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Posts posted by Ironlixivium

  1. Very long post, so here's a summary, for those of you with a short attention span (I'm not condescending, I would be one of those people)

    I think that our current system where enemies become stupidly powerful juggernauts at high levels is making high level missions boring, I would like this system to be replaced with static armor, static damage, much slower health scaling with a cap, and a highly advanced AI to make up for the losses. This would fix freedom of weapon and aura choice, lame bullet sponges, and stupidly op enemies. The AI would be dynamic and change from noob with crap accuracy at low levels to veteren with constant headshots at high levels.

    If you're interested in the details, here:

    Although this probably won't be implemented for a long time (probably won't ever, but have to try at least), I propose that enemies of a single type have identical armor, and slightly scaling health, but to make up for the loss of bullet sponges, have their AI and skill scale instead. My reason is basically this: bullet sponges are both lame, and the easy way out to difficulty scaling, same with stupidly high damage. No game that has ever managed to make a bullet sponge fun to fight, ever.

    For example, a level 1 Grineer would:

    • Be startled by the sight of a tenno when the alarm is off, would also be startled by the alarm going off.

    • Hide frequently, he's a noob, he's scared.

    • Have terrible aim. Remember, with these changes, all enemy weapons of a single type would deal the same damege regardless of enemy levels. To balance that out, low level enemies would need to have trouble hitting us.

    • be scared or caught off guard by most abilities, like if you used switch teleport, all the enemies in the area would be confused, not just the one you teleported.

    And a high level Grineer would: (mid-high at least, lets say 50)

    • Shoot on sight, they wouldn't be startled at all by the presence of a tenno.

    • Have great aim, and get frequent headshots (probably 50-75%)

    • Be more aggresive, these guys know what they're doing.

    • Take cover only under certain conditions. While low levels would run to cover immediately, like they do now, these would only go for cover when the right conditions are met, like if mesa used peacemaker, they start taking fire, or if a tenno is getting a high kill streak.

    • Not let their armor protrude from behind cover. That's a noob mistake.

    • Recognize abilities and know how to dodge them (rolling out of the way of excal's slash dash, running from tornadoes, etc). Higher level enemies would get better and better at dodging abilities and weapons.

    The Idea behind this is to exchange stupidly tanky and powerful brain-dead enemies for enemies with a decent weapon, decent armor, and slightly scaling health. For endless missions, though, amount of enemies would continue to increase the longer you go, so that eventually you'll reach the point where it's too much to handle.

    This would fix:

    • Choice, you could then choose auras besides corrosive projection, and wepons besides soma and boltor prime.

    • Press four to win. (imagine that, there's a way to fix that without nerfing all skills to the point where they aren't worth using.) Enemies would know how to dodge abilities without their op nullies. You'll have to only use abilities when the time is right.

    A few other changes:

    • Melee units would wait around corners to ambush you, instead of being filled with stupidity the second they touch a melee weapon.

    • They would be able to handle certain undodgable abilities like Molecular prime.

    I could write more, but this post is long enough as it is. What do you, as the community think about this? Do you like this idea, or think it might not work? Please tell me your thoughts. :D

  2. Because you want it.

    The RNG calculation has a built in desire-sensor that is 100% impossible to trick.

    If you want it, the only reason you will get it is because the RNG system is feeling generous, or taking pity on you.

    This is true for almost everything else in the game...I'd really like it if DE would cut back on rng a bit, most ways they use it bother me, like the reward chooser for non-endless missions

  3.      I've seen quite a few augment mod complaints, and plenty of augments that are kinda hated by the community, like pool of life.


         Before I continue, I'd just like to say, there are also plenty of great augment mods that DE has done a great job with, like irradiating disarm.


