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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. what is the point of putting new maps on the planet no one goes back to after day one?

    You say it like I just told you the new maps are exclusively there.

    "The ship-based Grineer missions have the new tilesets." does not mean "The first missions have the new tilesets."

    Was simply giving a quick and easy to find example.

  2. As a fellow Trinity, I read your post nodding the entire way through. Massive ups to you, it's great to know I'm not the only person playing Trinity and thinking these things, because it feels that way sometimes.

    My opinion is as follows:

    Well of Life: Useless, have it at lv0, strongly considering taking it off my build as I NEVER use it.

    Energy Vampire: Fine, awesome skill.

    Link: Agree with you, needs nerfed/changed slightly/replaced so that tanks have a purpose (I am oftentimes tanking the bosses very VERY well, and as fun as it is I do not think it is my frame role)

    Blessing: After the invulnerability cast time nerf, it's fine imo.

    Well of Life should be changed to something more useful perhaps. It's just so useless to me. I haven't cast it in a couple hundred matches at all. At. All.

    As for changing the UI so we can constantly see team health? We don't even need that. Just change the damn Z-key to NOT LOCK MOVEMENT.

    Oh, and many people have asked for the removal of the..thing..on her &#!, and I think it has been denied. However I would also perhaps request a slight change to this, it looks very out of place and does not match with the sleek look of the rest of the frame. It looks like overheated melted cheese bubbled over or something. Rather disgusting.

  3. Hahaha, hopefully they bring forum signatures so, i can show off my editing skills.

    Mixed feelings on that. The forums have a very clean feel to them at the moment, sigs are awesome but I like just being able to read the posts.

  4. I have never had THOSE problems with the hostage AI (getting stuck and being derpy with pathfinding). It's pretty derpy and takes some time to follow you sure, but if you focus on the objective of defending it and pay attention to where enemies are and what they are doing, you will always be fine, or at least I have been.

    Not saying I haven't failed hostage missions TERRIBLY though. I do have a few other problems..usually the hostage autofollows the furthest team-mate, so the hostage just runs through all the enemies and draws a ton of fire if you have a stupid kid rushing past all the enemies. THAT is annoying. Fixable? Maybe not, but still annoying.

  5. Check this thread:




    Make sure that there are no spaces in the coding.

    Looking at this thread, still going with my initial suggestion that he might be uploading a .bmp or another unsupported image type.

    Just throw the image in Paint and save it as another file type, and then put it back on the internet and use it in your post.

  6. The question is there are so many other pvp games to play why do you want pvp in this one?

    As I've already implied in my previous responses.. this is not a "DE MUST DO THIS OR GAME WILL DIE LOL NO PVP THIS SUCKS LOL" thread.

    This is a "What if" thread. Look at the title of it. It actually has "What if" there. Not lying. What would it be like if they added it? I love Warframe just the way it is. I don't really give a crap if there's no PvP. Just trying to generate some discussion.


    I can imagine that people are annoyed that PvP is constantly brought up - I am too - as neKroMancer has pointed out above there are a ton of suggestions already made, some quite bizarre and obviously desperate attempts at implementing PvP, and maybe mines has been raised already, I know it has flaws. It is JUST as bad and annoying to have a thread instantly de-railed just because PvP is a part of the suggestion.

    I wish I could say that "I should have worded my thread better" but I really couldn't have. I just wanted to discuss it.

  7. Nah, just some references. They've already said that the two universes aren't linked.

    Really? I was told that the universe was actually the same. I'm sure I heard that somewhere anyway. Ah well, cheers.

  8. I've been meaning to read up on what Dark Sector was like. Never even heard of the game before I started playing Warframe. Is there a lot more additional lore or are things still pretty simple in that regard?

  9. I don't think anyone has but the games are so different from one another as well as the games mechanics. please remember that Left 4 Dead series bosses were able to take you down despite being a player or not, the bots there were moderately smart but what made the so effective was their killing speed and potential with all the abilities each one had. Now compared to this game, well it would be awfully one sided, not fun for the one side because of the power level differences of the two factions.

    Now on the top of that those things there is a possibility of balancing it towards PvP mode, but then the normal one would suffer greatly from it making that mode possibly somewhat unpleasant, all for the sake of PvP.

    Then there is the case of implementation withing the game mechanics and coding.

    I'm sorry I don't want to be rude but in a game like this, I just can't see that mode happening.

    I suppose it would take more work than I had initially imagined. I just figured that since for most of the playerbase the enemies seem rather incompetent most of the time, this might be a neat idea to give things a twist :(

  10. Well, as you noticed - you like to play Trinity. And she still very powerful frame, with great - and very useful - abilities. I don't know anyone, who will complain about Trinity in their team! It's like "Hell yeah! We have Trinity!" Almost the same with Frost (mostly on Greenir and Corpus missions). Well, almost any warframe is useful for something, except of Rhino - because he is slow, can't do damage, and his Rhino Stomp isn't good for players, because they still need to kill all targets anyway. In comparison, Excalibur is fast, have 12m blind for 6-12 sec (the same or even doubled duration as Rhino Stomp), nice damage dealer and his Ultimate exterminates 15 targets, if they didn't get cover (so, Infested and Corpus usually is pwned completely).

    Yeah, you make a good point. I really love Trinity. Sometimes I did feel she was a little overpowered. Sometimes I feel she still is. I wouldn't mind a nerf at all, this is the frame for me, I used Mag to farm her, and as soon as it was built I sold Mag and have only used Trinity and never looked back. The only way I would ever get a second frame? Trinity Prime. Or perhaps if another support frame was released.


    However I was mostly talking about the Trinity players themselves complaining. Maybe there just aren't enough of them or something o_O

  11. 1. The game is a lot of fun if you like killing things.


    2. Ignore what the majority of public players do(if you choose to play online) - rushing through the levels as quickly as possible only taking the route that is shown. There are a lot of additional rooms and areas that can drop extra stuff such as credits, crafting materials (which you will definitely need) and there can even be additional enemies in other areas of the maps, which is great because that's more experience, and each enemy has a chance to drop "mods", which are like upgrades for your equipment. I loathe quite a lot of the in-game community who think they are too cool to play the game and choose to rush past everything, even enemies. However, some people like to keep the game pretty fast paced, so I suppose that's up to them..I can't really tell you how to play but just trying to give some personal advice.


    3. You are given 50 Platinum which is the currency you buy with real money. Most people recommend you keep it for acquiring additional warframe slots and/or weapon slots. As someone who only uses one Warframe and a handful of weapons this did not apply to me. If you are the same, I recommend you save up that 50 platinum for speeding up the craft of your desired Warframe. It takes 3 days, otherwise.


    4. In my opinion your main priority should be unlocking planets and levelling your equipment.


    5. There is lots that you will have to read up on and learn yourself because I can't tell you absolutely everything :(


    6. The game can be pretty grindy in terms of farming for something you want, it depends on your luck and your patience.


    7. What everybody else will tell you that I forgot

  12. You do not underestimate the power of shiny. : |

    Don't hurt me, I didn't mean to.. D:!


    I bought my first ever ATI card 2 months ago, after years of NVIDIA.


    I'm regretting this after only 2 months.


    Not to tell you about random BLACK screen I get from this ATI... oh well...

    I've only had an ATI card once, it wasn't actually that long ago, it was actually okay though, I just prefer the luxury of nVidia.

    To keep things rather on topic, I would like to see more use of Physx. If you've ever played Borderlands 2, or seen the PhysX demonstrated in it, then you know what the full capabilities of PhysX really are. I think it could make the game look pretty damn fabulous.

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