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Posts posted by fr4gb4ll

  1. 5 hours ago, chaotea said:

    I think its there to some extent. I ran one last night, and had 1 other person join me randomly.

    it seems to be that a) people play the ground mission more since they get points fastere and easier this way and b) mission-joiners seems to be only able to do so until the first scan is done on ground (or the first code recived in space). at least now (with the last hotfix) they offer a join or host option for the mission... though i had some bugs with that 'feature' already: aside from the usual 'session not available anymore' crap i wound up in space when i selected a ground mission ^^)

  2. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    Check again. They been removing formas from relics. 

    so what? you could just use the relics that have them as possible rewards. you know, some time back people were complaining about forma BPs being part of the rewards in far too many relice (nearly every relic had a forma in the list, some few even had one as common AND also as uncommon reward). now, DE tried to to pack new prime stuff into less many relics and ofc, that means some forma BPs had to go for it - and what do have now? people complaining about NOT having forma BPs in about every run.

    i could complain about this like you, since i don't need any prime parts anymore (or at least for now until we get something new) and i'm also in dire need of more forma BPs since i used them all up and my build forma are below 50 now too... and because i'm too lazy to regulary farm them... but i don't complain about it. i know how to get them if i really want and that's just fine for me. most other people are more for getting stuff to sell for platinum and/or ducats and they seem to be just fine with this arrangement.


    Rip magus lockdown

    ...was it necessary to quote the whole post?

    but yes, what they done to lockdown is way too much - if it really were THAT op in eso, which i never felt it was, they could have just nerf it there and not totally... 2 tethers are kindergarten now. guess i'll use another arcane now that offers someting...

  4. 22 minutes ago, Ikyr0 said:

    Our clan and alliance. It's a pretty good sample size. The only reason to run sorties was to get rivens, and now you can get that with requiem relic farming. Just get rid of this god-forsaken game mode. 

    not really a representatively crowd, regardless of the clans size. but yes, if riven were the driving factor, i can see your dislike here - though constant requiem farming isn't to everyones liking either (certainly not mine, since i had done so much farming in this game that now where i don't need it anymore rather not start it again). also, with a constant running at the (again) maximum riven count, which i reached mearly through the sortie system plus some few login-rewards riven, i certainly won't farm for even more of them on purpose ^^)

    i do like getting boosters from time to time though (though i always could buy them myself). then i have a insentive to spend some more hours in game to use them at least a bit. and even  the potatos which i have about 50+ of each to spare by now are not to bad as a reward to get once in a while. all in all, the rewards are still quite ok and the 3 sorties are done quick enough to make this a viable method for casual player to have a chance of getting those things.

    new ways of making sorties more rewardfull and/or interesting would still be nice.

    i agree with the invasion mode - this could be made far enjoyable than it is atm (or rather always was). i usually rush through those missions if i really have to do them and don't enjoy them at all - tbh, i think i only found them nice years back when i started warframe and got tiered of them pretty fast when i realized all the time we had to spend doing them just to get a decent amount of some of the more hard to get resources in warframe... same i can say about the derelict and DEs debakel with the hema-research some years back - that ruined my taste for the whole derelic...

    anyway, lets hope you're right and, if DE use the squad-link for other game modes, that they also iron out all the trouble that matchmaking always had in warframe. if they can do this, i'm all for making the game even better in any way it's possible.

    • Like 4
  5. 17 hours ago, Ikyr0 said:


    Sorties are NOT fine, not by a long shot. Not sure what you guys are smoking. DE will see that from their metrics. I haven't ran one in over a year. Rewards are utter trash and too rng, while the content is old, outdated, recycled.