         But some of them just feel kinda...rushed, and not really fully thought out, like the new vortex mod, that's illogical to use due to how you're wasting 30% of vortex's duration, or how Saryn's regenerative molt doesn't actually provide healing for 10 seconds, because the healing ends as soon as the molt is destroyed (and it has like 50 health, so it doesn't exactly tank damage for you. I'd just kinda like to throw out there that augments should be mildly op (like irradiating is) for these reasons:


    1. Difficult to obtain, you have to trade or get it by being rank 5 with a syn, of course, that isn't that hard, and it's the least important reason why they should be slightly op


    2. They only go on a single frame. It's not like fleeting expertise or blind rage, you (should) only have a single frame you can actually use the mod on, making it exclusive.


    3. (my main reason) They should be WORTH the mod slot you're using. For example, Hall of malevolence adds 5% damage to your mirrors every time you kills something with hall of mirrors on. At first, I thought this meant it added 5% of MY damage to mirrors, so without power strength, I thought one kill would give them 25% of my damage, 2 kills would be 30%, etc. Then I got the mod (luckily from a friend, so its not like a wasted plat or a prime part for it) and found out it's 5% of THEIR damage.


         In other words, 1 kill gives them 21% damage, 2 kills is 22%, all the way to a max of 30% damage per clone. Although this may sound like it's perfectly balanced, I'm not sure it is in modding terms; you could just equip blind rage and have more damage right from the start of the ability (it resets every time the ability runs out) My blind rage is only rank 5 and it gives 4% more damage per clone (it gives 54% power strength, hall of malevolence maxes out at 50%). It's just not really worth the mod slot it consumes. This is just one example of many, though.


         So what augment do you think isn't worth the mod slot? Tell me why please.

  4. yeah...not breaking from gunfire wouldn't be that op. 350 damage isn't that much, either. Also, you know freeze can be casted while reloading, right? that means you have plenty of time to cast it.

  5. There were cooldowns at one point. People hated them.90% of people who read this will probably hate you just for mentioning it.....not trying to be rude like that...just being truthfull...but the problem is, everything in the game is op, with a few exceptions, mostly weapons. imagine if you're a nova, who's cooldown just ended, and you try to use mprime, but a ninja-nullie ran around a corner and stopped you mid animation, now you have to wait for it to cooldown again, and you die. That's not fun.

  6. you're deliberately facing Enemies that you are not supposed to be succeeding against (though cheesing and Weapon Damage make it harder to see that) and wondering why something isn't right.

    in fact, despite the big number above the Enemies that says Level next to it - they were still dealt with extremely easily - just constantly CC chain them so that they can't instantly Kill you. it's what we all already do, it's the only option.

    (and i see the scope of the game of Lv1-Lv45. 60 is the turning point where things severely go south. the 50's zone is all gray area).

    you also don't 'have everything maxed' because your survivability is extremely poor - you don't have Vitality on.

    inb4 'Steel Fiber is better than Vitality' - no, it isn't. not a single Warframe benefits from Steel Fiber more than Vitality. Vitality comes first, Steel Fiber comes later if you have usable Armor.

    Actually...one does... frost, because the equation for snowglobe's health includes his crmor value but not his health.

  7. Let him hack terminals again while in rift.

    Pretty please.

         To be honest, this change wouldn't have bothered me as much if they would bother to buff him like he deserves.


         Cataclysm still needs to send items to the void. rift surge sucks, it needs to either affect ALL enemies in the void, or make the void automatically double dmg dealt to enemies (could be affect by power strenth of the limbo's cata/banish), I'd prefer both, but at this point I would be happy for anything I can get for him. 


         I'm fine with realism changes, but they seem to be ignoring the realism that would make limbo SO MUCH BETTER. additionally, there's a visual effect that can be turned off in the options, I think it's depth-shading or something, That, according to some of my friends, causes the rift to make you legally blind.


