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Everything posted by fr4gb4ll

  1. and that is likely your problem: this kind of of gameplay is just not for you. for me and others it is though and beside some aspects of this one and circuit, i enjoyed it...
  2. idk what you mean with 'normal' drops, but for me they can drop the rare-ish resource, vocas, arcanes and in case of disruption the keys too. i never had them drop the 'ultra rare' arcanes though.
  3. just one silly thought here: do you, by chance, use any kind of script for input-actions? because that is what happens to me when i go into anyplace that offers the serach via text and have accidently activates such script (usually, by pressing one of the many mouse buttons). while especially space won't 'hide' anything this way (if you would use space for anything in the game), most of any other letters, numbers and symbols will, ofc, hide every mods in your storage. also this way, it might switch the category-tabs if the buttons for it are used...
  4. +1 mate finally found it by looking in the 'usual' locations and listen to the mites sound... that bug and another one that prevented nost enemies to enter the kill zone (they teleported away - same as the player did too when crossing the red circle) 'extended' the time for the mission to 26 minutes instead of the usual 10-12min (or less)...
  5. that goes for the ranged 'heavy weapon' too. witha few exceptions, that all are far weaker than even many 'normal' pistoles in the game. i'd like that, beside the very much needed rework of the whole AW guns and blades system (and stats), the mechanic of their use would be more... streamlined... or more specific: let them just be a 4th choice in the arsenal. they have their own type of ammo already and the 'effect' of using them is more than ok with me but the annoying equip part and the 'waiting time' when the ammo isn't full is not. DE should order those devs who designed the 'heavy weapons' to a crash course in the army, for them to learn what 'heavy weapon' really means ^^)
  6. so... after 6 years, THAT still can happen - exactly as the OP described it here: used forma in cetus, no screen about what forma to use, no selection of a slot but the frame get back to unranked, the used forma on it counts up and the forme itself gets substracted too... nice job DE, did you guys never read the bug forum or never though about testing those reports a few times yourself - and NOT on your precious test environment but on the live server and when it's full of people too (like NOW during the new plaguestar event). normaly i would open a ticket to complain about and wanting my forma back and the frame returned to rank 30 too (not that that would do much, since that would take weeks for even the support to react to it, but anyway...), since one forma 'only' cost me about 9min in SP PS and the frame will be back at 30 in about 3 such runs too, i won't. still it annoys me to no end when i see developers ignore reported bugs for 6 years or worse, re-implement them (if that what happened) due to sloopy copy/paste work of code and lack of quality management. so, fix it, for good this time!
  7. my guess is that you accidently started the qualify instead of the practice run. or was your run successfully? then idk... the only two times i 'failed' mastery rank test over the years were when hotfixes (with their short notice warnings) came in during my test and the syncronisation at the end of the test didn't work.
  8. he sure meant getting forma BPs... maybe he never saw that the reward of formas in Ps are BUILD ones. essential, one normal or SP run saves you 24h build time (or platinum for buying / speed up the buildtime).
  9. with a friend and one of us a volt, 10min is quite doable, yes - sadly, doing the normal or even the easy run, take about the same amount of time.... therefore i still say SP rewards are... unrewarding ^^)
  10. correct, but DE made this PS event first time available for SP, so at least they could have think of something better than just copy/pasting the default settings for it and just adding +100 endo and 25!!! kuva more than in the 'normal' difficulty - oh i forgot the 600 more standing... harharhar. seriously, 1000 endo, 250 kuva, at least 1000 more standing than the 'middle' difficulty and at the very least, radiant relics and some token SP-essences would make me concider it worth doing the SP-run of this.... that said, i done them just for the fun anyway but feel badly rewarded each time. oh, any yes: lenses and BPs should be kicked out of the SP droptable completely -really, stop copy/pasting everything, everytime DE and put some work (and more so, thought) into your 'events'.
  11. beside from inaros, nidus, kullervo and ofc hildryn ^^) but yes, the mod would heve been questionable useful before this last update due to it's not being a exilus mod but with the changes now, i can't even see a use for it at all except if one goes for a survivablilty build without any significant use of abilities - and that might only be viable for a very selected amount of frames (if at all...).
