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Posts posted by fr4gb4ll

  1. that's nothing new - i had this countless times when the 'cap' was at 90. the normal way is 'cap-limit' + 1 but when you get the login reward, you can get +3 riven... ofc, that puts you in the annoying situation of having to decide what to do with those extra riven. best amount i ever 'reached' was 97 (when 90 were the limit) - i had stopped playing sorties quite a while (because being forced due to the cap and having 91 riven in the inventory) and then got +3 riven from a event reward and soon after a +3 riven login reward... not long after this (and me, finially giving in to DEs damn nagging, getting rid of all 'extra' riven), DE changed it to a system of not adding more riven after the +1 is reached... i thought i missed quite a few login rewards this way and was therefore quite a bit piѕsed (more than usual in this regard) about the whole cap-limit crаp - turned out to be that after DE increased the limit to 120, i got all those missed riven and slots written into the account too (or maybe is was only the extra slots, can't remember...). by now it seems, DE has again returned to the more 'lax' stance of allowing a few extra riven (still, the nagging screen and the prohibition to sorties and such missions that would give you a riven is still there).

    in the end, the whole riven limit is annoying and DE should not only had thought beforehand of releasing the riven system of this but also could have prevented it alltogether in the first place by changing their storage mechanic on the data-server - afterall, this was their reason to cap the amount of riven we can own...

  2. in the condrix, there are a few things that do heavy damage (and seemingly ignoring the shield-gating). the battalyst is one such 'cheater' when it does its disco ball, the 'aerotard™' can do this too with this plasmore-like attack and even though i'm not sure about it, but the little creeper 'sneakolysts' (see DE, i can invent names too ^^) also looks like they can instakill players by jumping onto them... not always, but occasional it sure looks this way...

    as for lichs, if the bugger uses radiation attacks (the oberon-like lawn), that what mostly get ppl killed - not by him/herself, but by other players attacks/abilities. therefore, if the lich uses radiation attacks, either let the 'owner' of this bugger do the job, bringing it down, or at least keep your distance and hope that whoever gets proced won't use any overkill-skill, downing the whole team ^^)

    • Like 1
  3. tis is no bug. at the very least, it's DE not knowing or testing their own game... even with limbos rift and stasis it would have been clear from the start that people would use it to make things easy... and even now it's still cheesing the whole thing. same can be said for any other frame ability too - by now i've seen so many good working combinations, that thinking of DEs futile attempt to prevent the overuse of limbo (and bugging him out for totally unrelated stuff in the process) only makes me laught.

    also, there sure are not that many baruuks active in there, so it won't likely matter for DE anyway... a better thing to do would be thinking before releasing something (and/or thoroughly testing - but tht seems to be our job, no?)

    • Like 1
  4. welcome to the endless loading tunnel - this will be your new home... forever ^^)

    anyway, if you're a client in a team, it sometimes can be fixed if the host is alt+f4'ing out of the game... might also be of no consequens though. better consider this gig done...

  5. tbh, i doubt that you lost the item - it sounds more like you can't find in the inventory mess... but, since you're up to building the frame, you should verify it easy enough via the blueprint for atlas prime -> there it should be sown as available for the frame.

  6. instead of wasting all their time to 'fix' some of the ways people found out to make the event mission too easy, they should use it to improve it's design and ofc, to fix what really needs fixing... and that still is a whole lot of things in there.

    by now i have seen so many ways of making the missions (ground and space) trival even upto the end - and limbo was only one of them. varazin is only such under certain cirumstances... stop wasting your time, DE and focus on things that matters! also, think beforehand of what player will do to make your contend too easy... maybe by playing your own game a bit more you could figure such things out before being shown by the users?

    • Like 1
  7. indeed again - i want to add some other thing i noticed: quite often, wenn i click to join, for example, relay 16 with 15/100 status i end in a totally different number, but with the same status... this happens more often wenn there are a lot of relays to choose from - with a smaller numbere, i usually get where i click onto.

    during the first week i also had a few times the issue of not evidently getting back into the same relay i had to exit from (due to some bugs) - even though it was the same number. i checked on the board and did not saw my progress there... first i though i was just silly and did not noticed the number correct or the board being bugged too and later when i noticed the discrepancies of where i really ended up compared to where i clicked, that this was the reason for not getting back into the same flotilla... but since then i take specific notice of the relay number when i enter it and had those issues too a few more times. they might have patched up that particular problem because after some hotfixes i never had it again. if now there were 'clone relays' this would be an explanation to this...