    Waiting to see how Squad Link pans out first is obvious. I think they can do it.

    nothing good to smoke, sorry. i'm curious though where you got any information from, regarding how many people (still?) play sorties... i won't argue about rewards or contend in it, since there isn't much to say about it from my perspective as a player who already have everything the game can offer at this point and therefore every kind of reward could be labled, as you say, 'utter trash'... same goes for contend, but what did you expect, that they do completely new areas just for sorties? come on, be real...

    i'm not against changing anything in the game but even if squad link will bre the hit of the century, putting it into the sortie (or any other mode) will be a far off shot. might i also remind you why the trials were a much hated contend back then? not because all the idiot who one could end up with, not the difficulty of it (which was none as sone as you played it once or twice)... no, is was because the game in its core wasn't build to handle more than 4 ppl at one time - except for the relays which where hosted by DE server just because of this particulary problem of a p2p-nature which warframe uses for missions... even the dojo had restrictions in the amount of people to it since it was hosted be the first entering player. this, was therefore changed to server hosted instances too.

    now, if you take squad-link into consideration, and also keep in mind that warframe is still a p2p game where the host of a railjack mission as well as the one hosting the sortie is still just one gal/guy with a (hopefully) decent computer and a (further hopefully) stable, cable-bound internet conection, you'll still end up with a problem that lies not entirely in the reach of even DE to change: the nature of the decade old 2p2 system the game is based on. i strongly doubt that DE can or wants to change this aspect of the game and therefore i see the source of many problems for this new mode. but ofc, i'd like to be pleasantly surprised by the contrary.

    • Like 1
  6. maybe we should wait and see how 'squad-link' will be realized before asking for any changes - i see a lot of potential of fubar™ in it ^^)

    as for sorties, i don't see any real need for a change... invasions though... well, would be fun if we actually fight against the 'other side' of an invasion with frames involved on both ends 😄 but i guess that won't happen, like ever.

    • Like 2
  7. 14 hours ago, AltriaOwO said:

    Maybe we have different definitions of the length of time. This bug has kept almost two weeks and I think it is long enough for such a critical bug. Especially there is the double-resources weekend last week.

    Besides, many players meet this bug in solo mode (including me), it seems like this bug is because of something wrong with the Kuva siphon, not because of bad network connections. I noticed that when the host leaves the mission, many things will be reset(like kavat buff will disappear) and the siphon has a probability of working in order. That's why I guess there is something wrong with that machine.

    so far i didn't had the (or one of them, if there are different issues at work) bug in solo mode - but that only might be a clue that some specific things trigger the problem(s). might be a frame ability or a weaopn or even some other kind of equipment like the operator arcane and/or used focus skills.

    true, the double resource WE was kinda wasted for those who explicitly wanted to go kuva farming - though i guess DE had more those who wanted to farm railjack related resources in mind with it...

    in any case, DE sure knows of the problem by know and will fix it in 'due' time ^^)  i remember how much problems the siphons had after release and how long that took to fix... more or less... 😅

  8. On 2020-03-16 at 5:17 PM, AltriaOwO said:

    I was bothered by this problem for a long time.

    for a 'long' time? it's only since the update... true though, it's annoying since the mission will be gone from the list if you end the mission objective and extract. the relic will be rewarded but the kuva will not, all the while the siphon will be 'frozen' in various states, regardless of destroyed braids (i had many zero-braids and the consequent queens complains, when the damn thing got stucked). only things that might help then are aborting the mission or, on some cases, only the host doing this, giving the rest of the team the chance to end the mission correctly... if the host-migration isn't screwing anything else...

  9. On 2020-03-12 at 6:45 PM, CH3N9 said:

    Me too. Happen somewhat frequently. Often in Eidolon because going archwing mode. Also happen to operator mode. Jumping into water or pit does nothing. The only way to break loose was to take hit and die to respawn. Stagger might be the cause but I still haven't look into it.

    so far, it always worked again for me when i activated the AW-mode again and melee-slam (yet again) or deactivate it via the hotkey. dying isn't necessary to solve this (at least not for me til now and because of this problem). and yes, the new stagger system  is very likely the problem here - it also causes other problems (try a finisher right after staggering from a ex-self-damage weapon...)

