you entitle that "Truth" and mail it to DE please?


    I think sussing the melee attacks (maybe just use the whack?) would be one thing to think about. Although I'd like to use the radial pound of a heavy or the eximus abilities. I can see this being quite OP, but hella fun.

    They would probably have a cooldowns, just like they do when they're in control of the ability. Also, picking up energy orbs like this should be disabled, as you'd be helping the enemy and taking all the orbs you'll need for when you finish your 2-minute absorb.

  20. I think it would be OP. Maybe if teammate was within 5 meters

    No thanks. We need less of those. I bet you'd promote chroma only affecting allies within his pitiful range and the stupidly small range of total eclipse and jet stream too, wouldn't you?


    Anyway, I think it's a pretty good idea, I'd also, like if mag could just have proto shields (immune to bypass) instead of the average kind, due to how little health she has. she dies too fast in high level missions even with 2k shields.

  21. What about an augment for Cataclysm that, once enemies enter, are unable to escape until it ends? Basically a shrinking arena trap. There could be some major uses for that, and encouraging the playstyle of "Rift Walk over here, Cataclysm over there". Heck, it's CC

    Might use a little tweaking, cause this would make them all unable to attack anything outside the rift, which might be a bit op. I know I said that removing enemies from the battle is highly circumstantial and 99% of the time is useless, but that's if he did it one at a time. With a nice range-duration build, you could effectively make an entire army from the fight. Although in limbo's current old-sponge-strength state, this would cause him to be unable to enter the rift...

  22. I'd only want Cataclysm to be buffed, mainly just more CC because right now it is just placing a suicide arena. Otherwise, I hope the devs realease a damn good augment for it.

    I'm sick of bandaid augments like pacifying bolts. My build is full enough trying to keep him alive AND give him good ability stats. If DE attempts to fix him with an augment I will be VERY pissed.


    Sadly, I haven't used Limbo is SO long. There just aren't enough situations where he's very useful. Why "remove" something from a battlefield when you could just kill it?


    Cataclysm still prevents anyone from picking up drops. Other than that, more CC and damage would be very useful. A DoT for enemies within Cataclysm could be very useful and could encourage different builds. Maybe an augment that, when Cataclysm ends, all enemies inside are quickly dragged to the center and knocked down.


    Also, an augment for Banish that turns it into an AoE wave would be nice. Not necessarily a bandaid, since some people apparently like the single targeting

    I agree, especially on your first and second point. I believe someone left some annoying comment I didn't care to reply to before, about how me pointing the issue out made him laugh. I don't care how hard it makes you laugh, I'm not exactly what you'd call a noob and I know that 4 corrosive projections completely removes any chance of banish being useful for removing baddies.


    if DE is insistant that he cannot pick up items in the rift because they dont want MD and DEC being easy, then they should atleast consider making the drills in excavation receive energy from being in a cataclysm since warframes already do. that would make him a natural defender again (i think his true role) and keep DE happy (if that is their concern)


    separate comment:

    Limbo can toggle all his moves, if a teammate falls, rift walk and banish the teammate BEFORE picking them up. if a cataclysm is in the way, take it down. he might need to switch through his moves alot but their nature gives him all the time he needs to do that. there is no rush when he is playing.

    pretty sure you can revive teammates without banishing them, although it might help to restore their energy while they're down. other than that they'll probably just take off the banish when they get back up, making it useless, since they have a few seconds of invuln after being rezzed. I find that there's a bit of a rush when he's attempting to defend a pod but needs to take down the cata to restore his shields...I would prefer he doesn't attempt to be a frost variant...


    still. i always laugh when people say limbo is bad

    Uh-huh. Glad you could contribute to the conversation. Seriously, you explained your thoughts and opinion so well it's like I can read your mind. And your suggestions --- don't get me started, they're so well thought out, you'd think they were the deepest thoughts of a true mastermind. I look forward to your next legendary comment.

  23. ...You've actually seen the manics drop anything?  Seriously?



    I'd say that RNGesus was testing me, but I've never seen a manic drop anything.  No ammo, no health/energy orbs, and definitely not a mod.  They pop in, die quickly or get that dang slash proc, and I smack their corpse around out of anger. I'd have tried to desecrate with a Nekros, but that slash proc basically makes anything not tanky a distinct disadvantage.

    I can say I have NEVER seen a manic drop anything, and I've killed quite a few outside of the tac alert. ammo doesn't count, other than that, the drop chance either need a massive buff or is bugged for many people.

  24. You're playing a game that has you wipe out a planet controlled by grineer only to have you go back to the still controlled planet to protect them from a corpus invasion and you ask for logic? I get the request for changing the ROF mechanic of the shield or addressing the issue of them being walking instakilling aim bots, but looking for logic in a game like Warframe will drive you crazy.

    You have a bit of a point, but this isn't the first game I've liked that didn't always follow logic. Some things that the others I've played followed were these simple rules:


    1. ignored logic when it's awesome (nonsense player abilities that are just awesome)


    2. ignore logic for humorous reasons, occasionally this screwed the player over, but at least it's funny.


    Nullers are neither of these :/ that's why I want these changes. The lack of logic in nullers is simply there to screw the player over. It's not funny or awesome, just irritating. In other words, ignored logic is only acceptable when it makes the experience better, like how it would be lame if you had to wait for a node to repopulate before playing it again.


    There's a big difference between


    "Lol, wtf, did that thing just kill me with a plunger?!"


    "ugh, wtf, this is impossible and it doesn't make any sense."


    unfortunately, nullies get the latter response, that's why I started this thread.

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