  8. ehm... neither your post nor the screenshot make much sense...

    so you had 8 axi t2 relicts and refined 2 of them, now having 6 intact ones and 2? what's 'upd' meaning? update? do you say you lost them due (or after) the update? if so, the screenshoot is not much of a prove at all then without a 'before screenshot - which, understandable you're not likely had done.

    or do you say that you lost them because you were in a mission where they dropped as rewards and the update screwed something up?

  9. 18 hours ago, WCQQY said:

    i changed my password every time iget in by know i changed my passqord 20 times sometimes it let me in sometimes it dont and ihave to keep changing until it works


    geez... stop changing your password all of the times for no reason! and you wonder why have problems in the first place?

    beside the server being unreachable for whatever or not resons (there are too many to named them all here on a short list) there are two particual ones that you should keep in mind:

    1. your ip got blocked for 24 hours (i guess it's still this long) - that happen due to multiple wrong login-tries and is a way to safe your account from being bruteforceably hacked (though more often than not it was the legit user just getting it wrong agan and again... hello caplocl, Fn-key and num-block-key!)

    2. the problem is on your side of the connection - especially in your network setting (meaning either your operation systems settings or more likely, your router/modem config).

    only change the password if you think it got compromized - the act of changing can also be a way of getting it compromized, if your rig is already infected when you use it for the change (or if some 'man-in-th-middle' attack is used in your connection - can done by a compromized router for example).

    speaking of compromized: if your computer is 'affected' by maleware, this could also be a reason for any usually fine working connections being troublesome all out of the blue.

  10. i wonder if it was you who tried this in my mission then - if so, sorry not to warn you about this ^^

    then again, i think you are not the same since he said he got the complete message and thus had to know (or be lucky enough) to only killed the conculysts and battalysts... well, that aside, you're right: every sentient should count for this - else they should name the viable ones in the description.

  11. 23 hours ago, SeveralBees said:

    I thought I had read a while back that you can't get the same weapon back-to-back anymore. 

    and there is your problem: you read it once but never read following patch notes where they removed this 'lock' again due to the larvas now showing what weapon you would get...

    funny enough, a few posts above was one dude who complaind not getting the same weapon again from the larva because he wanted to bring one up to 60%... rng sure is a *@##$ at times ^^)

  12. hmm, you sure you did not already got it yesterday while still playing? or that you did get the timezone wrong? you know we just had the damn time-change to summertime again (hopefully they get rid of this crap soon...)?

    so far i never had or heard of any not given login rewards - can't if the rewards always were added to the account, especially when only a resource type was the reward...

    anyway, my guess is strongly that you got the reward and likely 'clicked' it away after returning to the orbiter the other day...this can easily happen when the timeing is bad or one has itchy triggerfinger ^^)

  13. well, it was 'only' bad for you, since you leaving the mission would made another one host who in turn could end the mission (hopefully without any migration bugs) then. that aside,so far in all my many murex runs, i had it the other way around: that some arsehead were using my nav-con without asking if the rest was ok with leaving a mission halfway through... and even when only doing this at the end of a run, it never seemed to be a problem using the nav-con. this also happens alot in normal railjack where it should even less so.

    the only time where you can't use the console, is before you finished one murex - and that is for everybody, host and clients alike... and even this is a particular annoyance if, for example, the whole flotilla is bugged and no codes got sended to the murex-raider teams... i just had this today, where my team was on the first murex, two codes in when suddenly the transfer stopped . even though the logs said that the ground team were still sending (they swore they did too - also other space teams said the same about not getting anymore codes). usually one would abort the mission then and leave the the whole relay but we just had a war blade part dropped (the most rare drops in the game) and also several shed parts (chance booster and nekros at work here)... so we hold out for about 46 minutes and that on the worst place in all the murex ships: right where this bloody red orb is most of the time ^^)  after a while the code came in slowly again (one every 10 min or so) and we got out with about 7 sets of shedo and by then 2 war blade parts too... also a ton of intrinsics and other valuable stuff. still, annoying that we could not end the mission normal and with keeping the loot we found.

    the only way i can think of why you had such an problem after the last murex is that a host migration did screw things up and that like not even you could have used the nav-con anymore - i had some (few, luckily) cases of this too during the event, but only in the first few days.