         Here's a bit of a comparison to show why limbo needs a buff:


                                                Mirage:                                                                                                            Limbo:


            200% damage buff while in light + 20% from each mirror (80%)                                    200% damage buff while in void


    75% damage reduction, reduced enemy acc, 4 mirrors hog your aggro     pseudo-invulnerability, cannot attack, pick up items, or hold mission items


      eclipse = 25 energy, 20s, recastable | mirrors = 25 energy, 25s                          rift surge = 50 energy, 25s | rift walk = 15 energy, 30s


                       can switch dmg resist/buff instantly                                                   must cast long animation abilities to switch dmg resist/buff


               can draw aggro from self while using dmg buff                                                    utilizing dmg buff sacrifices pseudo invulnerability


               mirrors add 80% dmg while using dmg resist                                                  unable to dmg enemies while using pseudo-invulnerability


               can draw aggro from allies and defense pod                                                           can isolate allies and enemies for a short time


            can blind enemies in an area to revive/escape/kill                                                                              less cc than Valkyr*


           Total eclipse - adds eclipse effect to allies within 5m                                  misleading rift surge desc - no way to share dmg buff with teammates


                         can clear rooms quickly                                                                           must stop to cast abilities to utilize dmg buff in a new area 



         As You can see there, mirage and limbo actually have quite a bit in common, but while limbo is slightly better at protection, it comes at the cost of convenience, speed, and survivability.


         Mirage's first and third abilities are both half damage buff, half survivability buff, with Hall of Mirrors being simultaneous, and eclipse being switchable by standing in pre-existing elements. With only 50 energy, combined with her insane dodge speed, a little situational awareness is enough to expertly switch between damage resistance and damage buff to tank and destroy like a pro.


         LIMBO, on the other hand, has one damage ability, and one way to avoid damage. His damage resistance and buff OVERLAP, unlike mirage's abilities. Also, switching between damage resistance and buff costs energy and takes time. Taking out a group of enemies with his damage buff costs a massive 150 energy IF you only use rift surge and cataclysm, while mirage can enjoy her buff for it's full duration no matter where she goes (assuming you aren't going inside a nullie). Not to mention that using these three abilities will render you stationary for more than a second even with natural talent (that's long enough to get sniped by your pick of op special unit in a t4).


         Now, am I saying Limbo should become a mirage? No, not at all, but I believe, based on his abilities on paper, that he should be more of a...variant, of what mirage is. He has similar abilities, but they all revolve around the rift, which brings me to this logic: outside of the rift, he should be weak (got that part down, good job, DE, keep up the good work). but in the void, he should be an absolute beast, ripping through crowds like a snazzy knife through butter.


         Ideally, these are the changes I'd like to see (probably should've put this put this in the OP):


    1. This is unspecific, but I'd just like to say first that above anything I'd want him to have great survivability in the void, even if it's not what I suggest.


    2. I think that rift surge should be removed, and replaced with a passive double damage to all enemies in the rift, and 75% damage resistance to limbo while he's in the rift. This would be affected by power strength, and the damage resistance would have the standard 95% max.


    3. Allow cataclysm to send items to the rift just like it does players. This should be done even if DE ignores the rest of my suggestions, because not only is it annoying, It's illogical, unnecessary, and easier to troll with than switch teleport (join rare mod farm, find rare mod, cast max dur cata on it like an A-hole. Trolling process complete)


    4. don't replace rift surge with something similar. one of the terrible things about limbo right now is that rift surge, rift walk, and catclysm all have annoying casting animations and are required to try killing a group in the rift frame a range. give him something more distant from his other abilities, like an aoe knockdown. like maybe an ability that creates a disruption in the rift, which causes a wave of rift energy to explode outward from where is was casted, knocking down enemies and dealing a little damage. Or, personally possibly an ability that allows him to restrain an enemy or group of enemies by holding them by their hand and feet in the air. He showinf that he can do stuff like that in his warframe profile, and in multiple of his idle animations.


         OR if de really wanted to make him a fun frame without adding an ability that makes him op, they could replace rift surge with a "rift control" channelling ability thatdrains 4 eps, that allows us to grab an enemy with that levitation skill he has, hold the enemy roughly 4m away, and walk around while holding it. We could then be able to push it with the primary attack button at around 40 meters per second, ragdolling it and ending the ability. this would be strictly single target, do minimal damage, if any at all, and have a rather long casting animation, probably 1s for the throw, 0.5s for dropping it and 0.5 for picking it up, maybe even a 1s cooldown afterwards, similar to the cool down on turbulence. really hoping that could be implemented.


    but right now, limbo is just underpowered, and there are so many people in the community  too scared to admit it in case he becameop or something.

