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Posts posted by onemoonlight

  1. i havent used a bow yet, but played plenty against people that do - paris isnt THAT strong


    you just have to be mindful of when you ADS against a bow user and do a lot of sideflips/backflips or just regular rolls


    also, bows cant shoot from a corner like hitscan weapons can - just take a corner and shoot at the bow user that has to stand in the open to shoot at you


    the only gripes i have are rifles have too long of a TTK, melee deals too much damage for how easy it is to use, coptering/aerial covers too much of a distance too fast and with too much ease with no drawbacks, kogake has a free kockdown in its combo and frames in general are poorly balanced against one another


    mag does feel underwhelming, but when you do land a pull it is really nice with that stun, and bullet attractor just wrecks face - probably the only way to intercept a competent flag runner right now... which doesnt really mean much if you can move through half of the map in 2 seconds, but still

  2. how many of you would invest real money into buying weapons if you thought that next month a new and even stronger weapon may come out?


    if majority of the player base slowly gravitates towards one loadout, you know there is something wrong with that loadout - if it is op or not doesnt even matter at that point, because players deem it effective, and players will always favor what's effective over what is not


    DE cant have new stuff that invalidates older stuff, because older stuff becomes unwanted, ignored, set aside, and is a wasted opportunity that does not generate profit


    DE is a company, and a company exists to make money

  3. I personally go in with a snipetron and a warframe. Nothing more and parkour around. There was skill involved for those who didn't want to melee spam as a fact.


    download quake live, look for an instagib ffa server

  4. they don't tho, trying to intercept a runner is a pain if they know what they're doing, especially on 2nd and 3rd map, where you can cover half the map in 2 seconds


    i haven't tried semi autos tho, so maybe it's just an auto thing

  5. for those of you unaware - spy rooms just received a small overhaul - you can now expect some paths sealed off, forcing you to use vents, for example, or new force barriers


    personally i find it really refreshing, as i spam spy very often nowdays, and it was getting really stale


    i hope they'll keep working on adding more rooms and variants :) it became my favorite mission types in the game


    on a side note, would be really cool if they'd add more spy-specific mods as additional spy rewards, stuff like intruder, and more hacking minigames

  6. (...) Ceohalons shouldn't require the other being home to score (...)


    it would turn into a rush-fest




    on a side note, i like how they made the conclave master be samurai-themed and all, and then decided to flip off the japanese by making him pakistani or something, i actually laughed when i saw him

  7. pull aim aoe is very small, vertically and horizontally, and seems to be blocked by walls (not sure, tho)


    it's not as bad as Op makes it to be, but compared to other frames 1, it's a little underwhelming


    also, primaries deal WAAAY too little damage compared to the velocities that frames can achieve, like seriously, it's so hard to stop a flag runner with good aerial attacking/parkour skills... or macros ;)

  8. (...) its unfair to strong players that worked hard on the grind for the power they have (...)


    aka "i grinded more therefore i should have an advantage in a game with shooter mechanics"


    you cant possibly be serious


    id understand that logic in point and click mmorpg

  9. i did get a fun game when i got matched against and with people that were using pvp gear


    then i got games vs people that use non-pvp ready gear - wasnt that fun, but still, sticked for a while


    it is great, imo, it just needs some fixing

  10. These two:



    are here


    on one of the grineer asteroid belt spawn rooms


    Mobile defense room:




    Same issue in few places in the void:





    Dunno if lighting or texture issue


    'We are corpus' stairs in grineer extraction, again on asteroid tile set:




    Also, when entering a mission with twin gremlins their magazines are floating outside of the gun, swapping between weapons fixes it, but still... floating. Karak and furis get a lot of 'floating magazine' after reloading - the magazines just float around your character in random places, until you reload again.


    A lot of primaries are clipping with melee weapons, especially the longer ones.


    Thrown weapons still are using pistol animations when sliding/spinning.

  11. there is actually an option to set up a ping limit


    when defending against alliances from non-server regions you're not gonna be able to participate in the defense, due to setting up a ping limit


    also ISP and connection quality across the regions is different, so they dont have it that bad when we host, while we deal with warping and high delay when they host


    who should be at a disadvantage when not playing in their region - someone from that region or someone from outside of it?

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