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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Dont forget that impact damage for some reason ignored by the enemies, in most cases having like 1200 puncture dmg feels alot better than having 2000 of impact. So no nerfs/buffs needed.

    But id like to see AK version of the Lex maybe even stronger than Vaykor, BUT WITHOUT STUPID DOUBLING THE RELOAD TIME!!!

  2. Actually, i believe it was pretty popular along Melee-Only Players. Everyone who had spent more than 5 mins with melee would use it, since it was a great mobility tool that allowed you to jump from an enemy group to another, reducing the amount of time spent in being shot.


    Of course, your average Rhinoob Priem with his/her Ehmargad Belter Priem wouldnt use it.

    That's 60% of warframe players

    rhino at least needs to move to be alive, i can say from my observations that there alot of press 4 to win noobs for now)

  3. Scoliac or other copter weapons and you can catch up pretty well. I didn't catch many freeze procs - I don't even know where they came from.


    Eris Hive tileset was a bit problematic and it helps going together. Which is a problem for some because they get lost or have trouble getting through enemies.

    not forget to mention stupid random lockdowns on which you must spend your precious time while the bich will eventually fly.

  4. Stalker 101.


    He one shots you (well, a lot of the time) with his bow. Arrows have a flight time. If Stalker comes after you and you have a team, stay mobile to avoid the arrows and let your team deal with him. He focuses on the player he's come to kill. If you're solo you can try side-scraping a corner, taunt him into shooting while you are millimeters from cover and then get a few hits while he reloads. Or just get close and circle strafe him. His melee weapon is nowhere near as deadly as his bow (but run away if he starts Absorbing). Heck, if your sentinel is pumped enough then it's easily possible your sentinel can kill him for you.

    You described a perfect scenario without infested running around) and i cant imagine what youll need to equip on sentinel that he would be able to kill stalker) probably you think that any novice player have maxed sentinel fully stuffed with 8 formas and catalysts on his weapons, has maxed primed point blank or maxed serration+heavy+piercing caliber or something like that? try to kill him solo with mag for example having as a main weapon paris or a braton your expirience will be different try to refresh it. My only problem with him for now is that i may not be fast enough getting to a teammate which stalk is hunting on, or his cheap invulnerability when he leaves(not absorb sphere)  

  5. Assasins are here to stay, Infact they have a low chance of spawning per mission, (5%).

    They aren't exactly that challenging either really, If it's Stalker, when he contacts you in the mission alert your squad about it, they will more than likely help out.

    no that cheap bich stalker only appears for me when i just fomaed my frame or took crappy weapons unranked, and what squad can do if he oneshots anything low lvl? - he just does his job and turns into his cheap invulnerability state and vanishes, so that he cant even get what he deserves and not leting your teammates to avenge for you. Hate him cheap fuk pus bich. 

  6. Tap Jump when right in front of an enemy while facing him to perform a vault over them, staggering/stunning them in the process while sending you several feet forward.

    Double-Tap Jump to kickflip off an enemy while facing him, knocking them down while pushing you back some distance in a low arc.

    Enemies can stagger/stumble/fall into other enemies, staggering or knocking them down as well.

    In both cases you will be mid-air and able to use your normal mid-jump moves.

    yep i like this. The bad thing that jump have some nasty delay its not responsive, thats why i hate crawlers because i forced to use jump aoe on them and normal vertical jump is kinda slow to perform.

  7. When i started to play this game like ~2 months ago the picture was alot better and consistent, now there are lots of a problems with it idk if it was caused by some optimizations or something like this but now the game looks worse, and after each update im switching on and off different settings to get a desirable look. Before i used bloom and dof - now i turned them off because of an addition of nasty blur everywhere just because i afraid to became a blind. AO seems worse its blocky, reflection maps, lightmaps for shadows and alphas are blocky, mising black textures here and there and lots of other small but very annoying things. 

  8. My biggest issue with the infested right now are the nano swarms. Sure we can roll to get them off us but as soon as we get near another infested they spread the could to us again. It would be nice if certain warframe powers would remove the clouds like Embers WoF could burn them to death for example. 


    I dont really have a problem with tar moas as the tar can be destroyed by shooting it.

    There is no time to shoot at tar when you surrownded by few chargers and ancients buffers)

  9. Vote kick is abusable and will never happen because of this. What's to stop a group of 3 people troll kicking a fourth after completing 8 rounds of T4D?