  8. I do find it a problem when it's a power that only deals damage, on an utility frame who has 3 skills that doesn't use power strength.

    The augment mod makes it a lot better, but what bothers me is the target acquisition that it has. Some times it doesn't home into the enemies at all and they are on the screen, some times it homes at enemies miles away and they aren't even visible, so many times it ends up stunning enemies that I don't need to be stunned, and not stunning those that are in my face, shooting at me. Another problem is that how it's the augment mod that makes it good. Right now it's not that bad, but when the Chaos augment comes out, bye bye Pacifying bolts.


    Absorb uses power strength...she only has 2 abilities that don't use power strength.


    >"close to perfectly balanced"

    lol not really. Instant invulnerability reflect ult, long duration strong CC on 3. If not for the S#&$ty state of balance of the rest of the game, she'd be OP. But there's other more glaring issues in this game's balance.


    You want close to perfectly balanced, try Banshee.




    Anyways, I would definitely agree the augment should be part of the ability. I'd feel less bad about liking it if it was.


    The rest are really just kinda lame. 4 is fairly OP due to its stupidly low cost, 1 is amusing but kinda meh unless you can grab an Eximus or Infested Healer or Napalm/Bombard/HGunner or Osprey, and 3 is rather OP because its duration is nearly half a minute with no mods.


    Sounds like someone has had a bad experience with a nyx player. Anyway, trust me, she's not op at all, chaos often gets prolonged by its stupid duration because a drone is sitting in a corner somewhere, making it so you can't cast it in rapid succession to actually rely on it for any protection.

    Her ult is anything but op, due to it's terrible range. sure, you can insta-tank anything, but ranged targets often leave the radius if you use it long enough to do decent mid-high level damage (probably around 10-20 secs).


    Well, with regards to a "complete rework" I'd rather see "Absorb" removed from her skill set and some more telepathic attacks/abilities added in.  It never felt like something that belonged in a mind controller's abilities.  Maybe generically psionic or telekinetic style.  But Nyx seemed to be more focused on mental powers and mind control and psychic attacks.  Not physical blocking.


    I mean, not that THAT would ever happen


    Not so much a theme of mind control, but using the enemy's power against them. Psychic bolts not only throws this out the window, but it sucks. shuriken is better in every way for 25 less energy.


    Absorb is only "OP" when enemies don't do much damage. The second that ceases to be true, Absorb is just a waste of energy if you maintain it more than 2 seconds. At high levels, it's just a knockdown tool. You want "OP"? Radial Disarm says hi. Several times.


    Her 3 is good only when you cut the duration as much as possible, because it's not spammable, like say Radial disarm (again), and waiting for 30 seconds for that last enemy hiding somewhere to stop being affected to be able to recast kinda sucks. This ability is more an ult than Absorb is in its current state as far as I'm concerned. I know quite a few players who agree with that.


    Psychic bolts are bad, plain and simple. They tend to go wherever they want, they do crap damage, but then again, one could argue Nyx is a CC frame, damage is not her "thing", except they also have zero utility. And don't get me started on that joke devs dare to call "augment". Chaos is much better, for only a bit more energy.


    The devs have turned Nyx into a one and a half trick poney. Thanks for nothing dear devs.


    EDIT : Yes, I am very biased when it comes to Nyx, she's my favourite.^^'


    What, do you run an oe build or something? absorb does great damage into high levels, assuming you actually hit stuff with its pitiful range. However, for leech eximus and all those fun enemies, a double tap of 4 does a great job of giving a quick, inexpensive knockdown. 



    I agree with the OP though, I think bolts needs to be scrapped, nyx's ability set revolves around taking the enemy's strength and shoving it right down their throat, from making them fight each other, to redirecting their own damage back at them. Psychic Bolts ruins this, even with pacifying bolts it still doesn't quite fit in. Personally I would prefer some kind of a more mobile, less invincible support version of absorb, like a version heals nyx and restores the energy of teammates when its used or something.