  10. so, i tested this a handfull of times and this is the result:

    ofc, all done on pavlov/lua, one time with the lich mission active there (since i finished the mission, i could only do it once) and done with ivara prime using the infiltration mod on her and using as armament the kuva bramma, a kitgun, the paracesis and the carrier prime as sentinel with the stinger as its weapon.

    in the first run i could confirm your description at one of the vaults - it was the annoying one where you have jump from platform to platform and every time shooting the 'floating cube' to move it forward... i entered this vault while being in prowl mode and the alarm went on at once before i even done anything else, so no hack failure involved. what might be of interest (since it's also fairly new to the game) is that i had 'auto breach' in the parazon equipted and it did triggered when i entered this particulary time and vault. might be nothing but coincident, but it might be of help for the devs to recreate the cirumstances - it did only happen with the one run in the kuva lich mission though. the other runs (normal spy rmission without the lich being active) did not sound the alarm in the same vault regardless of being in prowl mode, or the auto breach being triggered. also, the other vaults in the kuva lich mission went on without the alarm being triggered - though, i did not entered them while being in prowl-mode but one other (the one with the many lasers in the very big chamber right after entering) also open via autobreach trigger. the 3rd vault did not involve any door to open via hacking, so ofc, there was no parazon use there too (also, i entered the first room not in prowl-mode). i used the prowl-mode in every run and vault on different parts, so it did not seem to be a general problem at least with this.

    my conclusion is that the 'presents' of the either the grineer or the thralls in the mission were the factor for the faulty alarm trigger this one time - even though there were no enemy inside the vault nor where any 'outside' alarm triggered (or was i seen by anyone, in that matter). since i could not re-test the same kuva lich spy mission with different approaches and/or equipment i can not say more to any possible influence of the used mod (autobreach) or ivaras prowl (with infiltrator equipt) nor can i say if the only vault where this happen was the above mentioned one or if the others might have had the same problem were i to entered them in the same manner.

    tl;dr: yes there is a bug in the spy mission on lua, at least when the mission is done as the kuva lich version.

  11. 19 hours ago, Vas_Eldryn said:


    As soon as you hit the big button to start the vault and enter the rift into the future the alarms immediately go off. I'm using Oloro because I like tractor beam when in prowl.


    ok, that doesn't sound like intended behaviour - i think i'll just test this right now. also, i still don't now what 'oloro' is ^^)   only thing i get about is that in yoruba it means 'deadly' or 'poisonous', which gives me no clue as for what kind of warframe equipment it is... might be of no consequence, but bugs are often triggered by small factors. maybe it's the 'stinger' sentinel weapon?

  12. 48 minutes ago, Deadoon said:

    Actually it did. I even tested that in the later part of that post post.

    Edit: also radiation procs do not allow you to kill your companions once again. And there is no radiation sources on the kuva fortress outside of liches which these were not lich missions.

    Also cautious shot was still in effect under rad proc.


    Edit2: also a level 63 should not be dealing 14k damage logically. Those damage/health values are at the point of the final blow. The frames health is in the original post at 5600.



    Tested in the void, the logs will tell you if you were the one to kill the MD objective. Tested in mobile defense because the defense lasers are true instant kill. Got rad procced and fired a rocket at the objective, instant kill and fail. Logs confirm I was the one credited with the kill.


    ok, i stand corrected about the log not consider self damage.

    as for the companian problem, it seems that if the cat or dog gets proced but you are not, there is the chance this can happen - i had this a few times even before the update. though it isn't reliable to recreate and i guess there is more to this to happen than just the rad-proc being applied.

    about the damage, there always were 'strange' values shown in the log that did not seems to be true when observing the game (it's a pita to do, but one can record the whole game and cross-check with the log-file afterwards). the values shown are often not what they are in the log - if because of internal calculations toward the real damage or just because a logging issue, idk. one thing is for sure though: when i get hit as innaros from a lvl 200 napalm or bombard, i don't take much damage (with my build at least) maybe 100-200 hundred. the only thing that ever insta-killed me as inaros were other players when them or me were rad-proced. i guess is that the logged dmg-values are more 'raw' values that will be influenced by many more internal factors before being applied - though, there are still such occasional 'killed by 1 damage' oddities in the log that leaves one to wonder WTH!?  ^^)   therefore my advice to not to put too much trust in the logfile when it comes to the damages done ore dealed... i usually only look into them when other strange things happen during a mission (which funny enough is quite regulary in warframe - so much that start to think them as feature and not as bugs).

