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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. Maybe, because Trinity always was squishy? That's why she have Well of Life, Energy Vampire, Blessing and Link. Cast Link, then Blessing - good skill combo, if you and your mates in trouble. If she haven't enough energy - Energy Vampire and one swing with Gram or Scindo, or HEK, or Snipetron (if you use Energy Vampire for distant target (because range of her abilities are incredible!)

    Trinity has always been squishy, yes. But she has been SO EASY to play. Those cast times are damn long man. If you're on Wave 20 of a defense surrounded by 20 MOA:

    Before the update: Lol, np. My cast times are so long and I'm invulnerable for 'em! lolollooloololo

    After the update: Better pre-cast all of your skills super skilfully so that you don't get insta-gibbed from the mass fire while waiting for that long cast time!

    Once again, not saying it's a bad thing, I love that Trinity actually now takes some skill to play, just surprised it's not been raised at all.

  2. We need more weapons and mods, not frames. Probably different teams but the variety we have right now is pretty big and more so with Prime's lined up.

    While more frames never hurt, I have to agree, especially when on the livestream a polearm weapon was talked about, do want!

  3. PvP threads is something we get atleast one every week here.

    Have any of them brought up something like this? If so, then I apologise, I guess I won't try to make suggestions for the game. I don't really care if DE won't implement it, I just want to have a discussion about it, if it was in the game, how it would work if it was. You know, kinda like what happens on those internet forums or something.

  4. It is mainly the long uninteruptable animation for Sound Quake.


    If the damage stuns the baddies all well and good. If it DOESN'T and you don't have a shade to stealth you, (or it used it and hasn't recharged yet) you are a greasy splatter.


    People used to run into HUGE groups of mobs and let out sound quake and laugh. I know, I did it a few times before getting bored with the 'I win' button.


    Now, if you don't have cover from a team, or something VERY solid to hide behind a LONG ways form baddies, you are toast before you can move again even after the animation stops doing damage. You can either spec for power damage or damage resistance. Not both. My banshee is actually specced for damage resistance now. Otherwise as soon as  I light off Sound Quake against Corpus in particular, I draw fire from everyone on the map who are not in my AOE and I die before I can move. Every. Single. Time.




    I don't use Sound quake against Corpus or Grinneer most of the time anymore. Risks outweigh the rewards. Against Infested? I find a high spot out of reach to use it. Against Corpus or Grineer, that is suicide.

    I could also wait for my health to drop to 20 as a Trinity, then just hit Blessing, suddenly, invulnerability cast time, and then 540 HP and 540 shields! Now I actually have to cast it well before my health is even at 300. Trinity is squishy too. I'm honestly just surprised nobody has complained about it.

  5. even without the fact people will demand for balances, DE said they're focusing it on PvE. you'll need to work a lot harder than making a thread to change their mind.

    I'm not making a thread to change anybodies mind, simply to rally discussion on something that, maybe with a little work, could be pretty fun for the players looking for some small PvP content.



    (When will there be PvP? Your game is dead without PvP! I have an idea for PvP mode!)

    There is no PvP mode in Warframe yet. Face-palm? Sure, but when we started building this game a year ago, we saw plenty of PvP and less PvE. Right we want to focus and do one thing well: PvE. That said we are investing in better leaderboards, clans goals, and other more 'meta' forms of competition right now.

    1v1 sparring will be added in Update 8. Let's see how that works first, before anything.


    Besides, what would the 'bad' team consist of? Flameblade, Grineer Bombard, Napalm, and Heavy Gunner?

    I am by no means of the opinion you are implying, I am fine without Warframe ever having PvP. I know that 1v1 is added in U8, notice that in my post I said "while Warframe vs. Warframe PvP might never be looked at on a large scale". I love co-op games, I think this would be something to spice things up for the players that aren't so in love with PvE.

  7. grineer roller zerg rush!!!

    ontopic: it's doubtful that will happen, even if it will, it's not going to be for a long time. also, if an extensive PvP mode is implemented, people will start to demand balances for it, and DE has came out and say they will not do balances for PvP.

    This is exactly what I am suggesting this to combat. What balances would ever be needed if you're fighting players playing as Grineer?

  8. OMFG


    *shutdown pc, says hello to collegues, goes buy nvidia card*

    It's one of the main reasons I always roll with nVidia for my system, they're oftentimes more expensive, but the cards get PhysX support. I remember way back when they first bought PhysX from the original developers and it wasn't used in ANY popular titles for a good few years. They really made some nice work out of it after that death period.

    If you're an eye-candy type of person and have some spare money to throw at your rig, why not? I wouldn't like to glorify it though: it's nothing game changing, just some shiny particles. :D

  9. Why are people complaining about the lack of invulnerability on Banshee during cast times? Hello? That's with ALL frames that I've noticed. NOT just Banshee. My Trinity has lost her Link/Blessing cast time invulnerability, making her considerably harder (but not worse, I like challenge) to play in a tight spot. My friend plays an Ember and struggles a lot to get his skills off in a lot of enemies because his cast times don't protect him anymore, he's just instantly facerolled (he's still levelling, also quite a new player)

    Am I the only person noticing this??