  12. 1. that only tells me that shield mods also should have been exilus candidates. and before you state that those mods (same would be true to health and armor equivalents) are survivability mods, i say: that also goes for (primed) surefooted and similar mods too (though the primed one sure is one of the most used one, for those who already got it, since it nearly removes one of the most dangerous scenarios for your frame against very high enemy levels like in circuit SP where you often are dead meat once they knock you down). 2. unintended maybe, but they made it into feature long before this update by not removing the effect of the dragon key (which wouldn't really had hurt the gameplay at all. or, like i said above, if the devs had just though a bit before adding shieldgate and its combination with other game mechanics, they could just came up with a system like the one they implemented now. btw, this isn't the first time DE releases something new and then learn the hard way that there are consequences to it if one doesn't understand ones own creation... funny for them maybe, but sadly enough, usually not for the players if they spend time and efford to find an usefull application to such new contend/mechanics/weapons/mods/etc... the newest example is right in this update too: the 'fix' of thermal sunder when fused into other frames made my harrow nuker totally useless - and i never even suspected that to be one of those 'unintended' things needed to be fixed.... not that DE even made it widely public afaik, and it certainly was 'available' for a long long time till now. and no, it surely wasn't even overpowered like many other 'unintended' mistakes DE made over the years... so sorry, but i can't accept the 'unintended' excuse DE usues so often - but that's beside my thread purpose and only should state that DE doesn't really know its own game as much as they should and changing thing in this state of mind is predetermined to produce 'unintended' results. in any case, i doubt that they will change this mod to be an exilus one anytime soon or at all and more or less wanted them to know their more... generally failure in thinking new stuff through before releasing it into the wild. makes me wonder if the those players on their test-server, who should have known better at least, are worth their salt when they can't even point out those 'unintended' problems...
  13. the mod itself is great, since it can spares us the use of the dragon key (and the annoying mechanic that comes with not-having loadout specific gear wheels)... but... the mod should be one for the exilus slot. reason for that is simple: it's an utility mod like e.g. primed sure footed and also uses up space for far more important mods. try as i might, so far i can't see any frame build where i would use it but i do have at least a few where i would consider it in the exilus slot - even instead of my usual choice, the mentioned "primed sure footed". ofc, there are many other mods that i would also see changed into exilus-capable versions but that's another story. so far, i only get the impression that you gals & guys at DE never really think your ideas through - at least not from the perspective of your player base. just randomly putting mods into a frame might work good enough against enemies in normal 'map-missions' but i dare say that more players rather play against high-level enemies (either steel path or long endless missions and such). for those players, there is no real choice placing that new mod into a proven build - 8 slots are just too valuable for even a good utility mod to put in.
  14. the only way to level stuff in the circuit is by already going into the cave with the unleveled frame and/or weapons that you will then actually choose to in there. otherwise, no progress... idk if DE intended that kind of nonsens or not but until now (many hotfixes and one bigger update) they didn't changed it, so my guess it was intended and is not a bug.
  15. so, i just found the shortcut in the syndicate screen which let us travel to the relay and spawn us directly at the room of the syndicate we wanted to visit.... neat function and i wonder why i haven't seen it till now. so, i thought that beside syndicates, which most of us don't really travel to that often, why not having a similar function for the one place in a relay we do: the simulacrum. sure, we can fast travel to simaris after landing in the relay and then only have to roll over to the left to get to the simulacrum entrance but if the only thing we want on a relay is to enter it, why do we have to waste time travleing to a relay station first just to loading out of it right after getting there to travle then into the simulacrum? not only does that costs time and, for that minute or more locks the place for other players on the relay instance (may sound irrelevant, but try to get a full squat into one and the same relay at once, for blessing and such... you will likely end up in seperate instances if the 'mission' caller choose a not-empty one.) it also costs unnecessary server resources on top of it - might be small but it accumulates... nowadays, we have the option to travel back to the orbiter from inside of the simulacrum too, which weren't the case to many years, so why not the other way around? the simulacrum is not really a part of the relay staion (code-wise) and the only reason i can see it's handled the way it is, that we spend more time with travling. keep the entrance to it in simaris room but also give the players a shortcut directly to it - be it via the arsenal or any other place in the orbiter.
  16. or simply a key which we can press to get a list as a small overlay window (on a side of the display - preferably configurable by the player). a bit like the map or the duviri decrees.
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