    sadly the simularcrum does not allow a direct test environment to, for example, add specific procs to enemies, the player or the pets/companions so testing which weapon or ability does what under such different circumstances is a bit bothersome.

    specifically the radiation proc is prone to funny (or not) effects that might occure even after the effect is gone. i had cases of not being able to pick up my weapon, the data mass or reviving someone after being proced and something dropped from me (or in case of others, going down) while affected - and that even after returning to normal... point is, there seems to be so many things a radiation proc does that it does not supprises me when some weapons acting strange. so far, i 'tested' the behavior of the brammar, kulstar, lenz, kuva tonkor and angstrum while being rad-procted and did not killed myself or my cat with it... though i always tried not too fire at any mission objectives when that happens, so i can't be sure of what the result would be... so i guess, it being destroyed is the logical outcome here ^^

    what does affect pets that are rad-proced though are operator void dashes and effects from the focus schools and also the operator arcanes in use.

  13. well, the re-direction to the show page does only give you some 'possible' sources of the problem - you will be better off though to check on your event logs from window - under the system tab. if you use a nvida card and it is overclocked (by yourself or automatically like many cards do these days) this is one possible reason why, even if this wasn't happening before. and yes, this is as much DEs fault as it is nvidias, for the debugging always showed me one thing as the reason the driver stoped working: illigal opcode being called by the program (namely warframe). this happens because either some changes in the engine and/or by nvidia set of commands and how they should be used occured - and both did often enough in the past for either or both being the reason for such crashes... usually, after some time one or the other side will fix this out, though i still have this crashes occasionally for more than a year now.

    it did helped though not playing on fullscreen anymore but using the borderless windowed mode for warframe - before, such a crash happen nearly every 20 minutes ingame, now only once in a blue bloon... well, more often but maybe once a month ^^)

    and ofc, warframe and overclocked hardware (very especially oc'ed GPUs) don't play well together - can't speak for AMDs cards though since i avoid this crap for more than 2 decades already and will doing so... but with nvidia cards, i had problems with the game with already 5 different cards (or maybe 6, since i tried out many). regardless of you having oc'ed the card or if the producer of the card made the 'boosting' an automatically 'feature' (one, that lessens the lifespan of the card quite a lot ^^) best is to turn it off for warframe by any OC-program at hand. if you got such program together with your graphic card, you can use this - or if not, use msi afterburner for it - it will work with ever card, not only msi ones and also with both main gpu producer (nvidia and amd). just google for the 'unboosted' gpu frequency of your chips family and set it to this value - many oc'progs allow you to create profiles for different games too, so you only have to set this up for those games that need a clean running gpu (or ofc, boost the frequency for certain other games only). if the cards memory is also overclocked, you might want to set this straight too, though i never had any trouble in this section nor did warframe acted up when the CPU was overclocked - but, DE recommand not using any oc'ed hardware at all together with their game, so that's that.

    last but not least, also overheating of the gpu (and the consquential 'down-clocking' of it) can cause this crash, as can problems with the powersupply unit (psu) of your rig. those are hard to detect if they only happen to a few lines like the supply for the graphic card - best to do some little math and add up all what your computers hardware need (best for all the seperate voltages too) and double check with what your power supply unit can give out. if, after generously rounded it up, it looks like you running on the upper border of what is possible, i would suggest replacing it with a stronger one since even little fluctuations might cause under-voltage problems for milliseconds that can stagger the card - or even crash the whole computer. running in SLI-mode is even more a problem for this if the PSU wasn't build for it.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2020-02-12 at 11:37 AM, Deadoon said:

    Did you look at the kill log I posted?  An elite lancer was awarded the kill.

    ah, you put too much trust into the log here - it won't tell you if you got killed by your own weapons (well, not when this was possible) and neither when another player with rad-proc active on him or on yourself killed you... the log would just assume that the last enemy who hit you got the kill.

