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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Warframes might be partially organic and they need cryogenic preservation, so I would say they might age, although there is no evidence for it.


    When it comes to Chroma, it is the pelt that is wrinkled, rather than Chroma himself.


    Also, Chroma was not controlled by the Tenno. If it had been, the Lotus wouldn't have been surprised to see one. Lotus is capable of waking the Tenno up, as well as taking control of warframes for a short period of time.


    Chroma is considered ancient because it was thought to be lost and had not been seen until The New Strange, not because is older than Excalibur.

    Excalibur is still the first warframe made by the Orokin.


    Very doubtful I'm afraid, have a look at the rest of their dialogue. It's quite explicitly taking about Alad V and the Tenno protecting him. If this were some kind of mystical reveal about a mythological sapient Warframe then it would have more supporting comments whereas Alad-v-as-orokin-protected-by-tenno is very much the main topic of the dialogue:


    "Our fight is not with you Tenno" - Surely if they were talking about some kind of Warframe rebellion then they would not say this.
    "You have lost your way Tenno, I will help you find it" - Why would they say that if they were not Tenno themselves?
    "This one has caused much suffering and yet you protect him" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin
    "Alad V only wants profit, he is the enemy" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin
    "I see you are still their servants" - Tenno protecting Alad-V-as-Orokin


    Now that you show it with the other quotes, it indeed makes more sense. At least it was worth a guess.

  3. When using Effigy while holding Mios the cord stays on the pelt. This seems to be purely visual since the whip works as intended.


    It is also probably the case with Lacera. Can't tell, I don't have one.


    Have a picture:



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