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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. When I first started playing Warframe, it struck me as the type of game I would only pick up once in a while, the type of game that I wouldn't pay much attention to, or focus on.


    However, I have been continuously pleasantly surprised since the day I have begun playing. Warframe has blown me away. It is the only game that I play at the moment and I am simply in love with it. The so-called "grindy" gameplay does not bore me, and the thought of new content excites me a lot. The art style is absolutely perfect. It honestly makes me reminisce in past favourites of mines in videogames, particularly Global Agenda (don't ask) but with much more fluid action. The mechanics are all solid, and solidly defined, the graphics for the game generate some serious eyecandy too. Honestly my only gripes with Warframe are the lack of lore, which I know will most likely be expanded, and secondly, the lack of a game soundtrack and consistent game sound effects..something I hope will improve with time, but ultimately does not ruin the game either.


    I'll definitely be sticking around for a lot longer..I'm actually out-of-country on a trip at the moment and haven't been able to play for the past month or so, and I'm really looking forward to getting back in a few weeks and being able to just chill out and play. I'm very picky when it comes to videogames but this just hits home on so many levels as such an awesome freakin' game!

    Fight well, my fellow Tenno!

    Edit: And thank you DE for the incredible work!!

  2. Wow what a great thread............seriously? Do you not see the hundreds of threads that not only state this but actually give ideas and concepts as well? Or how about watch the QnA stream where they show you the new and upcoming content.

    Well there's no need to be rude, gosh.


    I personally can't wait to see what DE have in store for us, and to know that the community has such a big voice to the developers is very comforting, even if I am not directly a part of it most of the time.

  3. Ignore suggestions to go for the bigger cards, as without a bigger power supply your PC will simply refuse to function. If it was built without a GPU chances are it has a relatively low power output and is not built for a large GPU. I don't know much about individual cards, personally I would recommend an nVidia card for the PhysX support if you are really looking for maximum eye candy.


    I'm sure I can speak for everybody when I say that we can give you much better suggestions if we know how old your computer is, the specifications, and as Psychocrazy said, the power supply wattage.

  4. Haha! Same here! I've got an entire page of melee weapons now, almost all of which are around level 15. So boring leveling them! Really not looking forward to leveling bows and sniper rifles either.

    There are certain weapons that I'm sure every single player absolutely dreads levelling..for this purpose I do believe there needs to be another way of earning mastery points, even if it is considerably slower.

  5. I'd honestly rather be a master with a certain set of weapons matching with certain frames, etc.


    There is much more mastery in specialization than diversification - the irony of the Mastery system.

  6. Actually I'm having fun. Otherwise I wouldn't do it.


    Also to me using different weapons makes sense. Using what you always have used and you learn nothing new. Using new things makes it a bit interesting learning new ways to do what you already know how to do. Kind of like a Weapons Master guy.

    The only thing you learn when you use a new weapon is how to use that weapon most effectively. I don't want to learn about weapons that I do not like. There are a lot of weapons that do not compliment the frames that I use and do not make sense if I want to play optimally. I do not enjoy playing sub-optimally and therefore do not use these weapons. I try all of the weapons but ultimately will only max out a few that would make sense to max out, purely because they fit my playstyle, and warframe, and they compliment my other gear.

  7. I'm rank 4. Found the frames I like and the weapons I like. Progression to higher masteries is extremely unlikely. I view this as a flaw of the Mastery system, especially considering polarizing weapons does not continue to give mastery experience.


    Why am I forced to play with equipment I do not necessarily enjoy using to "progress"? (I am aware of the small weight of the Mastery system, but there are talks of this giving more perks, and I would also like to use it as a goal to focus on, but not if it's going to make the game less fun.)

  8. Personally I don't care what DE nerf and buff, I'd rather find a way to use whatever I like, and find a way to use it skilfully. I feel a Trinity nerf incoming but that won't stop me from playing as her..if anything, it will simply make it more fun. Underpowered weapons can give a new challenge - why change if you like them anyway?

  9. This idea might work best with a void defense then.  Since corrupted consist of all factions, the random boss pool could include any boss from any faction without really breaking continuity.  Just add "Corrupted - " to the names lol

    Orokin Void defense would be awesome, and this would be awesome too. Do it DE!

  10. I like this idea a lot, but people might complain as most of the bosses are basically regular mobs made into bullet sponges. I don't think anything like the Jackal would work too well, not sure. Also, unless infestation/grineer bosses spawn on Corpus defenses etc, the bosses will be pretty limited.


    There definitely needs to be more and better bosses, but this is quite a good idea.

  11. They addressed performance issues in livestream #6 I think. You're just going to have to deal with the bad performance until they decide to optimize it a little more. I personally don't have too serious issues and I have a lesser system. There are spikes of lag but its nothing that makes the game unplayable.

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