  15. 3 hours ago, Vas_Eldryn said:

    Using Ivara Prime

    ...buuuut.... did you used here 'infiltration' mod too?

    also, wth is the 'oloro' companion? you mean the 'shade'? or the pet? whatever, you trigger the alarm if you not using the 'infiltration' mod and being in prowl-mode when touching any laser in there. so either not touching them at all (yes, that is possible) or just walk right trough all the crap in prowl mode with infiltratio equipt and make the whole thing a walk in the park.

  16. i wonder how you actually measure this. by playing hundreds of missions? unlikely.

    though, for some time the standing opinion is that the drop chance booster do not stack and in case of arbitrations only work if the host has the booster active. keep in mind, that the double resource booster also only works for the player who has it running and is not stacking either (with multiple players using it, that is).

    what does work, afaik, is that if you had the chance booster AND we also have a weekend bonus of the same type, the drop chances would be increased as if the effect were doubled... still, hard to prove since the damn stuff is dropping quite irregular even in normal cases (like i had dozents of them in a 30 min solo run and then again, only 4 in yet another similar mission).

  17. or maybe he never collected them, thinking they will get sucked in like most other stuff ^^)  the 199 then were just 'accidents'...

    oh well, likely not. might be a visual thing though. in any case, there is no cap on those bugger for i have tons of both... and on the damn ayatan sculptures too - and they still keep accumulating.

  18. such things should be send directly to the support via a ticket, not posted here - they likely won't see this for a long time otherwise. keep in mind though that it still might take a week or two until they work on your ticket if the support is flooded with requests. and since this is your friends lost item, he should do it.

    still, before even this, he should try to restart the game - it might be just that the lost item is restored then.

    • Like 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, PookieNumnums said:

    Because all research was trivial to get? 

    You can't just "get the endo" 

    There is a 72 hr window gated by x days minimum required to be a clan member before you even qualify

    and that is a problem? ofc there have to be a timed window, else it would be misused to hell and back - even DE thought of this one beforehand.... this time...

    and sure as hell, endo is easy to get by anyone who isn't a newbie player to warframe - but ofc, if 'some' people uses all their endo for ranking up al those duplicate prime mods and then sell them for a lot of platinum, then sure, even vets can run out of endo. and yes, there are many of 'those' people - not necessary you, but when i read such a statement from someone who has been around the game as long as you, i sure get the impression of it.

    so again, nope - no need to change anything in this regard. getting all the primed mods up and running worked perfectly well all the time for most people and there is no reason to make even more of the game into kindergarten level contend.

  20. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    "Haha #*!% you go farm the thing you already farmed again because #*!% you and your time"

    or because it's fun!


    nah, it's not, just kidding - i also got tired of doing the trippletons over and over again (though i still do occasionally runs to keep the skillz 'honed').

    still, the extra 2 ranks of those arcanes i lookt at are ok - yes even the guardian is fine with me. mostly scewed are those who don't have tons of arcanes around and could not rank them up to 5 and thus might have now only r3 versions with a little worse stats available... feels bad for al those 'power seller'... (nah, that's a lie, i'm positively rof'ling about that ^^)

  21. eh? what? you need some spare endo? i'd love to give you some 100ks of it if it where possible...

    anyway, the seemingly reason here seem to not overindulge all the new players - which imo 65k already is. beside, new players don't even have the credits to rank up primed mods left and right (even less the ducats, usually). vets, shouldn't have much problems with endo - we have tons of mods we can disolve into endo and likely we have hundreds upon hundreds of bloddy ayatans (and more bloody stars to fill them up).

    tl;dr: don't make everything in the game a trival matter to get - or, we need something else worthwhile to do with all the damn endo we accumulate...

  22. so far i haven't had the bug(s) concerned when playing the missions in solo, so tht might be what you want to do for now. ofc, i might just be that some abilities are responsible for it, in which case it's also advisable to solo them (and avoid using the frmaes and/or the abilities).

    what i find more annoying is that when the bug happens and one ends the mission in a normal fashion, the relic will be rewarded and the mission disappears form the list as finished... the mission should stay in there if the siphon wasn't destroyed, no matter what - and screw the relic ^^)

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