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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. Are you kidding? Seriously? You want to BUFF the Latron Prime? You must be modding it incorrectly, mines absolutely NUKES everything. Amazing ammunition economy, quick reloads/low downtime, extremely high damage per shot, amazing fire rate for a semi-auto, more-than-controllable recoil..it's actually pretty overpowered in my eyes. The gun I was using previous to the Latron Prime, was the Latron..I love them both. 


    If you don't like reload times, mod the crap out of the reload time, with a few polarizes you shouldn't really be having any issues.


    The gun is perfect. If DE were to do anything to it however, I am sure it would be a nerf and not a buff.

  2. DE will do the right thing.


    In answer to OP's question: Those games are completely different from Warframe - whether they are PvP games or not is irrelevant. The people asking for PvP in this game are asking for it because they like the game itself, the mechanics, graphics, gameplay, and would enjoy PvP in this setting. Call of Duty doesn't have Grineer, space ninjas, wallrunning and badassery (yet) so is it really that hard to see why people want bloody PvP?


    Do you understand now? Does that clear things up? Some people don't even know what "PvP" is and just come on the forums with "cool" ideas - people like competition. Warframe is an intensely fluid and well made game, the mechanics would work very nicely in PvP. Would it make sense for there to be PvP? No. Should there be PvP? No. Will DE implement it heavily? No. Would it be freakin AWESOME? Yes.


    It's just not really that hard to see the other side of the argument is all. We should be nicer to the people wanting PvP instead of shooting down their threads with flak cannons.

  3. Most of the times, heavy drum and bass. It just makes everything seem much faster

    This. Best music to play Warframe to in my opinion. Dark DnB channel on Digitally Imported is all I ever have on.

  4. I do get what you are saying Templar, middle grounds can obviously be achieved, however whether the drop rate needs adjusted or not isn't what I was really arguing against. What I was arguing against was for a flat-out 100% drop rate of CM, OC, etc from bosses, with recipe requirements staying the same. You are saying that with 100% you would still need to do 60+ Hyena runs? This is easily accomplished in a single day.


    I think that because the standard gears require so little CM to craft, but the dojo weapons require *apparently* so much, change is definitely required, but perhaps drop rates are not what needs to be looked at. Requirements for the supposedly impossible-to-get weapons should be looked at instead.

  5. Alas, my point has been ignored, and the argument still somehow stands that people should be able to craft what they want, when they want, no questions asked.


    You want OC/CM/Neurodes to have 100% drop rate? Well then expect the requirements on the BPs, as I said, to at LEAST multiply by 20, if not way more. This game is not about simply being able to instantly acquire things whenever you want, you have to work for it. I'm aware that the Fieldron takes ages to craft but you have to take into account the fact that CM are used for other things than just Fieldron. (Perhaps this should indeed be changed though)

    "A single gun" is supposed to be VALUED by a player. MASKSMITH, you are implying that a single gun is just something that can be overlooked and is "meh", "just another gun", right? As I have previously stated this is not what the developers want..the game is supposed to make longer term goals and achievements, not stuff you can finish off in a night. Those guns are supposed to be very hard to get, I haven't actually seen any player in the game yet using dojo weapons. Doesn't it feel great after you farm all the stuff, craft the gun, wait for it and actually get it? Wouldn't it be cool to be one of the few with one of those weapons? I really enjoy achieving that, I find that fun. Lots of others do too.


    Boomstick720 couldn't have said it any better:

    oh boy its this thread again.


    No OP.  Drop rates are fine, at least with these parts.  They are rarer, and make it so you don't get all the end game material in a weekend, and then $#*(@ about how there is nothing to do.


    I will say that I can relate to drop-rate woes and have spent quite a lot of time simply not getting drops. However these materials are meant to be rare and so effort is expected when it comes to acquiring these things. You can't just throw money at it, or do a single run of a mission and get a crapton of progress, or waltz through it just to make you feel good..it's supposed to be long term, relentless, but worth it in the end.

  6. I do not think this is the solution. I think that instead the armor should simply scale less. Low level armored targets get absolutely decimated by a fraction of my weapons power..more health will not stop that at all. It's nice that the high level enemies are harder.