  9. I like a few of these, but others I'm not so sure. Hysteria is kinda balanced out by how it locks you into melee. If it could be cancelled, it would be invincibility on command, you wouldn't have to mentally weigh invincibility and awesome claw stance vs being locked into melee for 30+ seconds. In turb's current state (wtf why doesn't it block hitscan weapons from more than 20m away) it should be like this, but if they were to fix that (like I hope they will) it would be op if it were recastable. Seriously though, why doesn't it block long ranged hitscan shots? if anything, it should be able to block shots from over 20m away, not under. Anyway, I would really enjoy chaos being recastable, but nerfed in some other way, like maybe having a short cooldown (keep reading, I know about the contraversy over cooldowns) similar to how turbulence has one. Yeah, turbulence has about 1 second after the duration ends where the ability isn't castable. Although chaos could be op if spammed, she really has no good survival skill, unlike most frames.

  10. Since no one else is saying it I will. There's a reason that almost every Warframe player will immediately turn down any offer to change Trinity: She went through some massive changes over the past year, ever since they removed the instant invincibility on blessing. DE has FINALLY moved on and tbh trinity is in a really good spot right now, being the tankiest frame in the game (yeah, rhino hasn't been the tankiest for quite a while...). Any more changes would likely snowball into another avalanche of buffs/nerfs. Sorry, but I don't think trin will be changed for a long time. :/

  11. Yes, we REALLY need this, they're trying to make the game longer by adding more weapons that require other weapons to make. I would MUCH prefer if they added higher MR weapons that are more powerful. I'm not talking about ultra boltor primes or any crap like that, though, I mean snipers and stuff, things that require actual skill to use, maybe even some difficult new mechanics, like an rocket launcher that allows us to change the direction of the projectile mid air, but have some really annoying method to do it.

  12. Yeah, wtf DE? This BS has gone on long enough, nullifiers NEED a buff, they're far too weak. I'd suggest allowing them to spawn 6 bombards similar to how drahk masters spawn drahk, except make it automatic as soon as they see you and have no casting animation, so it happens instantly. Additionally, their weapons and shields are far too weak. Remove this health crap, null shields shouldn't shrink when they take damage, that's stupid and underpowered, make them invincible, we should have to put everything on the line to kill them. And about their lankas, I'm really dissapointed about this, its far too weak and doesn't fire nearly as fast as it should. I recommend replacing it with a special detron; give it homing pellets, triple the dps, and give it negative damage falloff. Once you do this, then nullies MIGHT be strong enough to make a difference in the fight, FIX THEM ALREADY!!!

  13. Imo it needs to be global, that's it. currently there's an exploit with fire chroma that allows to you heal teammates by bringing them in and out of the radius while fire elemental ward is active. I made a "team" and "solo" build for him, then quickly realized that while my team build (tons of range) is better for the buff, having a small radius is ideal for healing teammates, since I can run from 5-6 meters away from them to heal them.

  14. I agree, I hate how the clip is barely inside the gun with a full clip, your picture is actually a bit off, the clip is just as long as the distance from the bottom of the grip to the top of the gun, and when it has max ammo, you might actually notice that the clip isn't even far in enough to be realistically locked in. another thing I found wrong with it, the animation seems to forget about a "return to firing position" part, if you look closely, it moves insanely fast from reloading to firing position.

  15. Since I can't put up a poll.


    Before DE go all hogwild with adding puncture melee weapons (aside from a rapier/spear, since I've actually seen people ask for those), I thought it'd be a good idea to look at why.



    Personally, the only reason I particularly care about a puncture melee is to make them better able to deal with armor scaling.

    And, in a toss-up, would prefer that DE do something about that rather than 'band-aid' it with weapons that mitigate it to a degree.


