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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. So the hotfix just released and I started a planetside Corpus mission for the Heat Dagger alert immediately. I approached one of the doors in the levels and the next section was an empty grey void.


    I thought the alert was bugged, but it was the way to go so I thought "screw it, it's the only way" and ran through.


    I was teleported, along with my squad, into a massive hangar. The right side was completely open to the rest of the snowy world. Two MASSIVE Corpus ships flew in and landed. It was the coolest @(*()$ thing I have ever seen in this game.


    Was this already in the game and I'm just unlucky to have not seen it, or did DE not tell us something? The fact that the tiles did not connect properly gives me the impression that it was either newly added and not fully implemented, or added to the game but unintentionally added to the tile generation.

  2. Non-Update 8 Question: Do you think that at any point there will be a revision and balancing session for all of the Warframes? There are many mixed feelings on the balance of X Warframe vs. Y Warframe vs. Z Warframe, and it would be nice to hear some official word on whether or not some of the older frames are being given some "finishing touches".

  3. I'm gonna go with no. I like the "unknown" element of his appearances, it makes them a lot more shocking and thrilling when they do happen. I feel he's a unique character in the game and shouldn't be stamped off as a regular and regulated boss just like the rest of them. He should be hard to farm.

  4. but then people might complain about how intrusive that hud element would be. 


    I'd say to do something like other games have done and put a light bar to reflect health and shields on the player character itself. 

    If players find it intrusive perhaps we can have it as a toggle-able option, like on Planetside 2, an FPS. (Centralised HUD option)

  5. I think OP meant that he doesn't want to use a primary and get more capacity on their secondary because of that

    Meh. OP needs ammo capacity mods and some Forma by the sounds of it..


    Implementing this would be completely pointless as there are already viable ways of substantially increasing ammo on a weapon.


    I use a Viper and don't usually run out, using 75% ammo maximum increase.

  6. So far I've played a good number of grinner mission mostly in the tougher planets and all I've seen is grineer asteroids and corpus ships (with grineer in) so I have the strong impression they forgot to replace most ship missions with the new tileset.

    There were some severe issues with the level generation on the new tileset so I think they may have patched out some of the missions using it until they can fix some of the missions/mission types.

  7. Well since you take damage during the cast it almost impossble to use on the high end mission. Cause Trinity has 10 armor which is really low. So by the time you get the cast off you will most likly be dead. If your with your teams helping them or soloing. Also i saw nothing in the update regarding trinity. Only rhino and his iron skin.

    As someone who frequently runs end-game missions and content along with high wave defenses, you simply have to pre-cast Blessing. It takes practice. There is more tactics involved..before it was very easy, now it is very hard.

    As I once said in another thread..

    Before update: Oh look! My HP is 20! LOLNOPE INVULNERABILITY, max HP! Max shields!

    After update: Oh crap I am getting my &#! handed to me, better pre-cast Blessing so that I can survive!


    So yeah.

  8. DE need to sit down and go through all of the frames one at a time and brainstorm on how to balance them out. Some are absolutely fine, some are damn near unusable. I want to play Saryn but the stuff that OP stated is stopping me. I'll never use a Warframe unless at least 2 of the skills are useful.

  9. This will probably be the last thing they do

    Considering sitting down (or rather kneeling, but still) is one of the FIRST THINGS you ever do in the game (straight after the tutorial when you go on to the main screen) I do not think this would be very hard to implement at all. The animation is there and is clearly supported with all frames..the time taken to put it in would be pretty small. O_o

  10. You know that sound is not a factor when you can see an arrow whiz by you, right? Silent weapon doesn't mean enemies will never notice it, it means that the sound doesn't draw attention to you just by firing.

    I don't think the AI react to stuff whizzing past their heads if it's silent. Not sure.

  11. I'd have to agree with Estred. While I would like to see Link have some kind of nerf, Trinity can be soaring high one second, dead the next. Especially, I find, on high level Corpus missions. I'd just really like to see something done with Well of Life.

    I actually have a suggestion for Well of Life:

    You aim at a PLAYER and activate Well of Life. This "links" you and the player periodically (similar to Link). Any damage you then do to ENEMIES is transferred as a % of health to that player? Thoughts, my fellow Trinities? (Or Trinitys)

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