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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. DE are yet to add a lot of functionality to the game, including a better tutorial and more clear-cut guidelines on how to play.


    Personally I don't take the wiki for granted at all, it's mostly accurate and I'm very glad and thankful that others have taken the time to put it together. I'm sure DE will make it easier to understand the game without having to use a wiki eventually though.

  2. I will admit, Sometimes you just make a comment on how smexy the in game character is and not exactly flirting with the actual player full knowing its a guy..

    Good point, I have actually had this before.


    It was super weird..

  3. It's always the Excaliburs

    Those darn Excaliburs, hitting on all the women.



    My solution to your problem is to wait for all the players to go to extraction first.



  4. everything else in this game is dead for me and i only find joy in rushing.

    Yeah, and as I said, that's quite sad. Playing Warframe for rushing is like playing Hello Kitty Online for the gore.


    EDIT: Oh, and rushing would probably get you further in Hello Kitty Online LOL.

  5. Anyway, I think this is pretty much /thread, not sure if you are just trolling or something but if you are serious then I'm pretty certain you'd find the game a lot more fun if instead of rushing straight to the extraction point, you rushed round the entire level killing everything and exploring everything, as fast as possible. It's what I do, it's insanely fast paced, nets you tons of rewards..really there's no reason to rush for extraction whatsoever. You're only ruining the game for yourself, and maybe..1-2 games of a few pub players?


    It's really quite sad, when you think about it actually.

  6. Some of us enjoy earning exp, mods, resources, killing enemies and actually playing the game because we enjoy it!


    PLAYING the game!? Wait..wait sorry. I forgot. You're too cool for that, right? #rushernation420noscoperushelitehardandfastscrubscantkeepupallofyouaren00bs


    Contrary to popular belief you do not need to rush through the bloody levels to make the game feel fast paced. It is the worst way to play the game, you earn the least rewards. The only thing you will have an abundance of over everybody else is credits because you managed to run more missions. Credits are the easiest thing in the game to obtain currently, so your efforts have just been nullified. Congratulations.


    The only times you should really rush is if you are boss farming. Rushing there is pretty tolerable. Otherwise, it just shows poor skill, and poor sportsmanship to your team mates - especially if the game is public.


    You have no idea what you are missing out on by rushing. You can double or even triple your mod count PER ROUND if you take your time and actually play and enjoy the game. It's not a racing game.


    I'll continue to whine about you because in most of the communities eyes, your playstyle is absolutely terrible.

  7. id say upgrade its critical hit damage and chance, lower the kick by 0.3 percent, and i dunno in exchange make it have less ammo/drum capacity, also it should have its bullet animation corrected, the bullet hits AFTER the damage is done



    0.3%? Any reason for this particularly accurate nerf amount O_o?


    I still believe the gun is fine as it is.

  8. The projectile you see is just FX. I've actually seen that "projectile" fly somewhere different than where the bullet hits. I've also seen the bullet hit before the "projectile" you see hits. It's weird, I know.


  9. Still need to try have eagle eye but nothing to fuse it with grinding for cores/warframe abilities atm


    another thing that i have an issue with is the latrons velocity (bullet speed)


    its just a little slow to me... could be my frame rate but i have a decent cpu

    There's no projectile velocity for the Latron, it is a "hitscan" weapon as far as I know.

  10. Personally I never have very many problems with the heal, although I do admit it can be very difficult to time heals correctly, especially if you don't know what frame is being targeted (vastly different armor values can be the difference between life and death). I would rather see something nice done with Well of Life though. That skill needs to be changed for sure.

  11. The thing is, with the Latron, you can actually actively control the recoil.  You can't with the Burston or Braton.  The rounds recoil where they want.  With the Latron, and a little practice, the gun practically has zero recoil.  As for comparing it to the Snipetron... Not so much.  I've put Eagle Eye on my Latron for fun's sake, and it zooms to about the same level with no where near the amount of recoil.  I have both, therefore could actively compare.

    This. If you practice with the Latron the recoil is pretty much negligible. Personally I found Eagle Eye made the Latron very uncomfortable to use however..I wouldn't recommend it, but that's just me.

  12. Cuz they improved? They added many things? So many games using the same engine, some games stay similarity, others doesnt. Even if Dark Sector and Warframe look similar, they are awesome so i dont care lol


    Edit : Nice too see that already on 2004 there were such engine :o

    No, it's not because they improved, or added many things. It's because they take part in completely different universes with completely different storylines. My point is, same engine/developer does not immediately write everything off. It's interesting to see what Dark Sector and Warframe have in common - obviously they're nearly the same game but Warframe, thus far anyway, is rather undeveloped in story, and background. It's nice to see what the game came from, it's influences and possible lore.

  13. Can get the base crit up to 25% with mods, plus all the juicy crit damage!  Should try it out!

    That might actually be pretty awesome..will definitely give that a shot when I am back home, cheers.

  14. i am doing 100+ dmg per shot at lvl 11 but to me it is insufficient at it's range i get overwhelmed at close range therefore use my secondaries and at long range it does nothing basically

    One of the first things that the game taught me was that to play well, you would need to use the right combination of all of your gear at the right times. That's the reason you have other weapons aside your primary in the first place. The Latron certainly won't get you out of every single situation.

  15. also dont think that any buff is needed


     could you tell me which mods you use? want to compare my loadout to others^^

    I can't actually get in game at the moment but I could probably tell you most of them from memory. I basically just stacked everything that added damage. I have all the elemental mods max level, AP max level, Serration at like..lv5? (Still working on that) then I just add something random depending on how I feel.


    The gun alone has brilliant base stats in my opinion so there isn't much that needs adjusted, at least for me. It's awesome, because as I said, it means I can just turn it into a handheld nuke with damage mods :D

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