    Yes, peoplpe have been asking for them for a while, not for armor scaling, just because we have about 70% slash melees, 30% impact (roughly iirc). and what? 2 puncture melees? and they aren't even different weapons, just fang and their prime variant, maybe another I might have forgotten. The point is, if you said "I got a new slash melee" People wouldn't have any idea which one you got. if you said "I got a new puncture melee" I would only have 2-3 weapons to guess about (1-2 if you don't count variants).

  16. Buff all the scythes please.  Also, giving the Hate buff to the Stalker will do something for him being a decent damage dealer everywhere except melee range.


    BTW hate is one of my favorite melee weapons.  Fancy a guess as to why that is?


    I'm gonna guess it's because it looks bada** and scythes have awesome stances.

  17. Definitely fun to watch, a good laugh.  Run, Stop, and try to Gun, chest holster, weapon jam, etc. Looks like someone (probably from midwest) raided a US CAV store or a Ranger Joes magazine.


    Anyway, this is a Warframe forum.  I really hope they don't completely do away with stamina, because my Loki(P) are already polarized for stamina & sprint.  I had the ability slots polarized for these before, but then those got taken away.  However, I wouldn't mind taking away melee attacks draining stamina.  Although I would have to change the weapons I use most.  I prefer the Fang P because they have a really low stamina cost, they're fast, and they do good damage against higher level enemies.


    Definitely fun to watch, a good laugh.  Run, Stop, and try to Gun, chest holster, weapon jam, etc. Looks like someone (probably from midwest) raided a US CAV store or a Ranger Joes magazine.


    Anyway, this is a Warframe forum.  I really hope they don't completely do away with stamina, because my Loki(P) are already polarized for stamina & sprint.  I had the ability slots polarized for these before, but then those got taken away.  However, I wouldn't mind taking away melee attacks draining stamina.  Although I would have to change the weapons I use most.  I prefer the Fang P because they have a really low stamina cost, they're fast, and they do good damage against higher level enemies.


    Well they wouldn't be completely removed, most likely (if this happened) they would be converted to buff a new different mechanic, similar to how reflex coil was when melee 2.0 came out.

  18.      I'm not trying to sound rude, but why don't you go play nyx? Try her psychic bolts, they're absolutely terrible, and your suggestion for shuriken would make shuriken even worse than psychic bolts.


         Ash is an assassin, he's good vs single targets and small groups, massive damage over a small area. This is what people don't understand when they claim peacemaker doesn't do very much damage compared to blade storm; Peace maker allows you to press 4 and obliterate waves upon waves of low to mid level enemies, bladestorm takes out up to 18 enemies. Again, I'm not trying to be rude, but I encourage you to try other frames, Ash might not be the best one for you. OR he COULD be the best one for you, you might just have to take a bit of a break from him to try some room clearing frames, lol, idk,(that helped me like a few frames I didn't at first). I just encourage that you try some room clearing frames like mesa before attempting to make ash become one.

  19. I dunno, I'd have to disagree that blocking should be an unlimited affair. Good gameplay reasons and practical reasons. I enjoy the aspect of balancing my blocking with deciding when to attack. Unlimited block trivializes that. Also, blocking BULLETS with a sword looks like a very tiring activity. It's perfectly reasonable to think that if anything, this could become somewhat tiring for a tenno, even if it's just mental fatigue.

    I guess, but it just seems weird to keep a stamina bar around for a single activity that some people never do. o.0 Maybe be better to have a "block" bar that appears under your riticle while blocking but is hidden any other time?

  20.        As many people who read these forums know, lots of people dislike how shooting gallery only applies to one ally at a time. I personally think how it is now kinda fits the name (since each player takes a turn, like they're in a shootting gallery) But I also feel like at high levels, mesa kinda needs the stun to fend of melee attackers when using peacemaker.


         But what about a compromise? Why not have all players (or at least just mesa and whoever's turn it is) have the stun, while cycling the damage bonus between allies? this would both fit the name (since the players are still taking turns with a damage bonus) while helping mesa stay alive. What do you think?