  7. You must have a crafted clan key in order to donate. Also, this isn't trading. I don't know why you would think it is. They said trading is still being worked on.

    I had a key, went into theirs, tried to put 1 Salvage in and it told me insufficient permissions.

  8. Just think about each weapon and ask "does this weapon make sense in relation to the lore" (which the Snipetron didn't). If "no" is the answer for any weapons, buy the crap outta them. Anyway, I just skimmed over the Market halfway through writing this post and nothing really comes to mind.

  9. No, I'm saying that things like Control Modules, Orokin Cells, Neurodes, etc, should be automatically dropped by bosses.  You went through all the effort of killing the boss, having a guaranteed drop of a crafting resource won't tip the balance of the game, it will simply allow players to craft the things they want to so they can go kill stuff with the weapons they want instead of rage quitting the game because they can't get ANYTHING build due to ZERO drops of required resources and components.

    "Dropped automatically" and 100% drop rates are the same thing. However if you want 100% drop rates, that means it will have to take more OC and/or CM to craft whatever you need them for.. the developers have stated multiple times and even in Livestream #6 that they want the game to have longer term goals. The weapon that took them 6 weeks to create should not be a nights content for a player.

    You can't just say "it's not fair, make it easier" when it's already not that hard. Warframe is not a hard game..in fact, there are a lot more relentless games out there.

  10. Some things shouldn't be up to luck.  When you invest time and effort into a specific goal, like killing a boss for a resource, you should be able to get it.  The fact that I can run a dozen missions looking for OC or CM and get nothing for it is the exact reason I'm done playing.  I'm disgusted I invested so much into this game, bought a Founder package, and have zero voice to the devs.  They don't respect your time, or your money, so I'm done giving either till things improve... IF things improve.


    So what you're saying is you'd be happier if there was a 100% CM drop rate but instead it takes 20x more of them to craft what you want? Because if not, you're basically just stating that you want the game to be easier. In my opinion the system is absolutely fine, it can be hard to farm for some stuff sometimes but that's honestly what keeps me playing. I enjoy repeating the runs and going through killing stuff. It is, after all, what the game truly is. If you don't enjoy that then I don't really know what to say.

  11. I like this suggestion. I would also enjoy some emblems or badges to signify membership - the developers want clans to be a big part of the game but currently you cannot distinguish clan'd/unclan'd players in-game whatsoever. Giving players something to show off from being part of a clan would be really nice.

  12. Oftentimes I have found this with my Trinity as well. She looks perfectly fine, edit a few colours and (since she is primarily white) suddenly I am staring at a white bloom-tacular sunblob. Have you tried going out and back in to the colour editor to make sure it isn't just a temporary render issue? Mines looks fine in-game under most lighting conditions, and I have yet to test if it sticks after editing, although the reason I am asking is that I do not think it does.

  13. Dude, I was soloing. Guess it's different for different people.

    I guess so. The only time they will spazz the hell out like that for me is if they get stuck in a door or something that moves, etc. Pretty weird that on your screenshot, they appear to be having a physics-defying rave party even though there's nothing like that around them. :D

  14. Had the same thing with Orokin Cells when I was farming them with my girlfriend for her Latron Prime. Got 4 after doing about 30 runs. Then as soon as she has enough, they start dropping like freakin' candy.


    It's just bad luck. Happens. Stick in there - at least the farming is fun unlike 99% of other grind/farm-heavy games.

  15. I've noticed this started happening exponentially more after Update 8. Everything was fine until then. However I will also say that while playing with myself as host or solo, this does not happen. It does however happen when I have very specific friends as the game host. It's almost like it's something with the individual installation or setup.

  16. I like space ninjas.

    I like Trinity.

    I like my gear.

    I like the Corpus.

    I like that Warframe is a videogame.

    I like the purdy PhysX.

    I like the constant updates and contact with the community.

    I like the hilarity of the ragdolls often flying away or getting crushed by doors and spazzing the hell out.

  17. I think I know how you did this. You place the mouse cursor between two artifacts and very slowly and carefully move it until it starts spazzing out, selecting and unselecting artifacts, then the artifacts start freaking flipping about and stuff. It's super weird.

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