  10. Remember that awesome 4v4 gamemode in Valve's game "Left 4 Dead" where 4 players played as survivors and 4 as special infected?


    Well, if you do, wouldn't it be awesome to see something similar in Warframe, with 4 players being able to play as enemy units? Imagine how suddenly crafty a few of the enemy would become!

    If you have no idea what I'm talking about: Left 4 Dead is a 4 player story co-op game, there was a "versus" mode which was exactly the same as the story mode (4 player co-op) except that 4 players would also play as enemies (zombies) and basically try and ruin the survivors progress. They would earn bonus points for causing the team to outright fail the mission, and both teams would take it in turn to play as both sides.


    Certain members of the community have been asking for PvP and while Warframe vs. Warframe PvP might never be looked at on a large scale, this might be the answer. There are however a few drawbacks to my idea. This doesn't fit in with the game, at all, for a start. Also, how would the enemy team be rewarded? Would it take away from the feel of the game a bit too much? *Shrug*


    I think that more enemy types would have to be added too, for it to work well. It's an idea that would need a lot of work, but if it was done correctly I can see it being really, really fun. What's the thoughts and critique on this?

  11. Anyway, let's get back on topic.

    I think perhaps if there were more MK-1 weapons, and the players could choose them in a similar way they chose their first Warframe, it would perhaps make new players a lot happier. Maybe even do the same thing for secondaries and melee, who knows.

  12. I am also wondering what this is, my guess it's something to do with:

    1. Quantity of the enemies
    2. The level range of the enemies (eg. if it says the mission has a level range of 16-22, and it's difficulty 5, the enemies will be mostly 20-22?)

    Just speculation. I'm sure someone probably knows more than me.

  13. (In reply about the additional lore)

    I still don't think it would fit into the universe at all. I don't really claim to know an awful lot about Warframe lore but I feel that I know enough to say that it just simply wouldn't fit in.


    It's hard to explain. I just don't imagine Warframe adopting such an idea, it seems very out-of-style of the game. I'm sure it's already been raised in the thread - the game is "odd" in the sense that it has quite a unique style - your ideas are, no offense, quite cliché and I think they would give the game a more gimmicky feel. I don't play Warframe for it's generic content. Simply because there isn't any. The game DOES need expansions on the lore but with the way the developers are wanting to take it, I'm far more interested in that.


    Rather than developing a random, unprovoked side story on mutating Tenno into animals, I would instead like to see a thought provoking and interesting addition to the lore, which would have a more serious effect on gameplay - or simply just new and refreshing content.


    At the end of the day (this will probably be misinterpreted), I see Warframe as quite a simple game, and that's why I love it. You got your Warframe, your weapons, and some people have a sentinel, and then you just drop in and play in 10 seconds flat and you're killing stuff. The story is simple enough to not get in the way, but not so simple that it doesn't make any sense.

    To put it in as cheesy a way as possible - tacking on features to the side of the skyscraper that is Warframe, will not help build it up. Although some innovative sentinel ideas would be nice, I don't feel it's the way forward :(

  14. I thought it was just me. Not massive performance drops, but my frames aren't maxing out constantly anymore. Slight spikes down to 20-25 range and back up again. Then again, I also enabled the oh-so-beautiful nVidia PhysX..but maybe this thread indicates it's not to do with that.

  15. I'm not QUITE as extreme as this but it's pretty normal to only want to play one frame. I only play Trinity and will probably always just play Trinity. If a Prime version of Trinity comes out, I will grab that as my second frame. I levelled Mag to 27 before I managed to finish farming Trinity so it has left a massive dent in my stats, but I don't really care about my stats an awful lot, in fact I will deliberately ruin my accuracy stat by simply shooting absolutely everywhere at the end of missions. *Yaaay*

  16. He's talking about Sentinels.


    I game quite a bit but I have never played a game where pets are very useful. Anyway what about the Four legged Warframe


    Think I may have slightly misunderstood, but still D:

  17. If DE could manage this and give us a better insight to the development, I'm all for it.

    I do think they like surprising us a little TOO much for this to happen however!




    I'm not ruling out your idea in any way by the way LordMidnightX, it would definitely be nice to see some more sentinels, more varied sentinels. I'm actually not bothering getting one at all, because I have a feeling I'll just regret it when one comes along that I'll actually like.

  19. Warframes are machines, The Tenno are not. They could build any shape and control it and use it to fight. 

    Sorry to correct you, but Warframes are actually exoskeleton suits worn by the Tenno in battle. The Tenno are an ancient race of warriors, and the warframes are basically their armor, each frame having very unique abilities.

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