  21. I'd personally disagree with the scythes being balanced amongst each other. I don't agree it's balanced that Reaper Prime is objectively better than Ether Reaper (in damage, status, and crit multiplier at least). Hate loses out on ~0.2 attack speed for a 3% status, which most would find isn't a great tradeoff, since attack speed doesn't just increase DPS, it also decreases "animation lock." 

    I'm gonna go ahead and promote your opinion to fact, It's a terrible tradoff. I don't care if you put a status build on it, its still a horrible trade, since you know, the massive boost in speed would not only add dps, but it would also allow you to hit stuff faster, and the faster you hit stuff, the more chances you have for status procs ^_^ reaper prime is unfairly stronger than hate, and both suck right now, they need a buff, imo they should be equal, similar to paris prime and dread, except hate should be a puncture weapon, while reaper prime should be slash

  22. The shield gate resistance mechanic proposed would amount to functional invincibility for any frame with a shield restoring ability, or any player with a quantity of shield restore pads.


    The only way I can see this type of mechanic being function is if it has a considerable cooldown time.  Something along the lines of "after a gate saves you, it ceases to function for 60 seconds."



    I'd rather not see any of this implemented.  A one shot death generally isn't a cheap death at all, but a rather direct result of player mistakes.  Going into a place where enemies can deal more damage then you have combined health and shields is a first class mistake in and of itself, and you should be allowed to die if you get into that situation.  Strategic level failures like that should be punished harshly.

    Right. It was definitely my fault that I walked around a corner and took a Detron to the face, even though there was NO warning, and NO chance for me to survive it. Hey, why not just remove shields altogether! That's a great idea! then every time you get hit by a bullet, you get closer to you inevitable demise, and you can know, it was YOUR fault ^_^ you should've not gotten hit by the hit-scan bullet, what's wrong with you? How dare you get hit by the bullet that was impossible to dodge, Jesus, what's this world coming to? Hell, why not give tenno 1 health while we're at it, then they can ALWAYS die when they make a mistake! Having fun yet? :D I know I am! I love it when I get one-shotted by bullet sponges that tank multiple sniper rounds to the face, really, I've NEVER HAD MORE FUN IN MY LIFE.

  23. Stamina is going to see revisions as they work on Parkour 2.0


    How it will come about, what it will mean, and what it will change, we'll just have to wait and see. All we can do in the meantime is just be patient I'm afraid.


    Yes, it's clunky, but they are working on it. Just need to endure it for the immediate future.

    Ok, yes, that was bad, I'm sorry

    Oh, yeah, I know, but from their latest devstream, they don't seem to be dropping stamina like I would like them to.


    I can run in a full kit with 3 guns and be perfectly fine afterwards, and I'm not even in a military or anything.


    full plate carrier, 3x 30 round mags with 7.62x39 and 3x 10 round mags of 7.62x54r, 3x 15 round mags of 9mm, WITH first aid kits and what not.


    our space ninjas must be asthmatic. :|

    First, if you aren't in the military, why are you running around with multiple guns? XD LOL

    Second, I forgot to mention, that I have asthma....so...yeah......


    Me: Has asthma but can sprint 200m without needing anything to help me breathe

    Cyborg space ninja: can barely sprint 50m before they need a break...


    Something's definitely wrong here....


    Can't say I really ever run out of stamina, as other mechanics are easily applied, such as sliding or coptering.


    Simply sprinting everywhere isn't fast enough, so new methods must be learned.

    yeah, but you're showing another logic hole by doing that: meleeing and coptering takes stamina, but unlike sprinting, you can copter without stamina without any penalty to damage.... e.e


    Stamina should only apply to blocking.

    Maybe if they rework it, stamina could be used for a sprint speed faster than our default, a 3rd gear. This would make more sense and not feel limiting.

    but then again, we're still space ninja, we should be able to block bullets whenever we feel like it. Also, we don't really need to have a limitation on blocking, since 1, our stamina is already being eaten by using melees, and 2 there's no such thing as block 2 win. blocking solves nothing except negating bullet and melee damage from a single direction, if you get flanked or attacked by any other kind of enemy, you still take damage.