  14. yes, this is an issue for as long as we got those relic system.

    here's some tips:

    like you said, carefull if you use certain frames and/or weapons that kills enemies too far and in a wide area. sure, there still will be some 'inspawn' corrupted, but you'll miss out some 'converted' corrupted this way. play is smart, and let the bugger alive until a fissure happens to corrupt them... ofc, only if you can do this without risk to you or the defense objective.

    this happen especially in the low-level defense fissures like lith and sometimes meso too. best is never play those missions alone because the reduces overall spawnrate.

    the use of 'loot-frames' helps with the reactants too since they are part of the regular droptable for corrupted enemies... not on those in the void missions that are already there, mind you (ever thought what happens to a corrupted enemy that gets corrupted again? ^^)  ofc, the 'extra resource drop chance booster' also helps (the double resource not though - obviously, but this one will give you double the refinement stuff at the end, same as with kuva and the like)

    try to keep together with the team as it should be - especially in defense situations. this prevent this annoying 'look for the reactants' problem which you often get in survival fissures (which is the number one reason for not getting enough reactans in any fissure... no.2 would be spawning far too late into the mission and running out of time getting them)

    even with all this, there still is a bit of luck involved - or the lack of it, so don't sue me if you still have occasional zero-runs. and yes, bugs could always be a reason, though i can't remember every had a bug that prevented reactant drops, only particulary bad drop chances in the beginning...

  15. 2 hours ago, Ira_Acedia said:

    TL;Dr: You should read it, but a summary is as follows: It is only through the effort of those who played through the bugs that DE were able to identify and balance the bugs. Yet, we seem to be unable to receive reimbursement (whether physical or a formal sorry (by hotfix, not some random post no one will read)).

    well, i did read through it all and though you'd try to sell me some insurance next... joke aside, just keep to the point - i'll try it too:

    we pc-player were the unpaid beta tester for the game, that's nothing new and everyone who played a few month knows and accepted this (else, they are long gone). what did you want as 'reimbursement' anyway? a pat on the shoulder? done ^^)

    the even isn't as bad as people call it - it sure is buggy though, but that's also nothing new in bugframe. i was happy to 'fill up' my arcanes back to max-rank and while doing this, max also my intrinsics too (i'm one of those who mainly play the space part, which i find more fun - though i could be made more fun yet...)

    i don't see the need for getting any more credits due to any bugs or bad design but would like to see DE enacting some kindof failsafe that prevents the loss of rewards due to such issues - but that isn't likely to happen as an automated mechanic and will stay the exception and only done by DE running some script after a particular fubar.

    what i much, much more would like is that the devs would just for once think ahead of what their design bring to the game and how the player will really use it... seemingly not the way they think or we would not have seen 'changes' in venari or limbo and such in the event - stuff that were obviously to happen for anyone who played the game to some extend (which in case make one wonder if they, over at DE, ever played it to such). ofc, a simple sorry is ok too but i still apreciate the likely reason for the mess, which is (at least to a degree) to deliver to us what they though would be fun for us - and yes, it is fun for some... me at least. and anyone who boycot it for whatever reason is a fool in my book - an unflexible fool.

  16. On 2020-04-01 at 10:59 PM, fr4gb4ll said:
    • TYPE: in-game, event, returning to relay
    • DESCRIPTION: ship was returning to relay when i used the quick mission overview key
    • VISUAL: OpSXXkB.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: this was already a problem since the start of railjack, so you should know by now - also i said ho to, above.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: normal return to the relay and/or being able to exit this screen,...
    • OBSERVED RESULT: ... which can't - not even open the menu. ALT+F4 being the solution to this crap - and ofc, i likely won't be able to get back into this relay, losing the chance on bonus credits therfore...
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: first of all, the ship has to be recalled to the relay for whatever reason - either by someone (in this case someone else ordered MY ship back after mission or it went automatically, who can say?) and then you press and hold the the quick-mission-screen-key while the transition starts... same thing as before with normal railjack missions.
    • how to prevent this: by a) stop with this automaticall recall crap and b) stop letting anyone but the host use the nav console. also c) put in a bloody time of at least 3-5 sec warning before starting the transition...

    quote myself here to state that this still is an annoying issue after some hotfixes... you know you could easily prevent this from even happen, right? just by force-closing every other screen right before you start loading into another instance. but better yet, give us a tool (console command) that makes it possible to 'fix' all those 'issues' ourself, like with the unstuck command (which nowadays isn't needed so often anymore).

  17. codes not coming in relay-wide is still a far too often issue...

    here one hairy run where my team had to hold the position for over 45 min:xAl1A7P.jpg

    we could not return to the fleet since it was the very first murex and aborting the mission would hae meant to forfeit the tons of shedu parts AND 2 war blade parts too... and to top the fun we had, this was the one position where the bloody red orb is nearly constantly hurting the team... that was pretty... intense...

    i suggest we are allowed to return even without any murex done - at least until you are able to fix this mess.