    Exactly. I'm totaly agree. I suffered from such troll kicks in other games where you running around all cool and sexy, wreking stuff up, having the best k/d ratio in a team and other stats whatever,  and baaaam!!! - your random teammates starting a vote and kicking you just for lulz, cuz well you making them feel bad or idk maybe they have a bad day, or they just like to be like poo, who knows, but as a result you will lose everything your time, resources, stat and maybe opportunity to get something usefull like cat or reactor from alert or event reward idk. So im against any kicking. The game already scary to play in party because of constant host migration sheeet dc's and glitches, so i dont want things to get even more complicated and nasty.

  10. I've played survivials with my valkyr on different dark sectors to test my melee on infested and found different issues with them.


    For example goo pools dealing too much at the same time - damaging the player, slowing down, slowing down firerate of your guns and mele which is fine for regular guns like assault rifles and melee ofc. But why goo slowing the fire rate of energy weapons like Quanta or Phage or Gammacor? - it doesen't make any sense. And i think that this goo must only slow down the player and stop dealing a damage, because its overkill, there are already enough different crap damaging you around like swarm clouds and toxic clouds everywhere. And by the way why those moas poo each time they see the player? they require some pills from diarrhea, they can't just poo, and poo, and poo all the time sooner or later they must to be exhausted, put some cooldown on that "special move" pls, and removal of aimbot will be good idea as well.


    Another issue is moa's ground stomps, first of all it can hit you even in mid air sometimes, which happens not so often, but it looks weird non the less, and another issue is stunlock - when you beeing kicked all over the room and cant get up simply because there is no "shockwave free zone" where you could land safely. My suggestion is this - when two moas stomps near each other and their shockwaves intersects - they will loose power so that player won't be thrown off the feet, but instead will be just pushed forward abit like after Volatile's runner's explosion. 


    I think that aimbot for grapling ancients/scorpions must be removed, let them miss - this will be fair, because i saw some ridiculous cases when ancient grabbed me with a hook even when he faced the opposite direction and i was in mid air. Let the player ability to escape from it by crouching, rolling and jumping, but not only by loosing the line of sight. 


    Ancient's disruptor attack is also an overkill. Draining full energy - realy? When there are already leech eximuses all around this one is just fuked up thing which may happen. Why full energy? 150-200 will be painfull enough, why all? Its a steal ((( 


    There are enemies like Сrawlers which is almost impossible to hit with a normal attacks. In most cases you forced to use Jump Aoe attacks on them to finish, or make them vulnerable for finishers, which is clumsy and ain't fun, cuz it's takes too much efforts to kill such a weak enemy. This Crawlers are just so annoying, they not even a threat in any numbers, so scinse they are already lying on the ground - why not to make them opened for finishers at any time? this won't be a game braker by any means but will make melee against infested more fluid.


    Another example is enemies like Osprey's/Infedted Osprey's most of the time it takes 3-5 jumping attaks only to hit it which is looking pretty dumb jumping all around with a giant sword unable to hit that flying thing with it. The problem seems to be a hitbox, i think it must be tweaked to be looser for melee on flying enemies, maybe making it 2-3 times bigger will solve this issue.


    Fighting on stairs is pretty painfull again, when enemies are standing lower than a player - its impossible to reach them with a normal attacks, you stuck swinging 10-15 times tecnically hitting an enemy to the face without no results, so i think for such situations tweaking hitboxes will work, maybe scaling them bigger 1.5 times by Z (pointing in up direction or Y axis for Maya, i saw DE using it for modeling) axis for Torso and a head may solve this issue. Its crude solution maybe but easy to do.  


    Spawn rate is also a problem after 25-30 minutes on survivial it seems like only special enemies starting to spawn. No, seriously situation when you open a door, and see a room stuffed with 6-8 Ancients 3-4 moas, 2-3 eximuses and only one charger or crawler isn't something special or unique combination or something, it's just a common thing. The same applies to any survivials actually, rooms filled with nullifiers, techs and detrons for corpus, or rooms with 5-6 bombards, 3-4 napalms and heavy gunners, or Bombards/heavy gunners with nullifiers for voids it seems way too op and broken. Where are the normal enemies going after ~30 mins mark? I thought maybe i just killed all weak enemies and left those tough ones, where they started to gather and grow in quantities, but no, those were untouched fresh reinforcemens. This is very odd imo. 


    Maybe i forgot something, but those were the most annoying things for me.

  11. if it would stop this stupidity of leaving or quitting a game because their carrier died...then yeah sure

    and you see carriers because people are too lazy to pick them up themselves, and it's hardly a requirement, if it is, then why I see people have a kubrow or another sentinel?  

    Somebody doing this? O_o

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