    Oh, you.


    Rift Surge just buffs Limbo's weapon damage when he's in the rift; it does nothing for allies and (despite the description) doesn't debuff enemies.

    Cataclysm is used more efficiently as an endless Snow Globe, a ranged nuke or (if you're very clever and lucky) a mass CC.



    No, actually. The difference between Limbo and Ember is that Ember's skills (as static damage) cannot keep up with enemy survivability, while Limbo's skills (as constant mechanics) can keep up with enemy output.

         First, I found this out about 2 hours after I posted, probably should've changed it, but you realize that in proving me wrong you made limbo look worse? 


         I disagree with you entirely, although limbo offers a little utility (some might say he's full utility, but I beg to differ, all his "utility" is circumstantial, and not entirely useful from situation to situation, making him NOT a utility frame, unlike loki, who can always be usefull) ember actually has amazing cqc capabilities, from her accelerant to her new fire blast, her only real problems being the long stationary cast times (yeah, they're short, but not short enough for cqc) and lack of any solid method for getting close to enemies, but thats a completely different subject, my point is, I can cc everything around the pod for my team with my ember, but when I play limbo I usually just get complains of reduced awareness in the void and being unable to pick stuff up.

    I completely agree with all of what you just said it takes too long i saw in a youtube video i believe mogamu's he said i maybe the chosen mod can be pulled into the void by attacking it this would save a lot of time as well as making it possible for your team mates to do the same.


    then banish can rather be renames as expel and rather used to send any unwanted enemy back out of the void


    i also think his buff should apply to all team mates not just him self

         Not that I'm unhappy that you see what I'm talking about, but weren't you arguing that people only want buffs because they can't play him right like, 2 days before you posted this? o.0




     Quote all of this i think the problem is every one wants to play him like the other frames and he is not like them here is how i do it and my survive ability  is of the charts.


    1. rift walk max duration cause if it ends you die simple 

    2. natural talent not a must have but i wouldn't use him any other way

    3.killing one by one ? well yea you can or you can think for a change while in rift walk take Ogris or torid drop Catyclism on your chosen mob and nuke them simple yes? 

     this works against all factions it does 2 things one you can use rift surge and second any enemy that leaves catyclism cant hurt you if you now still die sell him 


    Edit think this needs to be added limbo has the ability to charge a weapon then banish or drop catyclism while keeping the charge.


    Also he can pick his terms of engagement don't try to just keep attacking pick cover or do something he has nothing put time while in the rift



           This is just some other stuff I wanted to say to some of you, that I don't really feel like gathering all the quotes for:

    volt + limbo = op, so limbo = op. NO. by this logic, loki is op, since loki + nova is op, or vauban is op, since speed nova + vauban on an infested mission is op. I'm not gonna go grab a pug volt everytime I want to play limbo, and I shouldn't be expected to either. PLEASE stop talking about that one way you can make limbo work and imagine if he worked most ways he should, like dispatching small groups.


          Limbo is COMPLETELY outclassed in high damage nuke frame by mirage. Mirage can switch between 95% damage reduction and the same damage you can get with rift surge WITHOUT recasting an ability, AND have 4 decoys around her that attract fire while she deals her insane damage, as opposed to how limbo sacrifices PSEUDO invulnerability (doesn't really count if you can't attack while you have it, might as well be valk for that, since she can attack and have it for almost a minute with my build, which includes fleeting and is not built for max duration.) for entire vulnerability with nothing but cover to keep you from tanking damage. This is an example of how he's circumstantial, many void rooms don't offer any good cover when the room is full of enemies.


         Yeah, you could argue he just requires skill, but guess what, I can do exactly what he does, but without skill, a skill-frame shouldn't be that way. It shouldn't be an option of "play a frame that requires skill, or pick the one that does the same thing but requires less skill" it should be an option of either specialization, or the one that requires more skill is more capable. however, limbo is no more capable than any other frame at defense and "nuking" as many of you said he's good at.

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