  18. 8 hours ago, Wambo said:


    i cant use any ability anywhere, changing the keybind or macroing the ability button doesnt do anything

    this must be a bug in the game

    i hate to say this, but if this isn't just happen during one mission and went away after returning to your orbiter, the problem can't be in the game - else, most people would have the same issue, which is not the case...

    that said, i suspect indeed a problem with your key-bindings being at fault... not what you set it to, but the file it's safed in (EE.cfg). try moving/renaming/deleting the file (it will be re-created after restarting the game with default values). next, start the game again and before changing any key again, see if it works with the default settings for them.

    also, if you use any re-mapping tool for re-binding keyboard keys, check if that program isn't interfering... and yes, autohotkey is also such an program (beside macroing).

  19. 1 hour ago, (PS4)c0mbatw0mbat_87 said:

    this all looks amazing but warframe crashes before I can even load into the game for the last three weeks. Rip me

    you should check the "EE.log" as well as the 'Launcher.log" about the reason for the crash. if that don't give any lead to the why, see if your graphic cards driver are updated and running correctly, if the card isn't overclocked (or boosted like some manufacturer like to name the automatically oc'ing) and also it's temperature isn't running to high, forcing it to 'downclock' and thus often crashing the game. another logfile to check would be the windows evenlogs, especially the 'system tab of it - do so right after a crash and see if windows logged some error. another potential troublemaker can the PSU (your computers powersupply unit) - if you running at the upper max of what it can supply, there might be tiny fluctuations in some of the voltage-lines which then let the card or even the whole system crash. another reason for warframe to crash (i have this with 3 different nvidia cards so far) can be due to an illigal opcode being send which forces a crash of the driver (this, you would be shown in the windows event log). i managed to minimize this problem by running the game in 'fullscreen'-window mode or in borderless mode... instead of crashing every 15-20 minutes it now only happens once every few weeks. last but least, check if any programs running in the background (malicious or normal ones) and if you use any overlay program (if using steam, beside that one) like discord or any recording/benchmarking software, deactivate them for now and see if they are the cause. if so, update them or reinstall them, activate them again and check if the problem is solved.

    the location of warframes log files are: "c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Warframe\"

    the windows event logs you can open by either crawling thourgh the abbysmal setting menues of windows (10 in particular) or just by typing "event" in the open windows-start-menu - the name is "event view".

    if overclocking is the issue, try any programs like the MSIafterburner (yes, works well for any other manufacturer too and both mainlines of GPUs)

    as for the PSU, that's a bit tricky to get at - id you don't happen to have an oscilloscope at hand to 'log' the voltages over time - one thing i can say you though, all the programs which allow you to read the bios voltage values are of little to no help even those who offers to log them over time... if a crash happens it usually crashes the system long before those progs can write any entry or, are to short that, before a new set of values is written, they jumped back to normal... a pain in the arse. but, what you can do is some little math: add up what the major parts of your computer  use on the different voltage lines and compare this with what the PSU specs tell as max for each line. if you near the top-values of your PSU, consider buying a more powerfull one as replacement.

    as for checking after wanted or unwanted software, use microsofts/sysinternals 'autoruns' program (downloadable from microsoft technet site - or just google for sysinternal suite, this will get you there) for legit software that eats up any resources and run in the background (be wary though  of what you disable, if unsure, google what it is before deactivating it - you can always reactivate it via the same program if you didn't outright deleted the start entry). for 'unwanted' software, best do a clean scan from a bootable dives (e.g. usb-stick) with a antivirus software, running an up-to-date definition file).

    ofc, warframe itself vould be at fault, so a file-verification (VIA THE LAUNCHER!!! not from steam, if you values your sanity ^^)  also, you might want to check if the drive you have installed the game on has no issues (this is a time consuming procedure, so do this when you leave your rig for some hours doing any RL-stuff ^^)

    hope that helps


    • TYPE: in-game, event, returning to relay
    • DESCRIPTION: ship was returning to relay when i used the quick mission overview key
    • VISUAL: OpSXXkB.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: this was already a problem since the start of railjack, so you should know by now - also i said ho to, above.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: normal return to the relay and/or being able to exit this screen,...
    • OBSERVED RESULT: ... which can't - not even open the menu. ALT+F4 being the solution to this crap - and ofc, i likely won't be able to get back into this relay, losing the chance on bonus credits therfore...
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: first of all, the ship has to be recalled to the relay for whatever reason - either by someone (in this case someone else ordered MY ship back after mission or it went automatically, who can say?) and then you press and hold the the quick-mission-screen-key while the transition starts... same thing as before with normal railjack missions.
    • how to prevent this: by a) stop with this automaticall recall crap and b) stop letting anyone but the host use the nav console. also c) put in a bloody time of at least 3-5 sec warning before starting the transition...
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